W. GEOG. VOCAB. UNIT 8 SOUTH ASIA (India, Pakistan, etc.)
SOME CLIMATE OF SOUTH ASIA Seasonal winds:monsoons A storm with high winds and heavy rains: cyclone You can find a steppe climate region in South Asia on the _____ Plateau and around the _____ Desert.Deccan; Great Indian The three seasons found in much of South Asia occur: _____ (late February to June); _____ (from June or July until September); and _____ (from October to late February).hot; wet; and cool The factors that enable South Asia's rain forests to thrive are _____ and _____.receiving the monsoon rains and having no mountains to block the rains
… monsoon rains can last for weeks
SOME RELIGION(S) OF SOUTH ASIA Rebirth:reincarnation Fortified monasteries:dzong Good or bad deeds and their effects: karma Many Indians traditionally identify themselves by their religion or _____. Jati The religion that teaches nonviolence and holds that every living being has a soul is _____.Jainism
A South Asia Dzong (temple fortress)
SOME HISTORY OF SOUTH ASIA The first South Asian civilization developed in the _____.Indus River valley The ancient South Asian empire that was one of the most advanced civilizations in the world was the _____.Gupta Empire The European power that ruled much of South Asia until the mid-1900s was the _____.British
Gupta Empire lands are in purple --
SOME BASIC CULTURE OF SOUTH ASIA A social group that defines a person's occupation and standing in the community:jati A teacher:guru The primary languages of Pakistan, Bangladesh and northern India are _____, _____, and _____. Hindi, Urdu and Bengali
A Guru
PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY OF SOUTH ASIA (PLACES) The mountains of the _____ Range affected the people of India because it divided India into the northern and southern regions and two different cultures.Vindhya The highest population densities in South Asia are found on the _____, _____, _____, and _____.Ganges Plain, the coast of India, the Maldives islands and the Ganges Delta
THE CULTURE OF SOUTH ASIA (GOVT.) The management of water resources is important in South Asia because the rivers cross _____ and they have limited access to fresh water in much of the region. national boundaries
*well water in India is a luxury to many
PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY OF SOUTH ASIA (LAND) A very large, distinct landmass that is part of a continent:subcontinent An area of rich, fertile soil found along a river:alluvial plain The region of South Asia may be referred to as "a land of great variety" because it has a a lot of different _____, _____, and _____.landforms, vegetation, and climates
--India has mountains, deserts, steppes, deep valleys, & lush rainforests
THE ECONOMICS OF SOUTH ASIA A layered mineral used to make electrical compounds:mica A large metropolitan area:megalopolis The economic activities that are important to Mumbai are _____, _____, and _____. filmmaking, industry and finance The economic activities that are important to Kolkata are the _____ and _____.steel and iron industries The art form that is a major industry in India is _____.moviemaking
~Yes, they make lots of movies in India