Sheila C. Casey Specialty Courts Administrator Specialty Courts
What are Specialty Courts? Specialty Courts are specialized court sessions which target individuals with underlying medical, mental health, substance abuse and other issues that contribute to these individuals coming before the Court in greater frequency. Specialty Court sessions promote improved outcomes which reduce recidivism and enhance public safety by integrating treatment and services with judicial case oversight and intensive court supervision.
In Massachusetts at the end of FY 14 we had: 20 Adult Drug Court sessions 1 Juvenile Drug Court session 5 Mental Health Treatment Court sessions 2 Veterans’ Treatment Sessions 1 Homeless Session
Specialty Courts are growing… In FY 15, we now have 20 Drug Court sessions with two more to open this FY 1 Juvenile Treatment Court session with another to open 2 Veterans Treatment Court sessions with 2 more to open this FY 6 Mental Health Court sessions with one more location to be determined; 1 Homeless Court
Where are Drug Courts? The adult drug courts operate in the following District Courts: Ayer, Barnstable, Cambridge, Chelsea, Concord, Dudley, Greenfield, Lawrence, Lowell, Lynn, Malden, New Bedford, Newton, Orange, Plymouth, and Quincy. We’re working to expand the footprint evenly across the state over the next two fiscal years and opening Drug Courts in Fall River and Brockton this year.
Juvenile Drug Courts operate in: New Bedford Fall River And are opening in Taunton/Attleboro
Drug Courts also operate In the Boston Municipal Court: Charlestown Dorchester East Boston and South Boston
Veterans’ Treatment Courts There are two Veteran’s Courts operating in Massachusetts – one in the Central Division of the BMC, and the other in the Dedham District Court. We are opening two more Veterans Treatment Courts: - Western Mass. Veterans Treatment Court in Holyoke - Middlesex County Veterans Treatment Court in Framingham/Natick
Mental Health Treatment Courts There are currently five Mental Health Court sessions: BMC-Central, BMC-West Roxbury, BMC-Roxbury, Plymouth and Springfield. We are opening a new Mental Health Court session in Quincy.
Drug Courts Reduce Crime FACT: Nationwide, 75% of Drug Court graduates remain arrest-free at least two years after leaving the program. FACT SOURCE:
Drug Courts Reduce Crime FACT: Rigorous studies examining long-term outcomes of individual Drug Courts have found that reductions in crime last at least 3 years and can endure for over 14 years.
Drug Courts Reduce Crime FACT: The most rigorous and conservative scientific “meta-analyses” have all concluded that Drug Courts significantly reduce crime as much as 45 percent more than other sentencing options.
Massachusetts Drug Courts BJA Enhancement Grant Awarded $1.2 million over 3 years beginning with Federal Fiscal Year 2013 Created partnership between Department of Public Health (DPH), Department of Mental Health (DMH) with the Trial Court
Drug Court Enhancement Grant Conducted site visits of 12 District Court Drug Courts; Funded 2 Tune Up Trainings for existing Drug Courts with trainers from National Drug Court Institute; Funded symposium for Prosecutors and Defense Counsel; Funded part of 2014 Massachusetts Drug Court Conference and part of NEADCP Annual Conference.
Drug Court Enhancement Grant/State Appropriation of $3 million Funded First Training for New Drug and Veterans Treatment Courts in December 2014 where 170+ probation officers, treatment personnel and court staff were trained in how to run a Drug Court or Veterans Treatment Court.
Drug Court Enhancement Grant/State Appropriation of $3 million - Established the Center of Excellence for Specialty Courts, with UMass Medical School selected to be our academic partner. - Expect Center to help courts with data collection and analysis; implementation of best practices
Expectations for the Center of Excellence The Center of Excellence will: Develop a website for Specialty Courts Develop additional resources for specialty Provide training and technical assistance to specialty courts
$3 million appropriation provides: Training for judges and court staff; Access to residential treatment beds for specialty court participants; Specialty Court clinicians to staff Drug Courts and Mental Health Courts; Justice Peer Outreach workers from Department of Veteran Services to work with participants
The Future of Specialty Courts The Trial Court has committed in the strategic plan to expand specialty courts, and we expect to have approximately 50 specialty courts across Massachusetts by FY 2017.