MOU Certification Make Up Presented by Rotary District 7620 Grants Committee April 11, 2015
What is Future Vision? A plan that reflects the desires and interests of Rotary worldwide to give the Foundation a SUSTAINABLE and more VISIBLE IMPACT in the world. Rotary District 7620 Grants Committee
Objectives of Future Vision Encourage Clubs to work together Strengthen impact of Club projects Partner with other organizations Increase leverage Create innovation/artistry Advance understanding of the Foundation’s work Enhance Rotary’s public image Rotary District 7620 Grants Committee
6 Areas of Focus Peace and Conflict Resolution Disease Prevention and Treatment Water and Sanitation Maternal and Child Health Basic Education and Literacy Economic and Community Development Rotary District 7620 Grants Committee
Role of Grants Committee Oversee the qualification of Clubs Serve as a RESOURCE on all Rotary Foundation Grants Evaluate and Approve Proposals for District & Global Grants Oversee reporting to TRF Provide input on DDF distribution Report any potential misuses or irregularities in Grant related activities to TRF Rotary District 7620 Grants Committee
Grants Criteria 2 Club Members must be MOU certified Club members must make contribution to Polio Plus and to Annual Giving Host/International Club must be eligible No outstanding Final Reports on any open Global or District Grant Must have 3 club members on Global Grant Project Committee for both host/international clubs Rotary District 7620 Grants Committee
District Grants Process All applications must FIRST be submitted to the District Grants Committee Chair thru or regular mail. Club must then present their project at the District Grant Forum. District Grand Committee will review for approval each application and make recommendation to DRFC. If project is approved, Club will be notified and application will be submitted to TRF by DRFC for final approval. Once TRF approves project, DRFC will notify Club & only then can project be started. Rotary District 7620 Grants Committee
District Grant Details Local or International (District 7620 prefers local) No World Fund Match District will match with DDF per the New Rules posted on the website and on each application form (and up to $4,500 with 3 clubs or more) Grants Funds is managed by District No Club partner required Short –term, one time (no more than twice) and smaller scope Educational, Vocational or Humanitarian Applications accepted for Humanitarian Projects from 4/1/15 to 5/09/15 Clubs must present in person their Grant request to the Committee on May 16, 2015 at the District Grant Forum. Rotary District 7620 Grants Committee
Global Grants Process Clubs & Districts apply for a World Fund match (min. US $15,000, total project budget minimum $30,000) World Fund match (100% District Designated Fund (DDF), 50% cash contribution) District Designated Fund (DDF) new limit rules are currently on the District Website under Future Vision Grants / Grant Guidelines. Example: $5, % match plus $15,000 50% equals $12,500 of World Fund Match for a total of $32, project. Awarded by TRF International and Host partner is required Must fall within 6 Focus Areas Must meet long term, sustainable and measurable Humanitarian, Educational, Vocational Longer planning process Active Rotarian participation Outside money now matched at 50% directly! International travel can be included in grant proposal. Educational Grants fall under this criteria as well (formally Ambassadorial) Rotary District 7620 Grants Committee
TRF Principles of Sustainability Activities and safeguards that continue a project’s impact after Foundation funding is fully expended Use of local resources, regional input and local knowledge Respect for natural resource base Reach the most beneficiaries Prepare scholars and individuals to contribute new and innovative methods Prepare participants to increase impact and improve effectiveness Utilize the input and skills of grassroots groups Rotary District 7620 Grants Committee
How to apply Global Grants – apply online using Member Access anytime during the year. Must contact District Grant Chair to discuss prior to filling out application. District Grants – send electronic application to District Grants Committee Chair from 4/1/2015 thru 5/9/2015 and then present live to the District Grant Committee on 05/16/2015. Form available on District Website Rotary District 7620 Grants Committee
Current Global Grants for District 7620 Improving Child Health in Mali Harvesting Rain Water in Maharashira, India Water Wells, Togo Africa Clean Water in Ghana Breast Cancer Center, Adana Turkey Village Drilling in Africa Water Wells in Gongar, Ethiopia Rotary District 7620 Grants Committee
District Grants for DDF $67, clubs Tea Time for Family – Olney $1, Free Dental Clinic - Lexington Park, Leonardtown & Charlotte Hall $4, $5000 Undergraduate Scholarships Community Murals - Catonsville $2, Transportation to Disables - North Bethesda $2, Dental Care to the needy - Frederick $1, Renovate and Repair Roofs - West Anne Arundel & Lakeshore $3, Green House Project – Parole & South Anne Arundel $4, Site Access to Agricultural and Watershed Project – South Frederick $1, Beacon of Hope Project in Russia – Metro Bethesda $3, Twenty Tots Project in Tanzania – Montgomery Village $2, AVID Digital Classroom Project & 4 Way Test Award – Glen Burnie $3, School Supply to Homeless Project – Pikesville Owens Mills $ Rotary District 7620 Grants Committee
DDF Rotary Year Global Grants - +- $67,944,000 (Excluding rollover & Endowment earnings) District Grants - +-$57,944 District Scholarships - $10,000 Global Grant Scholar - $15,000 Polio Plus - $10, Peace Fellow Scholarship - $10, Rotary District 7620 Grants Committee
Timelines Global Grants Open year round from a proposal and a funding standpoint.
Timelines District Grants Timelines District Grants District Grant Application for District Grants are submitted to the Grants Chair by May 8, 2015 and presented on May 16, 2015 to the Committee by the Clubs in person. The committee then reviews the projects and assigns a value to each. Projects may not start until notification by the Grant’s Committee. Projects for must be completed by March 31, 2016.
Significance of March 31st We have had a difficult time getting final reports on District Projects. Closing off the projects at the end of March will allow for final reports and new proposals to be done prior to the start of the new Rotary year. This will lead to a more consistent flow of money and getting approved for the District Block Grant much faster giving the Club more time to get their project completed.
District 7620 Grants Committee : Bette Lewis, PDG: senior advisor Lee Derrick, So. Anne Arundel Frank Faust, Lexington Park Ted Gregory, Carroll Creek Nancy Young, Hunt Valley Frank Goldstein, Frederick Bob Martin, Rockville Anna Mae Kobbe DGE XXXXXXXXXXXX DGN Pat Kasuda, DRFC Rotary District 7620 Grants Committee