NATIONAL CONFERENCE ON AGRICULTURE FOR RABI COMPAIGN Dated 17 th -18 th Sept At PUSA Complex, ICAR, New Delhi PRESENTED BY Sh. Suresh Kumar, IAS, PRESENTED BY Sh. Suresh Kumar, IAS, Financial Commissioner Development, Govt. of Punjab, Chandigarh.
About Punjab: About Punjab: Geographical Area : lac hect. Net sown area : lac hect. Total cropped area: lac.hect. Net Irrigated area: lac hect.(98.8%) Tubewells irrigated: lac hect.(73%) through lakh tubewells Canals irrigated : lac hect. (27%) Cropping intensity: 191% Major Cropping Systems : Rice-Wheat; Cotton-Wheat; and Maize-Wheat.
Estimated Area and Production (Kharif 2014) State achieved record production of rice in kharif 2012 Estimated Area and Production (Kharif 2014) State achieved record production of rice in kharif 2012 Area 000 hect. Production ‘000 M.T./Bales S. No. Crop (Targets) (Estimated) AreaProductionAreaProduction AreaProduction 1. Basmati Non Basmati Total Rice Maize Bajra K.Pulses Kharif Food grains Ground Nuts Sesamum Sugarcane Cotton
ESTIMATES OF AREA & PRODUCTION (Rabi Crops) Area ‘000’ Hect. Production ‘000’ M.T. S. No. CROP (Target) AreaProductionAreaProduction 1.Wheat Barley Pulses* Rabi Foodgrains Rabi Oilseeds Sunflower (P) * Including Summer Moong. State achieved lac M.Tonnes 2 nd record production of wheat during
AREA, YIELD AND PRODUCTION OF WHEAT Area ‘000’ Hect Yield (Kg./hact.). Production ‘000’ M.T. S. No. YearAreaYieldProduction (1 st ) (2 nd) (T) State achieved record production of wheat in State achieved 2 nd record productivity/production during rabi
AREA & PRODUCTION OF FOOD GRAIN Area ‘000’ Hect Yield (Kg./hact.). Production ‘000’ M.T. S.No.YearAreaProduction * * (T) * Including Summer Moong. T= Target
Area, Av.Yield & Production of Pulses in Punjab. Area ‘000’ Hect Yield (Kg./hact.). Production ‘000’ M.T. YearKharif PulsesRabi PulsesTotal Pulses AreaProductionAreaProductionAreaProduction * * * (T) *Including summer moong T= Target
Area, Av.Yield & Production of Oilseed Crops in Punjab. Area ‘000’ Hect Yield (Kg./hact.). Production ‘000’ M.T. YearKharif OilseedsRabi OilseedsTotal Oilseeds AreaProductionAreaProductionAreaProduction (T) T = Target
Micro Irrigation Physical and Financial progress of Micro Irrigation S. No. YearFinancial (Rs. In lac) Physical (Hect.)NABARD (Rs. In lac) No. of benefici -aries TargetAch.TargetAch.TargetAch (Upto Aug.2014.) % Financial assistance on Drip/Sprinkler irrigation & UGPS on hectares area by providing subsidy.60% Assistance to small & marginal farmers Soil & water conservation works shall be carried out on 1000 hectares. Awareness Camps and demonstrations shall be carried out for promoting Efficient use of irrigation water. Rain water harvesting structures shall benefit 1000 farmers.
NATIONAL FOOD SECURITY MISSION (Wheat) Punjab (in lacs) Sl. No. Interventions Approved Rate of Assistance Unit Achievement Approved Action Plan PhysicalFinancialPhysicalFinancial Cluster DemonstrationRs /-per ha.nos Distribution of Certified Seeds of improved varieties. Rs. 500/-per qtl.qtl Need based Plant/Soil Management a) MicronutrientsRs. 500/- per ha.ha b) GypsumRs. 500/- per ha.ha c) Plant Protection Chemicals & Bio- agents Rs. 500/- per ha.ha Sub Total Resource Conservations Machineries/Energy Management a) Knap Sack SprayersRs per machineNos b) Zero Til Seed DrillsRs per machineNos d) Seed DrillsRs per machineNos f) ChisellerRs per machineNos g) RotavatorsRs per machineNos h) Laser Land LevellerRs per machineNos Sub Total Custom HiringRs.1500 per haha.40.50
NATIONAL FOOD SECURITY MISSION (Wheat) Punjab (in lacs) Sl. No. Interventions Approved Rate of Assistance Unit Achievement Approved Action Plan PhysicalFinancialPhysicalFinancial 5 Cropping System based trainingsRs.14000/- Training Nos Miscellaneous Expenses a) Project Management Team & Other Miscellaneous Expenses at District level Rs lakh per Distt. No. of distt b) Project Management Team & Other Miscellaneous Expenses at State level Rs lakh per State. No. of state Sub Total Local initiatives TOTAL FINANCIAL (1-7)
NATIONAL FOOD SECURITY MISSION (Pulses) Punjab (in lac.) Sl. No. Interventions Approved Rate of Assistance Unit Achievement Approved Action Plan PhysicalFinancialPhysicalFinancial 1 Distribution of Certified Seeds a) For varieties less than 10 yearsRs. 2200/- Qtl.qtl b) For varieties more than 10 years oldRs. 1200/- Qtl.qtl Sub Total Demonstration on improved Technologies a) Cluster DemonstrationRs per ha.ha Integrated Nutrient Management: a) Micro Nutrients Rs. 500 per ha.ha b) Rizobium culture/ PSB Rs. 100 per ha.ha b) Lime/Gypsum 80 % wg saulphar Sub Total Integrated Pest Management IPM a) IPM package Rs. 750 per ha.ha b) Distribution of NPY Rs.250 per ha.ha C) Distribution of PP Chemicala Rs. 500 per ha.ha d) Weedicides Rs. 500 per ha.ha Sub Total
NATIONAL FOOD SECURITY MISSION (Pulses) Punjab (in lac.) Sl. No. Interventions Approved Rate of Assistance Unit Achievement Approved Action Plan PhysicalFinancialPhysicalFinancial 5 Source Conservation Technology Tools a) Knap Sack Sprayers Rs per Machinenos b) Zero Til Seed Drills Rs per Machinenos c) Multi Crop Planters Rs per Machinenos d) Seed Drills Rs per Machinenos e) Zero Til Multi Crop Planters Rs per Machinenos f) Ridge Furrow Planters Rs per Machinenos g) Rotavators Rs per Machinenos h) Laser Land Leveller Rs per Machinenos Sub Total Assistance for Custom hiring Rs.1500 per ha.ha Cropping System based trainings Rs 14000/- Traingnos Miscellaneous Expenses a) District Level Rs 4.47 lakh per Distt. No. of distt b) State LevelRs lakh per State. No. of state c) state for other districts ( District of ISOPOM) Rs lakh per distt. No. of distt Sub Total Local initiatives TOTAL FINANCIAL (1-8)
Accelerated Pulse Production Programme (A3P) Punjab S. No. Interventions Approved Rate of Assistance Unit Achievement Approved Action Plan PhysicalFinancialPhysicalFinancial 1Summer Moong (Zaid ) 4.80 Lakh per unit 100 hac each unit Addl. Area Coverage of Pulses unit Total
SEED-VILLAGE SCHEME (Wheat) Year No. of adopted villages No. of Farmers Quantity of wheat seed distributed Area covered (ha.) Seed produced (qtl.)
SEED AVAILABILITY AND REPLACEMENT Sr. No.Crop Seed Replacement Rate (%age) Requirement Of seed (Qtl) Availability Of seed (Qtl) Likely Seed Replacement Rate (%) 1.Wheat Barley Rabi Pulses Rapeseed & Mustard
SEEDS TESTING Type of Sample (Upto ) Samples Analyzed (Nos.) Failed Sample (Nos.) Samples Analyzed (Nos.) Failed Sample (Nos.) Certification Service Samples Seed Law Enforcement Bunt Samples Total
Control of yellow rust Promotion of Yellow Rust Resistant Varieties like PBW-550, PBW-621, HD2967 and PBW-502. Replacement of PBW-343 in semi-hilly areas to arrest the incidence of yellow rust. Supply of fungicide at 50 % cost for the Control of yellow rust. Monitoring Teams are being constituted at State as well as District Level
REQUIREMENT AND AVAILABILITY OF FERTILIZERS Kharif 2014 ( M.T.) FertilizerRequirement Kharif 2014 Availability Kharif 2014 (upto ) Urea DAP (DAP+MAP+TSP) SSP MOP CAN00 NPK Complexes A/S00800 TOTAL
PROMOTION OF INM AND IPM Balanced use of nutrients for improving factor productivity. Distribution of Zinc Sulphate and Manganese Sulphate on 50% subsidy. Supply of bio fertilizers on pulses crop. Campaign for Termites control. Timely availability of Micronutrients and gypsum.
CONSUMPTION AND PROJECTED DEMAND OF PESTICIDES (Qty MT Tech. Grade) PesticidesConsumption (Rabi ) Projected Demand (Rabi ) Insecticides Weedicides Fungicides Total
Rashtriya Krishi Vikas Yojana Main Objectives – To maintain at least 4% growth in Agriculture sector – To reduce yield gaps in important crops – To increase public investment in Agriculture & Allied sectors – To maximize returns to the farmers. Allied Sectors involved Crop husbandry, Horticulture, Animal Husbandry, Dairy development, Fisheries, agriculture marketing, Soil & water conservation, Agriculture Research and Education etc. Status of funds under RKVY:- (Rs. in crore) YearTotal Budget Allocated Fund releasedExpenditure (August 2014)
Promotion of Agricultural Mechanization CDP- Farm Mechanization and Value Addition Component Utilization of Rs lakh FY under Crop Diversification Plan Annual Plan of Rs lakh FY under Crop Diversification Plan S.NoImplements No. Distributed on Subsidy During under CDP No. Proposed during Seed Drill/ Zero Till Drill DSR Drill-cum-planter Knapsack Spray Pumps Power Operated Spray Pumps Battery Powered Sprayers Tractor Operated hydraulic Sprayer Raised Bed Planter/Ridge Planter Rotavator Laser land Leveller Multi-crop Thresher / Maize Thresher Maize Sheller Maize Harvesting Combine Post-hole digger Aero-blast Sprayer for trees Mulcher Two Bottom Sub Soiler Power Harrow / Rotary Plough Pneumatic Planter Happy Seeder Power Weeder
Promotion of Agricultural Mechanization under Rashtriya Krishi Vikas Yojana S.NoImplements (Proposed) No’s distributed on subsidy No. to be distributed on subsidy 1Tractor Operated Fodder Harvester cum mobile shredder 11 2Straw Reaper Automatic Potato Planter ( 2 row/ 4 row) Semi Automatic Potato Planter ( 2 row/ 4 row) 645 5Potato Digger Self Propelled Reaper Binder Self Propellled Fodder Harvester 33 8Paddy Straw Chopper Shredder 52 9Self Propelled Paddy Tansplanter75 10Paddy Transplanter ( Walk Behind)150 11Nursery Seeder50 12DSR Drill cum PLanter500 13Laser Land Leveller100 14Zero till Drill/ seed cum fertilizer drill400 15Multi Crop Planter/ Raised bed planter/ Ridge Planter100 16Tractor Mounted hydraulic sprayer100 17Cotton Seed Drill150 18Vertical Conveyer Reaper50 19Sugarcane Trencher100 20Ridger100 21Sugarcane Triphali100 22Power Weeder Utilization of Rs lakh during FY Annual Plan of Rs lakh proposed for FY
Agriculture Credit Position in Punjab. S. No. Season (Projected) 1.Kharif (Total) Cash Kind Rabi (Total) Cash Kind Total Credit (Kharif + Rabi) Cash Kind (Amount in Crores) Registrar Cooperative Societies Pb.
EXTENTION – NETWORK Farmer training camp District level training camp –44 (One each in Kharif & Rabi) Block level training camp - (Minimum 286) No. of Village level training camp –(Minimum 4600) 2 lac pamplets including farmer friendly hand book on subsidy distributed during this year. Mass media TV & Radio support to Agriculture Extension Programme (2 live phone programme in a week). Kissan Call center Total No. of KCC Scheme is very much popular farmers of the state to 2014 further average thousand farmer calls are responded per month.
ISSUES AND PROBLEMS Under NFSM,percentage share of SC component. Non –procurement of other alternate crops i.e oil seed and pulses at MSP. Climate change. Degradation and over exploitation of natural resources i.e soil and water. Lack of storage facilities for food grains. Water logging and salinity in south- western districts. Declining arable land area. Technology fatigue. Insufficient Migratory labour in Agriculture sector. Environmental Pollution
Suggestions Provision of adequate funds for research and development in crop improvement,natural resource management and climate change adaptation. Strengthening of scientific storage facilities and cold chain infrastructure. Establishment of Agro- processing units in Rural Sector. Assured procurement of diversified crops at MSP to promote diversification.