AMPLIFIERS AND OSCILLATORS 6/9/2015www.noteshit.com2
Differential amplifier An amplifier which amplifies the difference between the two input signals is called differential amplifier Fig /9/2015www.noteshit.com3
CLASSIFICATION Differential amplifier is classified as 1 Voltage amplifier 2. Current amplifier 3. Tran conductance amplifier 4. Tran resistance amplifier 6/9/2015www.noteshit.com4
CHARACTERISTICS The characteristics of differential amplifier 1.Infinite input resistance 2.Zero output resistance 3.Infinite gain 4.Infinite Bandwidth 6/9/2015www.noteshit.com5
BASIC DIFFERENTIAL AMPLIFIER Basic differential amplifier has two input voltage signals. 6/9/2015www.noteshit.com6
Cont V O =A d (V 1 -V 2 ) Where A d is called differential gain, (V 1 -V 2 ) Is called differential voltage V d = (V 1 -V 2 ). A d =V O / V d if V 1 =V 2 then V d, and V O would become zero. In practical differential Amplifier depends on both difference and average common level of two inputs. 6/9/2015www.noteshit.com7
Cont…. Common mode signal is V C = (V 1 +V 2 ) /2 V O =A C (V 1 +V 2 ) /2 or V O =A C V C. Where V C is called as common mode gain. The Total output voltage is V O = A d V d +A C V C. 6/9/2015www.noteshit.com8
COMMON MODE REJECTION RATIO The ability of a differential amplifier to reject a common mode signal is expressed by CMMR =ρ=20 log A d/ A C Differential amplifier has two modes Common mode and differential mode. 6/9/2015www.noteshit.com9
DIFFERENTIAL MODE 6/9/2015www.noteshit.com10
Cont… The input signals are same in magnitude but 180 degree phase shift Q 1 is positive going and Q 2 is negative going. R E has same current but 180 degree phase shift,so AC current in R E is zero. The output of collector one and two are equal but opposite in phase. 6/9/2015www.noteshit.com11
Cont….. Therefore the total output voltage of differential mode is V d = (V 1 -V 2 ) V 1 = Voltage across collector one V 2 = Voltage across collector two Therefore total output voltage is twice as large as signal voltage from either collector to ground. 6/9/2015www.noteshit.com12
COMMON MODE 6/9/2015www.noteshit.com13
Cont.. The input signals of Q 1 and Q 2 are equal in magnitude and phase. RE carries current (2I E ) and provides negative feedback. The output voltage at collector one and two are same in phase and magnitude Therefore Vo= 0 in common mode. 6/9/2015www.noteshit.com14
Feedback amplifiers and oscillators Feedback is a process of injecting some energy from the output and then return it to the input.The amplifier which uses this is called feedback amplifier. Classification of feedback amplifiers 1. Positive Feedback amplifiers 2. Negative Feedback amplifiers 6/9/2015www.noteshit.com15
Feedback amplifiers and oscillators 6/9/2015www.noteshit.com16
Feedback amplifiers and oscillators 6/9/2015www.noteshit.com17
Feedback amplifiers and oscillators Types of feedback connections 6/9/2015www.noteshit.com18
Feedback amplifiers and oscillators 6/9/2015www.noteshit.com19
Feedback amplifiers and oscillators 6/9/2015www.noteshit.com20
Feedback amplifiers and oscillators 6/9/2015www.noteshit.com21
Feedback amplifiers and oscillators 6/9/2015www.noteshit.com22
Feedback amplifiers and oscillators 6/9/2015www.noteshit.com23
Feedback amplifiers and oscillators 6/9/2015www.noteshit.com24
Feedback amplifiers and oscillators 6/9/2015www.noteshit.com25
Feedback amplifiers and oscillators 6/9/2015www.noteshit.com26
Feedback amplifiers and oscillators 6/9/2015www.noteshit.com27
Feedback amplifiers and oscillators 6/9/2015www.noteshit.com28
Feedback amplifiers and oscillators 6/9/2015www.noteshit.com29
Oscillators 6/9/2015www.noteshit.com33
Oscillator Introduction of Oscillator Linear Oscillator –Wien Bridge Oscillator –RC Phase-Shift Oscillator –LC Oscillator Stability 6/9/2015www.noteshit.com34
Oscillators Oscillation: an effect that repeatedly and regularly fluctuates about the mean value Oscillator: circuit that produces oscillation Characteristics: wave-shape, frequency, amplitude, distortion, stability 6/9/2015www.noteshit.com35
Application of Oscillators Oscillators are used to generate signals, e.g. –Used as a local oscillator to transform the RF signals to IF signals in a receiver; –Used to generate RF carrier in a transmitter –Used to generate clocks in digital systems; –Used as sweep circuits in TV sets and CRO. 6/9/2015www.noteshit.com36
Linear Oscillators 1.Wien Bridge Oscillators 2.RC Phase-Shift Oscillators 3.LC Oscillators 4.Stability 6/9/2015www.noteshit.com37
Integrant of Linear Oscillators For sinusoidal input is connected “Linear” because the output is approximately sinusoidal A linear oscillator contains: - a frequency selection feedback network - an amplifier to maintain the loop gain at unity 6/9/2015www.noteshit.com38
Basic Linear Oscillator and If V s = 0, the only way that V o can be nonzero is that loop gain A =1 which implies that (Barkhausen Criterion) 6/9/2015www.noteshit.com39
Wien Bridge Oscillator Frequency Selection Network Let and Therefore, the feedback factor, 6/9/2015www.noteshit.com40
can be rewritten as: For Barkhausen Criterion, imaginary part = 0, i.e., Supposing, R 1 =R 2 =R and X C1 = X C2 =X C, 6/9/2015www.noteshit.com41
Example By setting, we get Imaginary part = 0 and Due to Barkhausen Criterion, Loop gain A v =1 where A v : Gain of the amplifier Therefore, Wien Bridge Oscillator 6/9/2015www.noteshit.com42
RC Phase-Shift Oscillator Using an inverting amplifier The additional 180 o phase shift is provided by an RC phase-shift network 6/9/2015www.noteshit.com43
Applying KVL to the phase-shift network, we have Solve for I 3, we get Or 6/9/2015www.noteshit.com44
The output voltage, Hence the transfer function of the phase-shift network is given by, For 180 o phase shift, the imaginary part = 0, i.e., and, Note: The –ve sign mean the phase inversion from the voltage 6/9/2015www.noteshit.com45
LC Oscillators The frequency selection network (Z 1, Z 2 and Z 3 ) provides a phase shift of 180 o The amplifier provides an addition shift of 180 o Two well-known Oscillators: Colpitts Oscillator Harley Oscillator 6/9/2015www.noteshit.com46
For the equivalent circuit from the output Therefore, the amplifier gain is obtained, 6/9/2015www.noteshit.com47
The loop gain, If the impedance are all pure reactances, i.e., The loop gain becomes, The imaginary part = 0 only when X 1 + X 2 + X 3 =0 It indicates that at least one reactance must be –ve (capacitor) X 1 and X 2 must be of same type and X 3 must be of opposite type With imaginary part = 0, For Unit Gain & 180 o Phase-shift, 6/9/2015www.noteshit.com48
Hartley OscillatorColpitts Oscillator 6/9/2015www.noteshit.com49
Colpitts Oscillator Equivalent circuit In the equivalent circuit, it is assumed that: Linear small signal model of transistor is used The transistor capacitances are neglected Input resistance of the transistor is large enough 6/9/2015www.noteshit.com50
At node 1, where, Apply KCL at node 1, we have For Oscillator V must not be zero, therefore it enforces, 6/9/2015www.noteshit.com51
Imaginary part = 0, we have Real part = 0, yields 6/9/2015www.noteshit.com52
THANK U 6/9/2015www.noteshit.com53