Housing Support Program (HSP) Human Services Transitional Assistance Housing Support Program (HSP) TAD Customer HACSB KEYS Patty Carson Program Specialist I 12/2/2014 www.SBCounty.gov
HSP in San Bernardino HSP begins on 1/12/2015. The Transitional Assistance Department (TAD) is contracting out the HSP to a non-profit affiliated with the Housing Authority of the County of San Bernardino (HACSB). The non-profit agency, Knowledge and Education for Your Success (KEYS), is in the processing of hiring more staff to accommodate HSP. Human Services Transitional Assistance www.SBCounty.gov
Approximately 900 (1.7%) self-identified their HSP in San Bernardino San Bernardino Statistics We are serving approximately 52,000 CalWORKs families. Approximately 900 (1.7%) self-identified their household as homeless. Of the 900 self-identified families, 89% have received Temporary or Permanent CalWORKs Homeless Assistance. Human Services Transitional Assistance www.SBCounty.gov
We will assist at least 405 families HSP in San Bernardino We will assist at least 405 families beginning 1/12/15 through 6/30/15. San Bernardino County’s Job Statement: “Our job is to create a county in which those who reside and invest can prosper and achieve well-being.” Human Services Transitional Assistance www.SBCounty.gov
HSP in San Bernardino HSP Process Overview
HSP Process Temporary Homeless Assistance HSP in San Bernardino HSP Process Temporary Homeless Assistance Temp HA approved. HA worker completes referral form to KEYS. The form is e-mailed to the Intake Specialist (IS) and HN assigned to the district office. If HN is in office, customer may be referred immediately for an interview, or HN begins contacting customer to set up interview. Customer issued Temp HA for up to 5 days via his/her EBT Card. Customer provides Temp HA verification and issued additional days, if needed. If HN was not successful in interviewing customer after first issuance, HN will meet with customer this date.
HSP Process Permanent Homeless Assistance HSP in San Bernardino HSP Process Permanent Homeless Assistance Perm HA approved. HA worker completes referral form to KEYS. The form is e-mailed to the IS and HN assigned to the district office. Customer issued Perm HA. HN will interview customer for eligibility to HSP funds.
HSP Process Permanent Homeless Assistance – Arrearage Payments HSP in San Bernardino HSP Process Permanent Homeless Assistance – Arrearage Payments Perm HA Arrearage Payments approved. HA worker completes referral form to KEYS. The form is e-mailed to the IS and HN assigned to the district office. Customer issued Perm HA Arrearage Payment. HN will interview customer for eligibility to HSP funds.
Knowledge and Education for Your Success (KEYS) HSP in San Bernardino Knowledge and Education for Your Success (KEYS) The mission of KEYS is to empower all individuals and families impacted by poverty to unlock their potential for success. KEYS will assist CalWORKs families with: Locating housing. Completing housing applications. Providing mediation with landlords and neighbors. Reviewing and understanding the requirements of the lease. Obtaining, interpreting, and correcting, as needed, rental and credit history. Developing a household budget. Providing information and referral to employment and free or reduced-cost goods and services.
Data Collection HSP in San Bernardino San Bernardino currently utilizes the Homeless Management Information System (HMIS). TAD has a Data Sharing Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the Office of Homeless Services (OHS) to provide Temp HA information. KEYS currently uses HMIS for their programs and will continue to do so for the HSP.
CDSS Reporting HSP in San Bernardino Data elements and collection requirements required for the HSP will be collected by KEYS via information from the referral form received from TAD, and services provided to the customer. KEYS will forward a monthly report to TAD Administration and the HSP County contact for review. HSP County contact will compile data elements and collection requirements for completion of the HSP 14 – CalWORKs HSP Monthly Status Report.
HSP in San Bernardino www.SBCounty.gov Human Services Transitional Assistance www.SBCounty.gov