Indonesia’s Status of Ratification of CISG Hikmahanto Juwana Professor of Law University of Indonesia
The Current Status Indonesia will ratify the CISG Currently an academic paper has been prepared As for the legislation: o The document for ratification is not complicated as it only contains 2 articles o The most important is to transform the norms of CISG into national legislations
There is no certain date for ratifying the CISG
Rationale behind Indonesia’s Accession Indonesia felt that globalization has forced Indonesia to accede to CISG Under the Asean Economic Society there is requirement for Indonesia to accede to CISG
Complexities The complexities post-accession for Indonesia o Whether the provisions of Book III of Indonesian Civil Code needs to be overhauled so to accord with CISG o If Book III is revised whether it will also apply to transactions which do not have international character o Alternatively, the norms under the CISG will be transformed in a separate and specific legislation o Which alternative has not been decided by the Government
Challenges Post-accession, whether Indonesia will swiftly tranformed the CISG obligations to national legislations since the process of transformation took a long time If transformation is undertaken, judges will not to be educated so to understand the intricacies of the CISG
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