An Introduction to Integrated Marketing Communications CH 1 An Introduction to Integrated Marketing Communications
The Modern World of Marketing Rapidly changing media environment Mass media losing viewers, readers, listeners Digital media targets narrow audience Consumers not content to be passive message recipients Information now obtained from a myriad of sources
The Growth of Advertising and Promotion Integral part of social and economic systems Carefully prepared messages delivered to carefully targeted audiences Six-fold increase between 1980 and 2010 New marketing channels Internet ads (banner ads, videos, webisodes) Social media Mobile marketing
Advertising & Promotion Nonprofit Organizations The Role of Marketing Advertising & Promotion Nonprofit Organizations Inform customers of a product or service Convince them of its ability to satisfy their wants or needs Help develop and sustain relationships Solicit donations Offer intangible social and psychological satisfactions
The activity, set of institutions, and processes for… What is Marketing? The activity, set of institutions, and processes for… creating, communicating, delivering, and exchanging offerings that have… value for customers, clients, partners, and society at large
What is Value? Customer’s perception of all the benefits of a product or service Benefits can be…
The Marketing Mix The Four Ps
The Marketing Revolution Shift from traditional media ads to other forms of promotion/nontraditional media Internet and social media changing how companies interact with consumers Power shift: manufacturers to retailers Database marketing Movement away from mass media advertising toward more targeted tools such as event marketing, direct mail, Internet
The Role of IMC in Branding Image or Associations Performance Name Brand Identity Packaging Logo Design Symbols
The Promotional Mix Advertising Direct Marketing Interactive/ Internet Marketing Sales Promotion Publicity/ Public Relations Personal Selling
Paid, nonpersonal communication Advertising Paid, nonpersonal communication About an organization, product, service, or idea With an identified sponsor No immediate feedback from audience
Non-Personal Media Mass media Benefits TV Radio Magazines Newspapers Cost effective Large audiences
Advertising Classifications Consumers National Retail / Local Primary / Selective Demand Business-to-Business Organizations Professional Trade
Forms of Direct Marketing Direct Mail Catalogs Direct Response Ads Telemarketing Direct Selling Database Management Shopping Channels Internet Sales
Direct Response Advertising Encourages consumers to purchase directly from the manufacturer
Direct Response Advertising Major Tools Forces for Change
Interactive Marketing Interactive media Internet Kiosks Interactive television Cell phones Other mobile devices
Interactive Marketing Internet activities Advertise products and services Link ads and websites to search engines Offer coupons, contests, sweepstakes Conduct direct marketing Do personal selling Conduct public relations activities Measure advertising and promotions
Consumer vs. Trade Promotions Consumer-oriented Encourages immediate purchases Trade-oriented Wholesalers, distributors, retailers
Publicity A news story, editorial, or announcement to a mass audience High credibility and low cost Not directly paid for or run under identified sponsor Is sometimes unfavorable Not always under company control
Public Relations Uses publicity and other tools
Person-to-person communication Personal Selling Person-to-person communication A seller attempts to assist and/or persuade prospective buyers to make a purchase or act on an idea
Touch Points: Control vs. Impact
IMC Planning Model Promotional program situation analysis Analysis of the communications process Budget determination Develop integrated marketing communications programs Review of marketing plan Advertising Sales promotion PR/ publicity Personal selling Direct marketing objectives Message strategy Integrate and implement marketing communications strategies Monitor, evaluate and control IMC Program Internet/ interactive
Elements of a Marketing Plan Detailed situation analysis Specific marketing objectives Marketing strategy and program Program for implementing the strategy Process for monitoring & evaluating performance
Promotional Program Situational Analysis Internal External Firm’s promotional organization/capabilities Review of previous programs and results Assess firm/brand image Assess strengths and weaknesses of product or service Customer analysis Competitive analysis Environmental analysis
Analysis of Communications Process Communication decisions Source and message Communication channels Media mix Costs Marketing goals Communication objectives
Budget Determination What will the promotional program cost? How will the money be allocated?
Developing the IMC Program IMC Strategies Creative Media
Monitoring, Evaluation, Control Basic Goals Determine how well the program is doing, and why Problem correction Continual management feedback Input for future promotions/strategies