Chem. 133 – 4/1 Lecture
Announcements I Lab –Returning Term Project Proposals (I expect to be getting boxes of supplies ready) –Returning Set 2 Period 1 Lab Reports (for those where all partners turned in reports – not GC-MS or HPLC) –Better than electronics lab reports but still some need for improvements: give unknown # in report (I don’t know it) give information on how you performed optimization remember to account for dilutions/other sample processing read instructions for additional questions –Next Lab Report due 4/7
Announcements II Today –Homework due and Quiz Exam 2: Next Thursday Today’s Lecture –Chapter 18: Spectrometer Instrumentation – Wavelength Discrimination Monochromators/Polychromators (finished last time?? – if so skip to slide 7) Other methods of wavelength discrimination –Chapter 20: Atomic Spectroscopy Overview (including other methods of elemental analysis) Theory
Spectrometers Some Questions II 1.If white light enters the monochromator to the right, which wavelength is longer wavelength? 2.List two parameters that will affect the resolution. Can any of these be easily changed? 3.A band pass filter is often placed between the grating and the focusing optics. What is the purpose of this filter? 4.If a grating is used with 320 lines/mm and the output angle for 380 nm is 45 º and the focal length is 40 cm for 1 st order light, what exit slit width is needed to be able to obtain a resolution of 200? 1 2 exit slit
Spectrometers – Wavelength Discrimination C.Polychromators 1.In place of exit slit, an array of detectors exists 2.This allows simultaneous recording of absorption over wavelength range 3.No rotation of grating is needed 4.Resolution (mainly) determined by width of detector element y = k light 1 2 sample Detector array top view Detector element yy
Spectrometers – Wavelength Discrimination C.2-D Polychromators 1.Light can be dispersed in two dimensions by placing a prism in front of the grating (dispersion in and out of the screen) to go along with the grating’s dispersion (in y-axis) 2.See Color Plate 25 in Harris 3.Requires 2-D detector array 4.Usually uses high order grating dispersion (e.g. n = 11, 12, 13, 14) with different orders separated by prism 1 2 prism 2-D detector array prism dispersion grating dispersion (y-axis) emission light source Detector elements
Spectrometers – Wavelength Discrimination D.Other Methods 1.Energy-dispersive detectors (X-ray and -ray analysis) – wavelength discrimination is part of detection system 2.Fourier-transform Instruments -Will cover for IR and NMR -“White” light passed through sample -Variance in response with time or with distance is recorded and then transformed to conventional spectrum
Wavelength Discrimination Fourier Transform Instruments FTIR Instruments –Uses Michelson interferometer (see Figure) –Light goes to beam splitter (partially reflecting/partially transmitting –Part of beam goes to fixed mirror and is reflected. Part of this beam then goes through the sample to the detector –Another part of the original beam goes through the beam splitter to a moving mirror and is reflected with part of this going on to the sample and detector light Beam splitter Fixed mirror Mirror on drive sample detector
Wavelength Discrimination Fourier Transform Instruments FTIR Instruments (continued) –If beams from the two paths combine “ in phase ” (both wave maxima) constructive interference occurs and greater light intensity reaches sample/detector –If beams are not “ in phase ”, less light reaches detector –Distance between beam splitter and mirror affects whether light is in phase –Since “ white ” light is used (actually broad band IR), at different distances, different wavelengths will be in phase intensity Mirror position (or time if mirror moves) 1 2
Wavelength Discrimination Fourier Transform Instruments Performance: –Δṽ is inversely related to distance traveled by mirror ( ) (not explained clearly in text) –This means better resolution (larger ṽ/Δṽ) when is larger –Spectral range depends on sampled data speed (assuming fast detector) –High resolution over a long wavenumber range will take more time small displacement → poor resolution
Wavelength Discrimination Fourier Transform Instruments Advantages of FT Instruments –Faster than scanning –Greater light throughput –Higher wavenumber accuracy (IR), so can repeat “ scans ” and average signals Disadvantages of FT Instruments –Practical limitations in aligning mirrors –This is more problematic at smaller wavelengths (or larger wavenumbers) where misalignment is a greater % of value extra distance
Light Detectors Detectors covered in electronics section –UV/Vis/NearIR: Photocell, photomultiplier tube, photodiode, photoconductivity cell, and solid state array detectors (charged coupled device or CCD) –IR: temperature measurement (e.g. thermopile), and solid state –NMR: antenna
Light Detectors Detectors for high energy (X-ray, -ray light) (both gas cells and solid state available) –Due to high energy, a single photon can easily produce a big signal –Two types: gas cells (e.g. Geiger Counter) and solid state sensors (e.g. Si(Li) detectors) –In both cases, detectors can be set up where cascade of electrons is produced from a single photon –The number of ions produced from photons can be dependent upon the photon energy time current high E photon low E photon energy counts/s solid state detector I These detectors are said to be energy dispersive (no monochromator needed)
Atomic Spectroscopy Overview Main Purpose –Determine elemental composition (or concentration of specific elements) Main Performance Concerns –Sensitivity –Multi-element vs. single element –Speed –Interferences (for different matrices) –Precision –Required sample preparation
Atomic Spectroscopy Overview Instrument Types –Analysis for liquid samples (main focus of text + lecture discussion) –Systems for solid samples Modified instruments for liquids –2 examples in book: graphite furnace with solid sample placed in tube (see p. 485) and laser ablation (see p. 495) –laser ablation allows microanalysis X-ray Fluorescence Spectroscopy and X-ray Emission Detection attachments coupled to electron microscopy –Both based on spectral (or energy-dispersive) analysis of emitted X-rays to determine elements present
Atomic Spectroscopy Overview Instrument Types – Systems for Solids – cont. –XRF – cont. –Emitted X-rays have wavelengths dependent upon element (but generally not element’s charge or surroundings) –Accurate quantification is more difficult due to limited penetration of sample by X-rays or electrons and by attenuation of emitted X-rays due to absorption (matrix effects) Instrument Types – For Analysis of Liquids –Atomization Systems: to convert elements to gaseous atoms or ions (MS detection) Flame Electrothermal (Graphite Furnace) Inductively Coupled Plasma (ICP)
Atomic Spectroscopy Overview Instrument Types – For Analysis of Liquids –Atom Detection: to detect atoms (or ions in MS) Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy (with flame or electrothermal) Atomic Emission Spectroscopy (with flame or ICP) Mass Spectrometry (with ICP)
Atomic Spectroscopy Theory Spectroscopy is performed on atoms in gas phase Transitions are very simple (well defined energy states with no vibration/rotation /solvent interactions) Allowed transitions depend on selection rules (not covered here) E Na(g) o (3s) 4s 4p 5s 5p absorption
Atomic Spectroscopy Theory Consequence of well defined energy levels: –very narrow absorption peaks –few interferences from other atoms –very good sensitivity (all absorption occurs at narrow range) –but can not use standard monochromator where (from monochromator) >> due to extreme deviations to Beer ’ s law –requires greater wavelength discrimination for absorption measurements A Spectrum from high resolutions spectrometer (not typical for AA) atomic transition molecular transition very narrow natural peak width ( ~ nm) broader width
Atomic Spectroscopy Theory For emission measurements, a key is to populate higher energy levels In most cases, this occurs through the thermal methods also responsible for atomization Fraction of excited energy levels populated is given by Boltzmann Distribution More emission at higher temperatures and for longer wavelengths (smaller E) Na(g) o (3s) 4p E N = number atoms in ground (0) and excited (*) states g = degeneracy (# equivalent states) = 3 in above example k = Boltzmann constant
Atomic Spectroscopy Theory Example problem: Calcium absorbs light at 422 nm. Calculate the ratio of Ca atoms in the excited state to the ground state at 3200 K (temperature in N 2 O fueled flame). g*/g 0 = 3 (3 5p orbitals to 1 4s orbital).