Classification of Microorganisms Chapter 10 Classification of Microorganisms
1.7 million organisms identified so far All Species Inventory (2001-2025) To identify all species of life on Earth Estimates data from Aug 2011 are 8.7 million (with 6.5 million species found on land and 2.2 million dwelling in the ocean depths) 86% of all species on land and 91% of those in the seas have yet to be discovered, described and catalogued Theory of evolution 1895 – Charles Darwin proposed that natural selection was responsible for the similarities as well as the differences among organisms Phylogenetics is the study of evolutionary relation among groups of organisms Grouping organisms according to common properties implies that a group of organisms evolved from a common ancestor Similar plasma membrane Use ATP for energy DNA is genetic storage
Structure of cell organelles Endosymbiotic Theory Cyanophora paradoxa
Taxonomy – Science of classification Taxonomy - Systematic - the science of the classification of organisms. The goal of showing relationships among organisms. Also provides a means of identifying organisms.
Linnaeus 1735 2 kingdoms Haeckel 1866 3 kingdoms Chatton 1937 2 empires Copeland 1956 4 kingdoms Whittaker 1969 5 kingdoms Woese et al. 1977 6 kingdoms Woese et al. 1990 3 domains (not treated) Protista Prokaryota Monera Eubacteria Bacteria Archaebacteria Archaea Eukaryota Eukarya Vegetabilia Plantae Fungi Animalia
Mitochondrion degenerates The Three-Domain System Eukarya Origin of mitochondria Fungi Animals Bacteria Origin of chloroplasts Amebae Mitochondria Slime molds Archaea Cyanobacteria Plants Ciliates Extreme halophiles Proteobacteria Green algae Chloroplasts Methanogens Dinoflagellates Hyperthermophiles Diatoms Gram-positive bacteria Euglenozoa Thermotoga Giardia Horizontal gene transfer occurred within the community of early cells. Mitochondrion degenerates Nucleoplasm grows larger
Table 10.1
Genetic study in Classification In Genetic - Homologous genes means that the genes have similar sequences. In systematic homologous means that genes have a common ancestor Orthologs are homologous genes that belong to different species but still retain their original function Ortholog genes can be used in the construction of phylogenetic trees. The classical example is the 16S ribosomal RNA gene Figure by Jamie Cannone, courtesy of Robin Gutell; data from the Comparative RNA Web Site:
Taxonomy Three major areas of activity. 1. Nomenclature – naming of organisms 2. Classification – the process of ordering of organisms in group based on common properties 3. Identification of unknown organisms
1. Nomenclature Every recognized species on earth (at least in theory) is given a two-part scientific name. This system is called "binomial nomenclature.“ The scientific name of each species is made up of a generic name (generic epithet) and a specific name (specific epithet). The genus is the first level of taxonomic organization, in a way, because all species that are thought to be most closely related, are placed together in a genus. Genus is capitalized; whole name in italic, Latinized
Scientific Names
2. Classification -Taxonomic Hierarchy Taxa (taxon) – taxonomic category designed to show degrees of similarities among organisms. (Groups based on similarity) Higher taxa – very general Lower taxa – more restricted Species – single unique organism group Domain Kingdom Phylum Class Order Family Genus Species
The Taxonomic Hierarchy Example: Canus latrans (coyote) Canus aureau (jackal) Canus lupus (wolf) Canus familiaris (common dog) Kingdom Animalia Phylum Chordata Class Mammalia Order Primates Family Hominidae Genus Homo Species H. sapiens Figure 10.5
Figure 10.5 The taxonomic hierarchy. All organisms Eukarya Archaea Bacteria Domain Fungi None assigned for archaea None assigned for bacteria Kingdom Ascomycota Euryarcheota Proteobacteria Phylum Hemiascomycetes Methanococci Gammaproteobacteria Class Saccharomycetales Methanococcales Enterobacteriales Order Saccharomycetaceae Methanococcaceae Enterobacteriaceae Family Methanothermococcus Saccharomyces Escherichia Genus S. cerevisiae Species M. okinawensis E. coli Baker’s yeast Methanococcus E. coli
Species Definition Eukaryotic species: A group of closely related organisms that breed among themselves and produce fertile offspring Prokaryotic species: A population of cells with similar characteristics Clone: Population of cells derived from a single cell Strain: Genetically different cells within a clone Viral species: Population of viruses with similar characteristics that occupies a particular ecological niche
Domain Eukarya Kingdom Protista: A catchall for eukaryotic organisms that do not fit other kingdoms, 200,000 species. Unicellular and multicellular Nutritionally quite diverse. Autotrophs, heterotrophs, intracellular parasites Kingdom Fungi: Unicellular or multicellular; cell walls of chitin; Develop from spores or fragments of hypha Chemoheterotrophic Kingdom Plantae: Multicellular; cellulose cell walls; Usually photoautotrophic Cells are organized into tissues Kingdom Animalia: Multicellular; no cell walls; Chemoheterotrophic, ingest food through a mouth
Prokaryotes Historically, prokaryotes were classified on the basis of their phenotype. Phenotypic characterization is based on the information carried in the products of the genes. Modern characterization is based on the sequence of the genes i.e. the genome. Can also tell us something about the phylogenetic relationships of prokaryotes Medical microbiology has dominant interest in microbes Use many identification schemes. High G + C Low ARCHAEA Chlamydias Cyanobacteria Gram-positive bacteria BACTERIA Spirochetes Green sulfur bacteria Bacteroides Proteobacteria Green nonsulfur Thermotoga Hyperthermophiles Methanogens Extreme halophiles
Viruses Viruses are acellular organisms – do not fit the three domain system Obligate intracellular parasites, usually infect one type of cells Classified by Family and Genus Often referred to by common name
Methods of Classifying and Identifying Microorganisms Morphological characteristics Useful for identifying prokaryotes and eukaryotes Differential staining Gram staining, acid-fast staining Cell wall structure Biochemical tests Determine presence of bacterial enzymes, metabolic activities Immunological tests Determine antigens toxins Genetic tests Determine presence and structure of genes Figure 10.8
Biochemical tests Determine presence of specific enzymes Enzyme (?) Substrate Product (presence or absence) Carbohydrate fermentation, gas production, acid production Citrate fermentation Nitrogen fixation Sulfur oxidation Nitrate reduction Hydrogen sulfide production Starch hydrolysis Catalase production, etc.
Dichotomous Key Dichotomous keys are used for the identification of organisms.
Numerical Identification Figure 10.9
Immunological methods - Serology Serology is the scientific study of blood serum. In practice, the term usually refers to the diagnostic identification of antibodies in the serum Antibody - Proteins made by animals in response to exposure to bacteria and other pathogens, toxins, plant pollen and red blood cells that the body recognized as alien, or non-self. Combine known antiserum (Ab against Protein A) + unknown bacterium - Slide agglutination ( diagnostic method) Staphylococcus aureus produce Coagulase and Protein A Figure 10.10
Immunological methods - ELISA Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay - biochemical technique used mainly in immunology to detect the presence of an antibody or an antigen in a sample Antibody linked with an enzyme Enzyme’s substrate is added Known antibodies Unknown presence of bacterium Known bacteria Unknown presence of Ab Antibody linked with an enzyme Enzyme’s substrate is added
Immunological methods - Western Blot Separates proteins in a specimen by electrophoresis Use of antibodies linked with an enzyme for detection Figure 10.12
Phage Typing Bacteriophages are viruses that infect bacteria ("phages" for short) and some of these can only infect a single strain of bacteria. Phage typing is a method used for detecting different strains of bacteria within a single species. Figure 10.13
Genetics 1.DNA base composition Guanine + cytosine moles% (GC) 2.DNA fingerprinting Electrophoresis of restriction enzyme digested DNA 3. rRNA sequencing 4. Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR)
5. Nucleic Acid Hybridization 5.A. Total DNA Figure 10.15
5.B. Nucleic Acid Hybridization- DNA probe Figure 10.16
5. C. Nucleic Acid Hybridization: DNA chip Figure 10.17
Cladogram A cladogram is a diagram much like a family tree showing the phylogenic tree of different species and demonstrating where they evolved from common ancestors. Once taxonomists based cladograms on physical, easily-observed characteristics; Today, they can use more reliable information like genetic and biochemical analysis to show phylogenetic relationships among organisms. Figure 10.18.1
Classification and Identification Classification of unknown Differential staining DNA analyses rRNA sequencing PCR Identification of an unknown microbe previously discovered and classified requires combined methods Figure 10.5
References • Bergey’s Manual of Determinative Bacteriology Once an organism is identified, it can be placed into a previously devised classification scheme • Bergey’s Manual of Determinative Bacteriology Provides identification schemes for identifying bacteria and archaea Morphology, differential staining, biochemical tests • Bergey’s Manual of Systematic Bacteriology Provides phylogenetic information on bacteria and archaea Based on rRNA sequencing Lists species of known prokaryotes • Approved Lists of Bacterial Names Based on published articles
Learning objectives Define taxonomy, taxon, and phylogeny. Discuss the advantage of the three-domain system. List the characteristics of the Bacteria, Archaea, and Eukarya domains. Differentiate among eukaryotic, prokaryotic, and viral species. Explain why scientific names are used. List the major taxa. Differentiate between culture, clone, and strain. List the major characteristics used to differentiate the three kingdoms of multicellular Eukarya. Compare and contrast classification and identification. Explain the purpose of Bergey’s Manual. Describe how staining and biochemical tests are used to identify bacteria. Differentiate Western blotting and Southern blotting. Explain how serological tests and phage typing can be used to identify an unknown bacterium. Describe how a newly discovered microbe can be classified by: DNA base composition, DNA fingerprinting, and PCR. Describe how microorganisms can be identified by nucleic acid hybridization, Southern blotting and DNA chips. Differentiate a dichotomous key from a cladogram.