UNCLASSIFIED Feedback on the New Datums 2015 Geospatial Summit April 13 to 14, 2015 National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (NGA) Stephen Malys NGA Senior Scientist for Geodesy and Geophysics
UNCLASSIFIED Our major products/services which will be affected by the new datums: Homeland Security Infrastructure Program Homeland Infrastructure Foundation-Level Data (HIFLD) Collaboration among NGA, DHS, USGS Geodetic Surveys on CONUS Weapons Test Ranges will continue to use WGS 84 (Gxxxx) and EGM 2008 Holloman AFB White Sands Test Range Eglin AFB Patrick AFB Vandenberg AFB Our preparations to date include: N/A Preparation
UNCLASSIFIED We are excited because... Expected advantages of the new datums for your organization, its products, or services The replacement to NAD 83 will be closely aligned with the ITRF and therefore closely aligned with the current (and future, 2022) realizations of WGS 84 The replacement to NAVD 88 will be more closely aligned with our best global geoid: EGM 2008 These NGS efforts represent significant milestones toward a common, Global Geodetic Reference Frame for all geospatial data A major goal of Geodesy for many decades Will reduce confusion for most practical surveying applications We are concerned because... Expected challenges of the new datums for your organization, its products, or services There will likely be small differences between NAD xx and WGS 84 (Gxxxx) A topic of scientific interest (1 -10mm level) Will the community accept these small differences as statistically insignificant? Of no practical interest? Advantages / Challenges
UNCLASSIFIED The tools, products, or services we need most (from NGS or others) are: GPS and other GNSS data sets from ‘Foundation CORS’ Facilitate direct comparison with WGS 84 reference frame The outreach we need most (from NGS or others): Continued close collaboration between NGA, NOAA and NASA Support and maintain the health of the Geodesy discipline within the US Government Transition Tools / Outreach Needs