What is the 10-year plan ? Provides an overview of the projects proposed for the next 10 years. Explains the strategies used to make financial decisions and manage regional infrastructure. Outlines what you get for your rates investment. In 2015/16 we’re proposing a rates increase of approx. $38 a year (or 73c a week) for the average home. Explains how to provide feedback on our proposals.
What key issues were considered? How best to invest in good quality regional infrastructure (bulk drinking water, flood protection schemes, and public transport). How to get people out of cars and grow public transport users and active transport such as walking, cycling, running etc. How to ensure our infrastructure will be able to cope in a major emergency. How to maintain and improve water quality, which is under pressure from more urban and rural development.
Package 1 : Public transport infrastructure ($39m capital cost) Rail infrastructure upgrades: track improvements, faster and more frequent services, express services, increased capacity, level crossings, expanded park and ride facilities, upgraded carriages Bus infrastructure upgrades: Improved bus service reliability, improved facilities at interchanges; more and better bus shelters; improved signage; bike racks on buses; new modern low emission buses
($51m capital cost) Develop / update floodplain management plans Build new / upgraded flood stopbanks Floodplain works to protect isolated settlements and improve maintenance Better community engagement, including with iwi Package 2 : Protecting communities from flood risk
($53m capital cost) Fare Structure improvements: simplify fare products across all modes and services; 50% youth fare discounts; 25% off-peak discount; capped fares; no transfer penalties between services Metlink customer services: improved information, website & online tools Integrated electronic ticketing system: Smart card technology to be introduced across the region from 2017/18 allowing free transfers between all services Package 3 : Getting more people on public transport
($4.8m operating expenditure) Increase the effectiveness and reach of road safety programmes Increase support for school travel plans and activities that support safe travel for children and young people Increase the number of programmes to help people make better travel choices so that our roading network works better Deliver the Pedal Ready regional cycle skills training programme to increase the skills and confidence of child and adult cyclists Contribution to NZTA-led Wellington to Hutt walking & cycling link Package 4 : Getting out and about - walking, cycling
($126m capital cost) Providing emergency water following a major event (up to 20L per person for up to 40 days) to those parts of the region most at risk from a break to the bulk water pipes in Wellington City and Porirua City, including: Cross-harbour pipeline linking the Hutt to Wellington City Emergency storage lake at Takapu Road to supply Porirua and northern Wellington Increasing resilience of Waterloo Wells to avoid damage in a major event Package 5: Keeping the water flowing
($26m operating expenditure) Expanding partnership programmes with farmers to improve water quality & biodiversity through managing erosion prone soils, nutrients and fencing and planting along waterways Helping grow the Enviroschools education programme Expanding the regional possum & predator control programme Accelerating establishment of catchment (Whaitua) committees to develop rules for water quality and water quantity limits Package 6: Environment and water quality
Enhancements to Outcomes Existing services Commitments 1.1% 4.8% 3.9% 9.8% $4 average increase for regional ratepayers for existing services $19 average increase for regional ratepayers for infrastructural commitments $15 average increase for regional ratepayers for proposed service improvements Proposed rates increase for 2015/16 $38 per year per average residential ratepayer (incl GST)
Next Steps Shape Your Region, supporting information and submission forms are available at Submissions online or in writing Submissions close 20 th April 2015 at 4pm We are holding open days across the region where councillors and officers will be available to discuss proposals with the public.