Arkansas ACSIP Pilot Project (Indistar) presented by Elbert Harvey, Coordinator School Improvement/Standard Assurance Bobby Lester, Director of Federal Programs School Improvement Specialist Arkansas Department of Education March 17th, 2015
Purpose of ACSIP The purpose of the Arkansas Comprehensive School Improvement Planning (ACSIP) is to provide a framework for a comprehensive, highly structured specific and focused action plan that addresses primarily the effective use of the school’s implementation of goals, instructional programs, and strategies to meet student needs. The ACSIP model is an annual planning and fund distribution design that must be used by all Arkansas public and charter schools, as defined by Ark. Code Ann. § 6-15-419.
ACSIP at Work – Conceptually School Level School leadership teams conduct a comprehensive needs assessment to identify priorities, goals, interventions, and actions that scientific-based research indicates will improve adult and student performance and close achievement gaps. The team identifies resources available to successfully complete school improvement actions, effectively implement interventions, and meet goals to achieve intended outcomes. The school leadership team uses the ACSIP framework to develop an annual plan that includes fund distribution. The team submits the collaboratively-developed plan to district leadership for approval and support. What are our needs? What can we do to meet them? How will we spend our money in order to fund actions identified in the plan to meet our needs? How can district leadership support us as we implement our plan?
ACSIP Program Applications Federal Programs Title I Title II A Title III Title VI Federal Budgets- Use the Match up cards for visuals during this portion of the training or list the budgets on post it paper. Title I - Title I Part A Improving the Academic Achievement of the Disadvantaged (Title I Part D Neglected Institutions Funds included as a set aside.) Title II A- Effective Teachers and Leaders Title II D – Enhancing Education Through Technology Title III – Language Instruction for Limited English Proficient and Immigrant Students Title IV A, 21st Century Schools, Part A– Safe and Drug-Free Schools and Communities Title V, Part a – Innovative Education Program Strategies Title VI State, Part B. Subpart 2 – Rural and Low-income School Program (100% of funds received under Title VI State, may be used for the same purpose as Title I-A, II-D, III, IV-A, Teacher recruitment and retention, including the use of signing bonuses and other financial incentives, Teacher professional development, Parental Involvement activities) Title VI Federal, Part B, Subpart 1 – Rural School Achievement Program (REAP) (100% of funds received under Title VI Fed. may be used for the same purpose as Title I, IIA, IID, III, IV-A, and V-A.) State Budgets ALE – Alternative Learning Environment Funding ELL – English Language Learners Funding NSLA – National School Lunch Act Funding PD – Professional Development Pam’s Talking points 2010-2011 All federal money must be budgeted but it doesn’t all have to be spent. Title I is for Literacy and Math
ACSIP Budgets and Components Federal Budgets Title I Title II A Title III Title VI State Budgets ALE ELL NSLA PD
State Expectations ACSIP and APSCN must agree. NSLA expenditures must be at 85% or higher. Fund transfers among state categorical funds are allowable, but fund balance may not exceed 20% of total allotment of all state categorical funds. Waivers to exceed the 20% maximum may be submitted for Commissioner approval.
Bottom Line Where do funds come from? Where do funds go? Did funds improve outcomes?
Audit Finding: APSCN and ACSIP do not agree. WHY? Program people in ACSIP Budget people in APSCN Program people make amendments to ACSIP Budget people don’t know. “What we have here is a failure to communicate.” The graphic show one-way communication, but we have no-way communication.
A Journey through Time It all started With!!! Next Came… First Look Quick Fix to a “Finding” Along Came ESEA Waiver, It was only “Logical” Looking Forward “What If” Now!!!!! Statewide System of Support Academy of Pacesetting States Indistar Indistar – Parent Involvement Plan Indistar – SIG Indistar – Priority and Focus Schools If we could only “BUDGET” ADI & ADE How to “FLY” Pilot project
Parental Involvement Plan Optional Template for District and School Plans Contains State and Federal Components Majority of Districts in the State use the template
SIG Schools in Arkansas All SIG schools in Arkansas chose the Transformation model Cohort 2 were required to utilize SIG Online Tool to help with Transformational model implementation Rapid Indicators Optional for Cohort 1 All schools volunteered to use SIG Online Tool
SIG Schools in Arkansas Assess Indicators 11 Federal Requirements for Transformational Model Create Transformation Plan Crosswalk Indicators with Transformation Toolkit Budget Amendments
The Problem Reality Desired Future Compliance Allowability District Direction Complexity of Reporting Authentic planning for improvement Identified Need Leadership Team Allocated Simplicity of Reporting
The Solution - Divide and Conquer The ACSIP model is an annual planning and fund distribution design… Planning Budgeting Planning is reported in Indistar, and school improvement planning is about school improvement. ADE program people provide coaching support to district and school leadership on effective implementation of research-based indicators for school improvement. Budgets are reported in APSCN and uploaded to the Indistar plan as a separate document. ADE budget people determine funding allowability and provide guidance for adherence to state and federal rules and regulations.
Learning to Budget Can we Budget at the Task Level We contracted with ADI to develop a process to budget by task. Is there another way? How can me make Both Budget Match? We worked with ADI to develop a process to import a Budget Document
The Indistar Improvement Equation Adult Performance Student Increased Learning Coaching and Stakeholder Feedback the professional practice of school personnel, as well as family supports provided students Formative Assessments Interim Assessments Summative Assessments End of Course Assessments All students learning; most performing at high levels
The Indistar Improvement Process 1. Assess Team assesses indicators. 2. Create Team creates and revises objective plans. 3. Monitor Team monitors progress.
Indicators in Arkansas Three required district-level indicators Five required indicators for schools with school wide Title I programs Three required from six state-identified indicators for all other schools Let’s have a look!
Future “Learning to Soar” Evaluate our progress and process What lessons did we learn or “Should Have” Work with Legislative Audit Implement Title I application Add Title II & Title III applications Integrate Special Education Expand ACSIP Pilot or Proceed to Statewide Implementation
Questions Elbert Harvey Bobby Lester Richard Wilde Jayne Green