Digital Conversion Granite School District and 21st Century Learning
Life Before the Steam Engine Before the invention of the steam engine people used the power provided by: ● animals ● wind ● water to farm, mill flour and transport goods and people from place to place.
Catalyst for Industrial Revolution The invention of the steam engine helped drive the Industrial Revolution which created new jobs for people and drew them to urban centers. Increased speed and power up to 5 times of what had been possible.
Best Practice By Implementing Next Practice Next practice is adopting a different way of doing things to meet changing needs.
Built on a Proud Tradition ●Education was built for the industrial model...although we have moved forward. ●The school system is still built for the industrial model. Back in the day that was the world of work. ●The world of work looks different so we need to adapt.
Is not a silver bullet
Not just another way to read a book
Is not a just a laptop If you had to give up (forever) one device, would it be your mobile phone or desktop computer?
More than just an up to date keyboard
Cannot replace the classroom teacher.
What if we could travel to the future...
Our Educational Postcard 20th Century Practice21st Century Digital Teaching Learning Relevance ●Low relevance to the learner ●Can lack context for the learner ●Relevant to learner ●Has high contextual value for learner (me, group, community or global significance) Technology Use ●Literacy (learning about technology) ●Augmentative (learning with technology) ●Transformative (learning through technology) Teaching Methodologies ●Lecture, stand and deliver, teacher-centered Instructional approach ●Project and problem-based learning ●Teacher as a facilitator Student Involvement in Learning ●Students given content & told processes ●Students construct content & develop and evaluate processes. Feedback ●Limited●Multiple sources – self, peer, teacher/mentor, online community
Our Educational Postcard 20th Century Paradigm21st Century Paradigm Timing of Learning ●Traditional school timing ●Emphasis on 9-3 learning with homework ●School times flexible and based on neurological research. ●Anywhere anytime learning facilitated by transformative technology use School Design ●Classrooms and labs ●Single purpose spaces ●Flexible learning spaces, learning commons, casual learning spaces Centricity ●Teacher-centric●Student-centric Learning Programs ●Group-based with some extension or remedial ●Individual learning programs Learning Focus ●Predominantly content with some process ●Predominantly process with seamlessly embedded content
21st Century Learner - Digital Natives ● technology literate and adept ● media savvy ● flexible and dynamic ● multitasking ● communicators and collaborators ● interactive and networked ● reflective and critical ● instant ● creative and adaptive ● life long learners, anywhere anytime learners
21st Century Teacher - Connected Educator - Digital Teacher ● Adapter ● Communicator ● Learner ● Visionary ● Leader ● Model ● Collaborator ● Risk Taker
SAMR Model - Teaching “Above the Line”
Granite Can Be Among The Innovators ● Park City District ● Wasatch District ● Washington District ● Iron District
GSD Five Year Plan ● Provide connectivity and bandwidth for 1:1 in every school ● Provide access to current and appropriate technologies ●Expand student access to education through 24/7 technology ●Provide 21st century tools to support curriculum and learning
Project Red Research Team Thomas Greaves Chairman, The Greaves Group, Co-Author, America's Digital Schools, is recognized as a visionary in the conceptualization, design, engineering and marketing of technologies for schools. Leslie Wilson CEO, One-to-One Institute, Co-Author, A Guidebook for Change. Ms. Wilson has extensively authored and presented around 21st century teaching/learning/leadership, one-to-one best practices and research. Jeanne Hayes Co-Author, America’s Digital Schools, Jeanne Hayes brings 30 years of strategic education insights to Project RED. With a background as an educator, Ms. Hayes founded Quality Education Data (QED). Michael Gielniak Ph.D., Director of Programs and Development, One-to-One Institute, Co- Author, A Guidebook for Change. Michael Gielniak oversees marketing strategies, development, and key programs and services for the One-to-One Institute.
Project Red- 7 Key Findings The findings demonstrated that schools employing a 1:1 student-computer ratio and key implementation factors outperformed other schools and reveal significant opportunities for improving education return on investment (ROI) by transforming teaching and learning. Nine key implementation factors are linked most strongly to education. Properly implemented technology saves money. 1:1 schools employing key implementation factors outperform all schools and all other 1:1 schools. The principal’s ability to lead change is critical. Change must be modeled and championed at the principal level. Technology-transformed intervention improves learning. Online collaboration increases learning productivity and student engagement. Daily use of technology delivers the best return on investment (ROI).
Chromebook Cost - $235 Management system cost - $25 (one time license fee) ●Designed to be used while connected to internet, but users can access all Google applications (Google Drive) while in offline mode. ●Comes with a built in local music player, photo editor, and a PDF and Microsoft Office document viewer that are functional without internet access. ●Boots in seconds. ●Has 7-8 hour battery and full QWERTY Keyboard. ●Includes cloud/hard drive storage (Unlimited cloud storage for students) ●Provides affordable alternative. ●Supports USB devices such as cameras, mice, external keyboards, and flash drives.
Technology will never replace great teachers, but technology in the hands of great teachers can be transformational.