Programmed DM & Non-Programmed decisions. Individual & Group decisions. 4
One way of distinguishing among decisions is in terms of whether they are fairly routine and well-structured, or novel and poorly structured 5
PROGRAMMED DECISIONS : Well-structured decisions, can be understood, measured and are actually programmed NON-PROGRAMMED DECISIONS : Poorly structured decisions, unique, non- routine and more ambiguous and frequently more difficult to make since it involves major planning issues 6
Operational Decisions Programmed DecisionsIndividuals Strategic Decisions Non-Programmed DecisionsGroup 7
Advantage ◦ Provides more complete information ◦ Generates more alternatives ◦ Increases acceptance of a solution ◦ Increases legality Disadvantage ◦ Time consuming ◦ Some members might influence with other members ◦ unclear/confusing responsibility for the final outcome 8
Brainstorming (BS) ◦ An idea-generating process that encourages alternatives From 6-12 persons sit around a table. The group leader states the problem clearly. The alternatives start to be generated in a given time. ◦ No criticism is allowed and all alternatives are recorded for later analysis. 9
Nominal Group Techniques (NGT) ◦ The group members are physically present but operate independently. Members write down their ideas before meeting starts. The Meeting starts and each one presents his idea (one by one). No discussion takes place until all ideas have been recorded. (better to use flip chart) The group starts to discuss & evaluate the ideas Each member independently assigns a rank to the ideas. The decision is to choose which has the highest ranking. ◦ The main advantage is that it doesn’t restrict independent thinking. 10
Delphi Techniques (DT) ◦ The members never meet face to face. ◦ The same steps of “nominal Group Technique” but the members register their ideas of solution through “questionnaire.” ◦ The advantages: Less time consuming in group meeting & discussion Prevent members from influencing of others. 11
Electronic Meetings (EM) ◦ Most recent approach. ◦ The members interact through computers. 12
1.Size of the group ◦ The size of the task determine the group size. 2.Communication Type of group that determine decision making Centralized group: Group members communicate only via a central member This is called “The Wheel” Decentralized group Decentralized group: Group members communicate directly with every other members 13
There are two types: “ The Chain”- information pass from one individual to the next before it reaches the last person. “The Circle”- information is circular 14
3. Human elements ◦ Leadership within the group ◦ Group members values, attitudes, behavior, …..etc ◦ Group members skills, experiences, qualifications, ….etc ◦ Level of the inter-group conflict. 15
1. Internal constraints ◦ Availability of finance (budget) ◦ Existing company policy ◦ People’s behavior 2. External constraints ◦ Governmental legislation ◦ Competitors behavior ◦ Lack of technology ◦ Economic environment (demands) 16