Military Family Services Information Brief - CMHA 25 Feb 2015.


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Presentation transcript:

Military Family Services Information Brief - CMHA 25 Feb 2015

Objectives Introduction to Military Family Services Increased awareness on the unique challenges faced by military families in Canada Increase awareness on what programs are currently available for military families Identify currents strengths and challenges moving forward

3 Military Family Services Vision Strong, resilient families who enable a mission-ready Force and who enjoy a quality of life comparable to other Canadian families.

4 Access to Services For Families Military Family Resource Centres – On Base, In Person - 33 in Canada and additional programs and services in the United States and Europe. - Third party, non-profit organizations located on Bases/Wings/Units or through outreach programs. - Provide services in both official languages 24/7 Family Information Line – Informed, Connected and Supported Confidential, bilingual, professional supportive counselling - Information and referrals to MFRCs, and local community services – For and about Canadian military families - A portal to all MFRCs for local community information - Useful, current information of interest to all Canadian military families

The Community Talented, diverse, mobile & resilient More than 80% live in civilian communities (off base) 75% have children Where are the families?

Where are military families? Military Family Members by Province Nb: Stats do not include several populations which fall within MFS population served, including children over 19 years, parents of CAF personnel and relatives.

Unique Challenges CF Ombudsman Report: On the Homefront, 2013

Lifestyle impact Changing daily routine (pre-deployment, deployment, reintegration) Single parenting Stress and additional responsibilities Provide moral support during deployment Short absence = Disruption Isolation

9 Mental Health Background: CAF families are inherently strong and resilient Unique demands of military service can significantly disrupt family life Stress associated with military service is reported to be one of the main contributors to mental illness among spouses/partners Families of ill and injured are especially susceptible

Data: Spousal Resiliency The majority of CAF spouses (81.8%) believed that they successfully meet the challenges of military life 10 “I successfully meet the challenges of military life” Military Spouses’ Perception of CAF Support: Findings of the Quality of Life (QOL) Survey, Zhigang Wang, PhD, DRPFS 2-2, DGMPRA, July 09, 2014

11 Mental Health MFS Programming: The MFS Program is designed to be preventative in nature. It espouses diversity and flexibility in order to enable individuals and families to manage crises and periods of high stress. Prevention, Support, Intervention Strengths-based programming that focuses on the competencies/possibilities of families and not their deficiencies. 4 Access Points to Services (MFRC, Family Information Line, FamilyForce and Community)

Resources Consolidated list of CAF/DND mental health and social wellness programs Local contact information Family Friendly Built with CMHA input Available on-line –

Enhanced access for families in crisis (FIL 24/7) Partnerships with recognized MH thought and practice leaders (Royal Ottawa, CMHA, Vanier Institute) Leadership-vocal and visible advocacy of military family well- being Frontline service providers and supporters are profoundly committed to supporting military families Cooperation among service providers (D MH, DCSM) MFRC imprint on MFS programming (Family-Centred) What is Going Right ?

Requirement to communicate more assertively, directly, and innovatively with families about the programs/supports available Accessing appropriate medical care remains a persistent challenge Existing shortage of qualified mental health care providers in many communities resulting in increased demands for MFRC services Challenges ?

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