2 What each BEC/MINISTRY should provide A commentary sheet to be vet by the Liturgy Coordinators or BEC Leader or Ministry Leader take responsibility. 1 Commentator, 2 Readers, 1 Cantor. Hospitality ministers (10 for Sunset Mass / 12 to 15 for Sunday Mass or the maximum depends on the crowd). 3 or more persons depends on the gift presented for the Offertory procession.
3 COMMENTATOR’S GUIDE Kindly make yourself present in Church at least 15 minutes before Mass begins. Adjust the microphone to suit your height and check if its working. Check with the Projectionist and Organist to ensure hymns in the list given are correct. Check if there are any ad-hoc announcements to be made by yourself or others or appointed person. For ordinary weekend masses, the commentator only announces the Introduction and says the Prayer of the Faithful (to be ready immediately after the Profession of Faith)
4 Commentary Sample THIRTIETH ORDINARY SUNDAY (Sunday, – BEC St Felicity) Good morning dear sisters and brothers in Christ, welcome to this Eucharistic Celebration. Today we are reminded of the greatest commandment of love: “To love God and to love our neighbour”. Let us then always be mindful of sharing this beautiful gift of love among men. Let us now rise and sing our praises to the Lord with the hymn …………………………………………(check name of hymn with organist). This intro is to be taken from the words in Italic in the Sunday Missal. PRAYER OF THE FAITHFUL 1.For leaders of the church, that guided by His Holiness Pope Benedict the 16th, they may always uphold and stand firm by the true teachings of the Catholic faith. We pray to the Lord. 2.That leaders of nations impart to their people the values of love, peace and harmony and always seek to be righteous in the face of the many challenges that come their way. We pray to the Lord. 3.That Christians who are persecuted in many parts of the world and in various manners because of the Gospel, may continue, sustained by the strength of the Holy Spirit, to bear witness courageously and openly to the Word of God. We pray to the Lord. 4.That the testimony of love offered by the Saints, may fortify Christians in their devotion to God and their neighbour, imitating Christ who came to serve and not to be served. We pray to the Lord. Note: Please refrain from starting the prayer with “We pray for ……
5 Notes for Commentary Sheet Use the Sunday Missal for Years A, B, C as a guide. The Commentary Sheet is to be ed/handed to the Liturgy Coordinators by the Tuesday preceding the weekend animation or BEC Leader take responsibility. The Introduction should be simple and preferably taken from the Introduction in the Missal itself. Avoid lengthy wordings and preaching. The Prayer of the Faithful should be in the following sequence: 1: Pray for leaders of the church. 2: Pray for leaders of the world. 3: Pray for the local church / local situation. 4: Pray for specific needs. Four (4) intentions are sufficient for Ordinary Sunday masses.
6 Positions at the Entrance before moving towards the altar for Mass Incense BearerIncense Bearer Cross Bearer Candle BearerCandle Bearer 1 st Reader (who carries the Book of Gospel) 2 nd Reader Cantor Main Server Main Server CELEBRANT READERS & CHANTER
7 Positions of Readers and Chanter in front of the altar to Bow ALTAR 12C Statue of Our LadyStatue of Sacred Heart Entrance Upon reaching the front, the 1st Reader bows (a gentle nod) while the Book of Gospels is still held straight. He/she then immediately goes up the left side of the altar and places the Book of the Gospel at the centre of the Altar table, does a gentle bow and comes down on the right side, bow in the centre and then proceeds to the 2nd pew on the right. Meanwhile, the 2nd Reader takes position next to the first pew (left side) and the cantor takes position next to the first pew (right side). When the priest bows, they both bow and then proceed to enter the 2nd pew on the right to be seated.
8 Positions at the beginning of Mass at the front of the altar The Book of the Gospels is to be carried by the 1 st Reader with both hands; (the front of the Book facing the altar and the bottom of the Book at eye level). The procession starts to move when the Entrance Hymn begins as the servers moves. The 2 nd Reader and Cantor is to walk with clasped hands. Upon reaching the front, the 1 st Reader bows (a gentle nod) while the Book of Gospels is still held straight. He/she then immediately goes up the left side of the altar and places the Book of the Gospel at the centre of the Altar table, does a gentle bow and comes down on the right side, bow in the centre and then proceeds to the 2 nd pew on the right. Meanwhile, the 2 nd Reader takes position next to the first pew (left side) and the cantor takes position next to the first pew (right side). When the priest bows, they both bow and then proceed to enter the 2 nd pew on the right to be seated. 2 nd Reader (leave the main aisle free) Cantor Positions as they sit at the pew: 1 st Reader Cantor 2 nd Reader Front pew left sideFront pew right side
9 Positions during the Liturgy of the Word 1 st Reader goes up at the end of the Opening Prayer (which concludes with …. forever and ever.) Bow at the front centre and go up to the ambo. Always remember to walk with clasped hands while going up & down the altar. [ Adjust mike and start the reading. Remember to pause before and after the reading (a) A reading from the Book of Deuteronomy Pause: count up to 3, then begin to read. (b) At the end of the reading; Pause: Count up to 5, then say “The Word of the Lord” [Do not say “This is the Word of the Lord”] (c) Make a gentle bow at the Lectionary before coming down. Meanwhile the Cantor would have gone to the centre and stands towards the right side. The1 st Reader stands on the left. Both bow together and the Cantor goes up. The Cantor, sings the Refrain once and the congregation will follow. Then the cantor proceeds to sing the verses, pausing in between for the response from the congregation. Bow at the lectionary before coming down. Once finished, cantor comes down & stands on the left with the 2 nd Reader on the right, and the same process as the 1st Reader will follow.
10 Positions at the end of Mass as we leave the altar Once priest has given final blessing, readers/cantor quickly step out in front of the first pew. As the priest bows, all bow together. Then altar servers and cross bearer will be in front, followed by 2 nd Reader (on right), cantor (on left) and 1 st Reader in the centre. Incense Bearer (2) Main Server CELEBRANT Main Serve 2 nd Reader 1 st Reader Cantor Candle Bearer Candle Bearer Cross Bearer ALTAR
11 A Guide for Readers & Chanter of the Word Start one (1) week ahead and work with the Sunday Scripture/Reading during the week. Read out the text aloud, marking stresses and pauses. After the second or third time reading it aloud, make adjustments where necessary. Notice vocal or attitude shift in the text. Make notes next to a copy of the text if you have one. Check commentary for hints to make the proclamation powerful and as convincing as the Scripture/Reading itself. Use the Scripture/Reading itself in your prayer on a regular basis as both nourishment and preparation. Practice for Readers are on Thursday’s and the Training Animators are there to help. If you need them, make arrangements with them. If the BEC leader can manage with the training, go ahead. Practice for Chanter is on Tuesday’s when the choir meets or otherwise make arrangements with any organist for training. Readers check the page of the reading at the lectionary before Mass and if one is reading from a paper please open it at the lector only. Prefect reading and chanting comes with sacrifice, prayer and good practice or training.
12 ATTIRE for READERS & CHANTER Men: Long or short sleeved shirt tucked in, long pants. Ladies: Dress/skirt of reasonable length, pants or any appropriate traditional attire. Refrain from using: Jeans, tights, Bermudas / shorts, T-shirts, sneakers, spaghetti straps, etc. For special occasions: Men to wear a long-sleeved shirt and tie. Avoid loud prints, chunky/dangling jewelry or anything which would draw attention to yourself. ALL GLORY BELONGS TO GOD. GENTLE REMINDER Your mode of dressing communicates the degree of respect you have for the ministry of THE WORD which you are serving.
13 Positions The Hospitality Ministers (“HM’s”) are to greet the parishioners as the come in for Mass. If the church is full, show them to seats which are available, check if the upstairs needs to be used and also let them know of chairs available outside. Note senior citizens and persons with special needs who would need Holy Communion to be distributed at their seats and inform the Communion Minister at the start of communion distribution. HM’s get ready while the Prayer of the Faithful is being read. Refer to Figure A. Once the priest finishes with the prayer, quickly move to the middle of the Church and meet up with the Presentation of the Gifts. Walk together with the gift and take your respective positions. Refer to Page 15. HM’s 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 & 6 stand in a row at the front centre bow and proceed with the collection. Once both sides of the pew have been done, quickly move to the left centre of the church to place your collections in the bag. Just after exchanging the Sign of Peace take positions behind the church. Start moving before Lamb of God to take your positions. Kneel at your respective positions when congregation kneels. HM’s will then invite the congregation to receive communion row-by- row. Check if you need to channel persons from your line to the front lines to ensure faster distribution. For those at the wings, always check if the congregation outside needs help with communion distribution and then prompt the Communion Minister and accompany them outside. The HM’s should receive communion last after everyone in that section has done so. Please note that too young children should not be put to handle this role. HOSPITALITY MINISTERS
14 Positions of HM’s To Bow ALTAR Statue of Our Lady Statue of Sacred Heart For Sundays: Outside church: 5 HM’s (depending on the crowd, additional required) Balcony upstairs (if used): 1 HM to be stationed there. Entrance
15 Positions of HM’s for Collection ALTAR Statue of Our Lady Statue of Sacred Heart Entrance HM’s remember to meet up with the Presentation of the gift bearer’s at the middle of the Church and walk together to the front. Thereafter take your position and bow and begin to take the collections. HM’s try to bring the collections before the Preface: “The Lord be with you”. Walk humbly and place the collections on the table whatever the time is.
16 ATTIRE for Hospitality Ministers Men: Long or short sleeved shirt tucked in, long pants. Ladies: Dress/skirt of reasonable length, pants or any appropriate traditional attire. Refrain from using: Jeans, tights, Bermudas/shorts, T-shirts, sneakers, spaghetti straps, etc. For special occasions: Men to wear a long-sleeved shirt and tie. Avoid loud prints, chunky/dangling jewelry or anything which would draw attention to yourself. GENTLE REMINDER Your mode of dressing communicates the degree of respect you have for the ministry which you are serving.