Jin Huang Brookhaven National Lab For the PHENIX Collaboration A MERICAN P HYSICAL S OCIETY A PRIL M EETING, A PRIL 13, 2015, B ALTIMORE, M ARYLAND Outline:


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Presentation transcript:

Jin Huang Brookhaven National Lab For the PHENIX Collaboration A MERICAN P HYSICAL S OCIETY A PRIL M EETING, A PRIL 13, 2015, B ALTIMORE, M ARYLAND Outline: ● Motivation ● Detector Setup ● Analysis ● Results ● Future

APS April Meeting 2015 Jin Huang 2 Cosmic Positron fraction VS energy  Among many experimental hints for dark matter, muon (g-2) anomaly and cosmic ray positron excess strongly motivates models of a U(1) dark photon, that weekly coupled to EM photon  Experimentally, this dark photon can be searched through peak finding over a large flux of virtual photons, including Dalitz decay of π 0 /η → γ A’ → γ + (e + e - )  accumulated large statistics of Dalitz decay data for a dark photon search  A similar approach was/is being also used by COSY-WASA, HADES, NA48/2 ? ? Muon (g-2) Theory VS exp. A’ * *

The most versatile hadron collider in the world, and world’s first and only spin-polarized proton collider Two major experiments as of today Pioneering High Energy Nuclear Interaction eXperiment (PHENIX) Solenoidal Tracker At RHIC (STAR) APS April Meeting 2015 Jin Huang 3

APS April Meeting 2015 Jin Huang 4 :Used in this search

2006 Run: p + p 2008: d + Au 2009 Run: p + p w/ hadron blind detector (X 0 ~2.4%) APS April Meeting 2015 Jin Huang 5 Detection of e + e - pairs in PHENIX Central arms spectrometers (-0.35< η <0.35, 2×90⁰ in φ) Vertex determination: beam-beam counter Tracking: drift chamber (DC) + pad chamber (PC), 0.39% X 0 before tracker in 2006/2008 B dL~1.2 T m, δp/p ~ 1% (+) 1.1% × (p / (GeV/c)) → Δm ee ≈ 3.1 MeV Electron trigger & ID: ring imaging Cherenkov detector (hadron rejection >1000) + electromagnetic calorimeter (hadron rejection ~ 10) e+e+ e-e- √s NN = 200 GeV

 In the search region (30 < m ee < 90 MeV/c 2 ), observed e + e - pairs contain Dalitz decay of π 0 /η and background contributions  Category of background: ◦ Combinatorial of e + e - that are born through uncorrelated process ◦ e + e - possibly correlated through non- Dalitz origin of the same pion, or through jet productions  Background estimates: ◦ 2009: same-sign pairs of e ± e ± → combinatorial + correlated background ◦ 2006/08: mix event + simulation  Selection region where background < 10% of pair yield for this search APS April Meeting 2015 Jin Huang 6

APS April Meeting 2015 Jin Huang 7 Search window No peak observed 

 Under assumption of a narrow dark photon mass width, the expected peak width is detector resolution dominated  Width quantified through simulation  We estimated possible events with dark photon candidates under 90% confidence limit using CLs approach  No dark photon signal was observed  Upper limit of event count is given APS April Meeting 2015 Jin Huang 8 Simulated dark photon mass peak and width Color coding in p T Color coding in m ee

 Upper limit of of dark photon-QED photon coupling is given in mass range of GeV  Preliminary release Oct. 2013, final result published in PRC rapid communication (2015)  Together with published data, almost rule out muon g-2 preferred band  Exciting to see new search coming to this region too: ◦ NA48/2 (as in Cenci’s talk, arXiv: ) ◦ BELL (II) (as in Jaegle’s talk) ◦ ALICE, APEX, HPS, DarkLight, MESA, VEPP3, Mu3e,... APS April Meeting 2015 Jin Huang 9 PHENIX Collaboration, arXiv: , PRC 91, (2015)

 The PHENIX collaboration carried out a search for dark photon through Dalitz decay of π 0 /η  No dark photon signal was observed in data  Upper limit of dark photon coupling to QED photon over the mass range 30 < m ee < 90 MeV/c 2  With published world data, dark photon as explanation for observed (g-2) anomaly almost ruled out APS April Meeting 2015 Jin Huang 10 Future PHENIX : use of recent high luminosity data and silicon detector to perform displaced vertex search. PHENIX Collaboration, arXiv: , PRC 91, (2015)

APS April Meeting 2015 Jin Huang 11 ~ →2020~2025Time Current PHENIX sPHENIX (+fsPHENIX) An EIC detector  14y+ operation 100+M$ investment  Broad spectrum of physics (QGP, Hadron Physics, DM)  147 published papers to date  Last run in this form 2016  Comprehensive central upgrade based on BaBar magnet  Rich jet and beauty quarkonia physics program → nature of QGP  fsPHENIX : forward tracking, Hcal and muon ID → Spin, CNM  PHENIX upgrade path leads to a capable EIC detector  Large coverage of tracking, calorimetry, and PID  Welcome new collaborators and new ideas Welcome new collaborators and new ideas! Documented: RHIC: A+A, spin-polarized p+p, spin-polarized p+A EIC: e+p, e+A

APS April Meeting 2015 Jin Huang 12

APS April Meeting 2015 Jin Huang 13

APS April Meeting 2015 Jin Huang 14

APS April Meeting 2015 Jin Huang 15

APS April Meeting 2015 Jin Huang 16

APS April Meeting 2015 Jin Huang 17 JHEP 1502 (2015) 157

C. Hearty Taku Gunji BNL workshop APS April Meeting 2015 Jin Huang 18 Excising and future data – courtesy: Bertrand Echenard

 PHENIX: Pioneering High Energy Nuclear Interaction eXperiment One of the largest RHIC  14y+ operation 100+M$ investment  Broad spectrum of physics ◦ QGP, Spin puzzle, New Physics ◦ 147 published papers to date APS April Meeting 2015 Jin Huang m