Chapter 19 Human Geography of Africa From Human Beginnings to New Nations Objective: Compare the features of human geography in the five sub-regions.


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Presentation transcript:

Chapter 19 Human Geography of Africa From Human Beginnings to New Nations Objective: Compare the features of human geography in the five sub-regions of Africa

Chapter 19 Section 1 East Africa Vocabulary: Olduvai Gorge, Aksum, Berlin Conference, Cash Crop, Masai, & Pandemic Objective: Analyze East Africa’s economies of farming & tourism

Continental Crossroads East Africa has a large number of prehistoric human remains Aksum emerged in Ethiopia in 100 A.D. The Aksum civilization traded with Egypt & the Roman Empire Several factors led to their decline including geographic factors In the 1300s, many trading cities emerged along the eastern coast of Africa

Colonization Disrupts Africa 14 European nations convened at the Berlin Conference to divide Africa By 1914, only Liberia & Ethiopia remained free of European control European nations divided Africa without regard to where African ethnic or linguistic groups lived Ethiopia was able to escape colonization because of their knowledge of the area’s geography & weapons from France & Russia Internal disputes & civil wars sparked after most of East Africa regained independence

Farming & Tourism Economies East Africa is more than 70% rural European colonization relied more on cash crops such as coffee, tea, & sugar People are leaving farms for greater economic opportunities in cities The vast wildlife parks in East Africa draw tourist to the region The parks are located in Kenya, Uganda, & Tanzania

Maintaining Traditional Cultures The two major ethnic groups in East Africa are the Masai & the Kikuyu The Masai mostly herd livestock & farm the land They wear calfskin or buffalo hide They are known for making intricate beadwork & jewelry The Kikuyu mostly live in Kenya They also are herders but work in a variety of jobs more recently

Health Care in Modern Africa People in East Africa face many health care problems AIDS has become a pandemic (uncontrollable outbreak of a disease affecting a large population over a wide geographic area) Many doctors in Africa say that more AIDS cases exist than are reported

Chapter 19 Section 2 North Africa Vocabulary: Carthage, Islam, & Rai Objective: Examine roots of civilization in North Africa

Roots of Civilization in North Africa North Africa is a cultural hearth (a place where ideas & innovations come together to change a region) The Nile River made civilization possible in Egypt Ancient Egypt lasted for 2600 years with 30 dynasties Egyptians were known for their pyramids (resting place for Pharaohs’ remains), math, & medicine Islam spread into North Africa from Southwest Asia Islam remains the major cultural & religious influence in North Africa By 790, Muslims controlled most of North Africa

Economics of Oil Oil has transformed the economies of some North African countries Oil makes up 99% of Libya’s exports Libya & Algeria supply the European Union with much of its oil & gas Lack of training & education prevent citizens from working in oil companies

A Culture of Markets & Music North African culture is a combination of Arabic traditions & traditional African ethnic groups Souks (marketplaces) are common features in North Africa Markets are known for their bargaining for the lowest price Algeria is known for rai, music developed that is fast paced & has elements of Western music It is not used as a form of rebellion against Islamic fundamentalists

Changing Roles of Women North African households tend to be centered around males In the past women have had very little rights However, women roles are changing as they are gaining more power Women in North Africa have also made gains outside the home by seeking professional jobs & going into the government

Chapter 19 Section 3 West Africa Vocabulary: Goree Island, Stateless Society, & Ashanti Objective: Analyze West African economies

A History of Rich Trading Empires West Africa is a cultural hearth that ideas & practices spread to North Africa & Europe Empires in West Africa traded gold & salt Ghana, Mali, & Songhai were powerful empires in West Africa A stateless society is one in which people rely on family lineages to govern themselves Igbo of southwest Nigeria are considered a stateless society Stateless societies faced challenges with European colonization

West Africa Struggles Economically Trade is extremely important to West Africa The economies of West Africa range to a solid economies to weak economies Ghana relies primarily on exporting gold, diamonds, magnesium, & bauxite to the industrialized world Political stability in Ghana has allowed its economy to grow at a healthy rate In Sierra Leona, political instability & civil wars have left their economy in shambles

Cultural Symbols of West Africa The Ashanti who live in Ghana are known for their work in weaving colorful cloth West Africa is also known for their masks & carving wooden stools Benin artists in Nigeria make beautiful objects of metal & terra cotta They are also known for their brass works of art

Music in Daily Life West African popular music involved a blend of traditional African music with American forms of jazz, blues, & reggae West African music is played on a variety of drums & other instruments

Chapter 19 Section 4 Central Africa Vocabulary: Bantu Migration, King Leopold II, Mobutu Sese Seko, & Fang Sculpture Objective: Describe how colonialism led to economic problems in Central Africa

Bantu Migrations Europeans first began their African colonization in Central Africa Bantu are a group of peoples & cultures who speak the Bantu language Bantu migration is when the Bantu speaking people moved southward throughout Africa European traders traveled to Africa & waited on the coast African merchants brought potential slaves to Europeans from Central Africa African rulers took part in the slave trade to gain land, guns, & other goods

Colonial Exploitation In the 1800s, Central Africa had hundreds of different ethnic groups whom all spoke different languages It also consisted of large empires to small villages King Leopold II of Belgium took control of the Congo using the Congo River The borders imposed on Africans during colonialism didn’t consider ethnic regions & grouped traditional enemies together After they gained independence, inexperienced leaders were often corrupt & abused their power

The Economic Legacy of Colonialism Central Africa’s economy is still recovering from colonialism with a loss of resources, disruptions of the political systems, & cultural/ethnic oppression of its people The Europeans left little money to develop roads, railroads, airports, or productive education systems The Democratic Republic of the Congo has struggled with economic chaos Mobutu Sese Seko put businesses under national control but the country is still in a downward spiral

The Influence of Central African Art Many countries wanted to establish their own identities, so they banned Western influences in their art Their art focuses on issues of political instability, urban life, social justice, & crime Fang sculptures are famous for their carvings

Improving Education Improved education should produce more skilled workers & citizens who are better prepared to participate in democratic governments Education problems in Central Africa include a shortage of trained teachers, a high dropout rate, & a shortage of secondary schools Countries are trying to improve education by opening universities & offering training courses in different fields

Chapter 19 Section 5 Southern Africa Vocabulary: Great Zimbabwe, Mutapa Empire, Apartheid, & Nelson Mandela Objective: Examine Southern African economic development

Gold Trade Builds Empires A majority of the people in Southern Africa are Bantu- speaking people The Shona established a city called Great Zimbabwe (thriving gold- trading area), eventually the city was abandoned Mutota established the Mutapa Empire but it declined with the arrival of the Europeans The British defeated the Zulu (the largest ethnic group in South Africa) The British defeated the Dutch Farmers (Boers) in the Boer War for more control of South Africa

Gold Trade Builds Empires The white minority government of South Africa instituted a policy of apartheid (complete separation of the races) Blacks founded the African National Congress to fight for their rights Nelson Mandela fought against apartheid & was imprisoned The United States pressured South Africa to end apartheid In 1994, Mandela was elected president

Southern Africa Grows Economically The policy of apartheid hurt the economy of South Africa Some places are modernized while others are poverty- stricken rural areas in South Africa Botswana experienced long-term of economic growth 63% of Botswana’s revenue come from diamonds However, the country had to import 50% of their food 25% of all adults were infected with HIV in Zimbabwe & Botswana

Celebrations of Southern Africa & Living in Southern Africa Southern Africa culture is a mixture of African & European Cultures Celebrations & festivals are a large part of life in Southern Africa Southern Africa enjoy performing different types of dances Johannesburg is a huge city with many different ethnicities & lifestyles However, it is still divided between suburbs & rundown townships Some Southern Africans live a modern lifestyle while others follow traditional patterns