COSCON e-Business Simulation on e-SI COSCON EUROPE ISD May 2015
3 SIMULATION ON ONLINE-SHIPPING INSTRUCTION Fill the Bookingno. Received from confirmation or from COSCON eB and click GO, information from the Booking is already filled out automatically :
4 SIMULATION ON ONLINE-SHIPPING INSTRUCTION Additional B/L reference can be added, also the checkboxes for references from Booking can be ticked to be shown on B/L. Parties need to be filled in the address fields. Clicking „Add“ saves them so that next time they can be found again via „Search“
5 SIMULATION ON ONLINE-SHIPPING INSTRUCTION Select the formatting for the routing information from the drop down lists, Select the B/L type Original/Waybill from the drop down list:
6 SIMULATION ON ONLINE-SHIPPING INSTRUCTION Fill Cargo Description and Shipping Marks, select Prepaid/Collect from drop down list and enter sucharges, also remarks can be added. Select the address of the receiver in your local office:
7 SIMULATION ON ONLINE-SHIPPING INSTRUCTION Fill Containerno. (if not already shown due to picked up), add Sealtype and No. (if not already shown due to Ctr. redelivered to terminal):
8 SIMULATION ON ONLINE-SHIPPING INSTRUCTION Insert Packages (note: when you fill „unit“, system will validate the information typed in and give a choice in a drop down menu, so you only need to fill some characters and wait until menu opens), insert Weight (if not already shown due to Ctr. redelivered to terminal) and further information like measurement, Descr. of Goods, etc.:
9 SIMULATION ON ONLINE-SHIPPING INSTRUCTION Save this SI as Template, Draft or submit to local COSCON office in charge :
10 SIMULATION ON ONLINE-SHIPPING INSTRUCTION Auto- will be sent to customer and B/L can be checked in COSCON eB : click
11 SIMULATION ON ONLINE-SHIPPING INSTRUCTION Customer can write amendments directly in the image and click SUBMIT to save B/L Image and submit changes. Then check ‚Container Info‘ and amend if necessary, click SUBMIT SI and send changes for this tab:
12 SIMULATION ON ONLINE-SHIPPING INSTRUCTION Local office receives update-auto- , local eB user with the necessary access (IDM – EB – BL) need to confirm the amendment. Then it will be transferred to IRIS2 and can be opened via FIND B/L – FIND EDI B/L. Here local user can compare and update BL changes directly
13 SIMULATION ON ONLINE-SHIPPING INSTRUCTION After necessary modifications, local office Issue original and print or send to Web Service (if customer can print BL by themselves via BLRP Software)
14 SIMULATION ON ONLINE-SHIPPING INSTRUCTION Direct B/L Printing via BLRP Software need some required action in advance: 1.) Contact HQ ETD to get approval (fill application) 2.) Contact HQ TSD to create BLRP access (fill contract) 3.) Contact HQ BPS to link eB account with BLRP access Templates can be found on next page
16 Thank you !