Why include Micronutrients to your crop program? NEED OF MICROELEMENTS Why include Micronutrients to your crop program? Plants need more than just the Macronutrients (NPK) and secondary elements (Ca, Mg & S) to survive in a healthy state. Micronutrients act in the most of VITAL chemical reactions of plants. Micronutrients: Fe, Zn, Mn, Cu, B, Mo, Si, Co … If there is a little deficiency of any microelement, it may affect to the yield and quality of the crops. Microelements are a “restrictive factor”
NEED OF MICROELEMENTS Macroelements (NPK): it is necessary to apply them in big quantities Microelements: it is necessary to apply them in small quantities BUT … The shortest piece LIMITS the YIELD Independently of the width (quantity)
Micronutrient content in soils: extreme variability
REASONS OF THE MICRONUTRIENT DEFICIENCIES More productive varieties: more extractions Crop intensification High increase of NPK fertilization Decrease of organic fertilizers Drip Irrigation Low plant uptake (soil interactions) Calcareous soils Soil pH SO IT'S NECESSARY TO PROTECT THE MICRONUTRIENT...
% Micronutrients availability depending on soil pH SO IT'S NECESSARY TO PROTECT THE MICRONUTRIENT and INCREASE AVAILABILITY !! At low pH all microelements are available for roots except Mo If the pH increases the solubility of the microelements decrease and also the availability
Sources of micronutrients TRADICIONAL SOURCES SALTS OXIDES SULPHATES NITRATES ORGANIC SOURCES METAL + CHELATING AGENT (PHYSICAL MIX) COMPLEXING Amino-acids Lignosulphonates Poliflavonoids (CHEMICAL MIX) Citrates Oxilates Gluconates EDTA EDDHA DTPA React with: - The clay-humus complex of the soil - Soluble phosphates (present in the soil or applied with N, P, K fertilisers)
What’s a chelate: Chelate Reaction TRADECORP FORMULATION + CHELATING AGENT + MICRONUTRIENT = CHELATE TRADECORP SYNTHESIS TRADECORP FORMULATION Chelating agent: substance which protects the metal to avoid its immobilization in the soil Chelate: microelement protected by a molecule in order to be available for plants
To Prevent 2. To Correct Chelate Functions Micronutrients deficiencies - Decrease of yield - Decrease of quality - Less resistant plants - Plant died DEFICIENCY ?
To Prevent 2. To Correct Chelate Functions Micronutrients deficiencies 3. To protect the metal against interactions with phosphates and soil complex. 4. To transport metals in the rizosphere towards the nutrient uptake area.
Types of chelating agents EDDHA EDTA Chemical structure of chelating agents specifically of Fe Chemical structure of EDTA chelating agent
CHELATING AGENT + MICRONUTRIENT = CHELATE (protected micronutrient) Parameters for choosing the chelating agent Stability constant Ka + CHELATING AGENT + MICRONUTRIENT = CHELATE (protected micronutrient) * One of the most important factors in choosing the chelate is the constant that measures the strength of the link between the chelating agent and the metal THE HIGHER IS - log Ka HIGHER Ka THE BETTER STABILITY HAS THE CHELATE [Chelated metal] - log Ka = [ CHELATING AGENT ] [ MICRONUTRIENT ]
Parameters for choosing the chelating agent Stability constant Slides Parameters for choosing the chelating agent Stability constant * The stability constant expressed as log Ka indicates that the greater the constant, the greater the stability Stability constant Fe3+ Fe2+ Ca2+ Zn2+ Mn2+ Cu2+ Mg2+ EDTA 25 15 11 16 14 18 9 EDDHA 35 7.2 9.2 7.7 24 ND CITRATE 5.5 4.7 5 3.5 6.1 2.8 Organic acids 4 3 2 3,2
Chemical advantages of Tradecorp´s chelates * Tradecorp is one of the few companies in the world that synthesises and manufactures the EDDHA chelating agent * Tradecorp offers its own synthesis, chelation and manufacturing technology * Tradecorp presents its range of chelates in soluble micro-granules (WG) due to the drying technology used in its production plants * Tradecorp’s chelates have the highest chelation grade * Quality department, ISO registrations…
Differences between different commercial products * Tradecorp ensures the highest quality and guarantee in the manufacturing process: - Maximum level of chelation - Richness guaranteed in micronutrients - Guarantee in the quality of the chelating agent The accurate and controlled manufacturing process explains that all the cations are fully chelated: OTHERS: LOW CHELATION LEVEL
Parameters for choosing the chelating agent pH Slides Parameters for choosing the chelating agent pH The chelates are stable in a wide range of pH Stability range of the chelated fraction 10 EDTA EDDHA
Chelate stability in function of pH & type of application Type of chelating agent Foliar Application Acid pH Alkaline pH Soil Application EDTA (Zn, Mn, Ca, Mg & Mix) GOOD STABILITY EDTA Fe MEDIUM STABILITY BAD STABILITY EDDHA Fe Amino acids Citric and organic acids
Chelates: Unique mode of action Slides 1 The chelating agent (organic molecule) protects the micronutrient from factors that might cause it to become immobile and blocked in the soil 2 Besides increasing the solubility and mobility of the nutrients in the soil, the chelating agent ensures the nutrients are transferred to the rhizosphere ABSORPTION OF MICRONUTRIENTS IN THE ROOTS WITH THE APPLICATION OF CHELATES CHELATING AGENT MICRONUTRIENTS 3 The chelating agent releases metal and is absorbed in the rhizosphere (root) 4 The use of chelates ensures the maximum absorption and assimilation of micronutrients by the plant, increasing the performance and quality of the harvest
Advantages of Tradecorp´s chelates Vs traditional sources of micronutrients * Bigger stability in soils, the metal is protected by the chelating agent that avoid interactions with other elements of the soil (carbonates, OM, clay-humic complex, etc.) Lasting availability. * Bigger stability in tank mix and irrigation water (pH, ions, etc) * Maximum efficiency with lower dose rates due to the chelated micronutrients being totally available to plants * Better solubility and less risk of salinity * Compatible with most agrochemicals and foliar fertilizers * Greater ease of handling, transport and storage
Advantages of Tradecorp´s chelates Vs traditional sources of micronutrients True chelates Oxides Salts False chelates Complexes + BIO-AVAILABILITY + EFFICIENCY + SOLUBILITY + EASY 5 - 10 5 - 10 2 - 3 1 - + Required doses
Comparison with competitors: sulfates, nitrates, chlorides… Problems of salts: 1. Low compatibility with pesticides 2. Risk of scorching 3. Solubility 4. Secondary effect on soil (pH, carbonates, ions, clay-humic complex) Chelates doesn’t react with: Phosphates OM Clay-humic complex AND they are STABLE in a high pH range
Trial: Chelates on Foliar Spray (Brazil) The most commonly used fonts of Mn are MnCl2 and MnSO4. 9 trials to check the efficacy of foliar spray of chelates and the dose reduction. All the trials shown the same results: It’s possible to reduce the doses Tradecorp Mn has good compatibility Tradecorp Mn prevents Mn deficiency Tradecorp Mn causes no injuries
Tradecorp Mn remains longer time on the leaves!
Grammes of Mn applied / ha Evaluation of the efficacy of Tradecorp Mn against MnSO4 and MnCl2 Effect on Soybean nutrition; Rio Verde Foundation, Brazil. 5 repetitions per treatment. Treatments and composition: Treatments Mn Content (p/p) Rate Grammes of Mn applied / ha MnCl2 17% 1 l/ha 170 g/ha MnSO4 32% 1 kg/ha 320 g/ha Tradecorp Mn (EDTA-Mn) 13% 0,2 kg/ha 26 g/ha
a & b = significant statistical difference (α=0,05 on Duncan test) Results: Yield of grains, Kg/ha a & b = significant statistical difference (α=0,05 on Duncan test) + 5% a a + 1% 4. Conclusion: Tradecorp Mn performs better than traditional application of salts in soybean, despite a big reduction in the overall quantity of Manganese applied per hectare.
Source: Department of Agriculture, Western Australia Comparison of soil application of 3 Cu fertilizers 100% Yield with Average needs Balance 150 g Cu/ha as Cu-EDTA 150 g/ha CORRECT AND EFFICIENT 450 g Cu/ha as CuSO4 450 g/ha EXCESS = POLLUTION 450 g Cu/ha as Cu oxychloride 450 g/ha EXCESS = POLLUTION
Physical advantages of Tradecorp´s chelates 100% SOLUBLE 1. Rapid and total dissolution in all types of water without forming lumps or sediments 2. Maximum ease of handling compared with other formulations presented as powder 3. Greater ease of handling and storage compared with other liquids and less concentrated formulations
Micro granule section Tradecorp chelates have a full solubility, due to the WG formulation, with big quantity of cavities and holes that increases the contact surface with the water.
100% effective!! Agronomical advantages of Tradecorp´s chelates * High stability in a wide range of pH, reaching the maximum efficiency in all conditions, even in the most difficult cases * Maximum efficiency with lower dose rates 100% available * Optimum solution for hydroponics and fertigation. Avoids blocking of drippers and nozzles * High level of security as they are not aggressive for plant tissues or the roots * Long lasting availability 100% effective!!
Product catalogue Ultraferro® Tradecorp® Range Tradecorp® AZ Range Tradecorp® Ca Tradecorp® Cu Tradecorp® Fe Tradecorp® Mg Tradecorp® Mn Tradecorp® Zn Tradecitrus® Tradecorp® Range Tradecorp® AZ Range
Tradecorp® Ca Slides * Denomination: EDTA calcium chelate * Composition: 14% w/w calcium oxide (CaO) chelated by EDTA and soluble in water * pH stability range: 2 – 9 * Presentation: Soluble micro-granules (WG) * Application: Soil (Fertigation) / Hydroponics / Foliar * Crops: Fruit crops / Vegetables / Forage / Ornamentals / Herbaceous crops
Tradecorp® Cu Slides * Denomination: EDTA copper chelate * Composition: 14.5% w/w copper (Cu) chelated by EDTA and soluble in water * pH stability range: 4 – 9 * Presentation: Soluble micro-granules (WG) * Application: Soil (Fertigation) / Hydroponics / Foliar * Crops: Fruit crops / Vegetables / Forage / Ornamentals / Herbaceous crops
Tradecorp® Fe Slides * Denomination: EDTA iron chelate * Composition: 13.2% w/w iron (Fe) chelated by EDTA and soluble in water * pH stability range: 4 – 7 * Presentation: Powder (WP) * Application: Soil (Fertigation) / Hydroponics / Foliar * Crops: Fruit crops / Vegetables / Forage / Ornamentals / Herbaceous crops
Tradecorp® Mg Slides * Denomination: EDTA magnesium chelate * Composition: 10% w/w magnesium oxide (MgO) chelated by EDTA and soluble in water * pH stability range: 4 – 9 * Presentation: Soluble micro-granules (WG) * Application: Soil (Fertigation) / Hydroponics / Foliar * Crops: Fruit crops / Vegetables / Forage / Ornamentals / Herbaceous crops
Tradecorp® Mn Slides * Denomination: EDTA manganese chelate * Composition: 13% w/w manganese (Mn) chelated by EDTA and soluble in water * pH stability range: 4 – 9 * Presentation: Soluble micro-granules (WG) * Application: Soil (Fertigation) / Hydroponics / Foliar * Crops: Fruit crops / Vegetables / Forage / Ornamentals / Herbaceous crops
Tradecorp® Zn Slides * Denomination: EDTA zinc chelate * Composition: 14% w/w zinc (Zn) chelated by EDTA and soluble in water * pH stability range: 4 – 9 * Presentation: Soluble micro-granules (WG) * Application: Soil (Fertigation) / Hydroponics / Foliar * Crops: Fruit crops / Vegetables / Forage / Ornamentals / Herbaceous crops
Tradecitrus® Slides * Denomination: EDTA manganese and zinc chelate * Composition: 6% w/w manganese (Mn) and 8% w/w zinc (Zn) chelated by EDTA and soluble in water * pH stability range: 4 – 9 * Presentation: Soluble micro-granules (WG) * Application: Soil (Fertigation) / Hydroponics / Foliar * Crops: Fruit crops / Vegetables / Forage / Ornamentals / Herbaceous crops