Chapters: “Constitution” and “Federalism
British “Obstructionism” Abrupt Taxation Crystallizes emerging philosophies Enlightenment Influences (John Locke) Natural Rights cannot be infringed on Life, Liberty, Property Government by consent rather than decree Declaration of Independence Restatement of Locke’s principles Listed 27 specific abuses by Britain
Structure and Power Unicameral Legislature Each state had one vote 9 of 13 for passage of law Powerless Executive and No Judicial Unanimous Consent for Amendment Key Weaknesses No power to tax, had to request from states No power to regulate commerce, no national economy No court system to deal with conflict between states No money to fund military Shay’s Rebellion Reveals weaknesses of Articles
Issues Dealt With Representation ▪ Virginia Plan ▪ New Jersey Plan ▪ Compromise Slavery ▪ 3/5 Compromise Voting (left to states) Key Concepts (Madison) Separation of Power Checks and Balances Limits on Majority Power Federalism
Technically Illegal Federalists vs. Antifederalists Federalists (Strong National Gov/Pro-Constitution Antifederalists (State’s Rights/Anti-Constitution The Federalist Papers Federalist 10: Danger of factions, virtue of republic Federalist 51: Separation of Powers to control factions Bill of Rights Antifederalists pushed for one, added after ratification Ratification Special Conventions
Formal Informal Judicial Interpretation Political Practices (Parties for example) ProposalRatification 2/3 vote of both Houses of Congress¾ vote of State Legislatures National Convention called by Congress at the request of 2/3 of state legislatures State Conventions ratify in ¾ of the states.
Federalism A political system in which power is shared between local/regional governments (states) and a national government Continues due to Commitment to local government Congress being elected by local constituency Clear Advantage Increase participation and activity
Based on 10 th Amendment Federal and State Relationships No state can make treaties No state can coin money Elastic Clause muddies the waters Decided by Supreme Court State to State relationships “Full Faith and Credit Clause” “Privileges and immunities” Extradition
Dual Federalism (Layer Cake) Early interpretation which held the States had powers in some areas and the federal in others but they did not overlap Cooperative Federalism (Marble Cake) More recent interpretation (1930s on) that hold the Federal and State governments both have power and responsibilities in certain areas. Leads to federal solutions implemented through the state’s apparatus.
1919 McCulloch v. Maryland Implied Powers Federal Supremacy 1924 Gibbons v. Ogden Court defines commerce broadly, increasing Federal power Nullification and the Civil War Loss of distinction between Interstate and Intrastate commerce Devolution 1995 United States v. Lopez ▪ Restricts commerce clause Medicaid and Medicare debate
Grants-In-Aid Categorical Grants ▪ Grants for specific purposes. Often require matching funds. Have many conditions of aid. Block Grants ▪ Grants for general purposes. Have little to no conditions of aid. Stronger lobby for Categorical Grants
Two Types of Federal Control over States Conditions of Aid ▪ What states must do to get grant money Mandates ▪ Regulations and Requirements State must meet (Environmental and Civil Rights mostly) ▪ Often vague, left up to Federal Gov to define ▪ Unfunded Mandates: Requirements given to states without providing funding to meet.
Amendment Process Antifederalists Bicameral Bill of Rights Checks and Balances Constitution Declaration of Independence Factions Federalism
Federalist Papers Federalists Great Compromise Judicial Review Natural Rights New Jersey Plan Ratification Republic Separation of Powers
Shay’s Rebellion Virginia Plan Unalienable Unicameral Block Grants Categorical Grants Conditions of Aid Cooperative Federalism Devolution
Dual Federalism Extradition Federalism Federal System Full Faith and Credit Gibbons v. Ogden Grants in aid Initiative Mandates
Mc.Culloch v. Maryland Nullification Privileges and Immunities Referendum Unfunded Unitary System