Societies Past In your groups read what happened to each society. Make two predictions Predictions 1. Predict what happens to it. 2. Predict why it occurs.
Societies Collapse For each bullet-point, tell what the society could have done in order to avoid collapse.
Easter Islanders
Discussion Questions 1. What patterns do you see re-occurring? 2. Can you identify any mistakes that we are re-making now? What are they? 3. Do you think we are on the edge of a societal collapse now? Explain.
Brainstorm: How do Countries, Societies, Nations, Civilizations Collapse?
Consequences of Climate Change Arctic Ice Loss Sea Level Rise Spread of Disease Extreme Weather Threats to habitat Refugees Water Scarcity Desertification Ocean Acidity rising
Is it solvable? WHY PREVENTED FROM SOLVING HOW DO YOU THINK THEY CAN OVERCOME THE PREVENTION INDIA and CHINA United States Least Developed Alliance of Small Island States Do you think we are at risk of a societal collapse today?
Chart Question 1. Do you think the world will be able to work together to prevent a collapse? Explain.