“The wrongs which we seek to condemn and punish have been so calculated, so malignant, and devastating, that civilization cannot tolerate their being ignored because it cannot survive their being repeated.” 1.Take out your homework. 2.Paraphrase the following quotation. 3.Explain how the quotation relates to World War II.
Agenda Quotation analysis Nuremberg Trials United Nations
NUREMBERG TRIALS Allies form a special court & bring in Axis leaders “Crimes against humanity” Herman Goering “Final Solution” architect
Hans Frank Supervised relocation of Polish Jews “A thousand years will pass, and the guilt of Germany will not be erased.” NUREMBERG TRIALS Allies form a special court & bring in Axis leaders “Crimes against humanity”
19 Nazi leaders convicted; 12 sentenced to death 8 Japanese officers convicted & executed First international court. “War crimes” are now punishable. NUREMBERG TRIALS Allies form a special court & bring in Axis leaders “Crimes against humanity”
First international court. “War crimes” are now punishable. NUREMBERG TRIALS An organization is needed to carry out these trials and enforce international laws!
countries sign a charter & join Organization aims to: Settle international disputes & prevent future war Have we seen anything like this before? UNITED NATIONS
LEAGUE OF NATIONS UNITED NATIONS Have we seen anything like this before?
This time the United States joins The UN forms an international military countries sign a charter & join Organization aims to: Settle international disputes & prevent future war UNITED NATIONS
Today: over 190 nations are members Organization aims to: Settle international disputes & prevent future war UNITED NATIONS
- Provide disaster relief Today: over 190 nations are members Organization aims to: UNITED NATIONS
- Fight hunger & disease Today: over 190 nations are members Organization aims to: UNITED NATIONS
UN International Court of Justice People are still tried today for “crimes against humanity” UNITED NATIONS International Court held at the Hague (Holland)
Question: Did the Holocaust need to happen in order for international laws to be created? UNITED NATIONS Holocaust Nuremberg Trials United Nations MAYBE?
Identify the most important impact that came from the end of World War II. Discuss with your table mates.