Prof. Dr. Armin Hatje University of Hamburg
I. Special nature of the EU II. Foundations of European Integration III. Limits of the impact of EU law
aims of the EU: peace, welfare, identity Impact of the EU: political impact economic impact legal impact
Art. 23 German Basic Law (GBL): Binding aim „European Integration“ Legal basis for membership in the EU Transfer of sovereign powers by law
Formal preconditions: Transfer by statute of the parliament Consent with Federal Council (2. chamber) Qualified majority (Art. 79 II BL)
Substantive requirements: Structural coherence (e.g. democracy) Sufficient protection of fundamental rights Limits of Art. 79 III GBL
Limits of Art. 79 III GBL („Eternity clause“) „Vital Democracy“ Budgetary powers of parliament Creation of a European people („USE“) Sovereignty of the state (including certain fields of competence)
The problem: Functioning of the EU: Aim: Uniform application of EU law Autonomy of EU law Direct effect of EU law Supremacy of EU law Interpretation according to EU law
Position of the Court of Justice of the European Union: Absolute supramacy EU law also prevails constitutional law Obstacles in domestic law are not relevant Binding force of EU law could only be limited by EU law (autonomy)
Federal Constitutional Court: Mainly Art. 79 III GBL Applicability of EU law is based in German law (statute requiring approval) and limited by this law. Limits derive from the integration program, vested in the EU Treaties (ultra-vires-controle), which was subject to approval by the parliament. Fundamental rights could limit the application of EU law (in exceptional cases). „Identity“ of the German constitution.