CMS Rule on Therapeutic Diet Orders
Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) final rule allows RDNs privilege to: Order patient diets without requiring the supervision or approval of a physician or other practitioner; and Order laboratory tests to monitor effectiveness of dietary plans and orders Effective as of July 11 th, 2014 Why is this important? Provide patients better health care Save hospitals time and money
What can we do? Tip #1: Utilize the Academy’s online resource tools Implementation Steps- Ordering Privileges for the RDN Hospital Regulation- Ordering Privileges for the RDN care/consumer-protection-and-licensure/learn-about-the-cms-rule-on- therapeutic-diet-orders care/consumer-protection-and-licensure/learn-about-the-cms-rule-on- therapeutic-diet-orders Tip #2: Contact another RD/RDN with success implementing final rule
Things to know Iowa has no regulatory barriers to asking for hospital privileges to order Check the hospital’s medical staff rules, regulations, and bylaws or other facility-specific procedures In order to obtain privileges, a hospital must have: Regulatory flexibility to appoint an RD/RDN(s) to the medical staff and grant specific nutrition ordering privileges, or Can authorize the ordering privileges without appointment to the medical staff
First steps Steps in determining how hospital & medical staff decide privileges: Ask how hospital and medical staff prefer to proceed Whether they want to allow an RD/RDN(s) to order therapeutic diets independent of the physician (no physician co-signature) The process for granting ordering privileges What patient population, if not all patients, to allow privileges Specify scope of care services to be granted When the RD/RDN(s) must defer to and consult with medical staff Evaluate any changes that need to be made in the RD/RDN(s) job description Liability insurance
Potential Costs and Benefits Estimated economic impact of $459 million to hospitals reoccurring annually Based on savings from lower average hourly cost of RD/RDN compared to physician’s/APRN’s/PA’s
Questions? References Practice Tips: Hospital Regulation- Ordering Privileges for the RDN. Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics website. privileges-for-the-rdn.ashx Published July 16, Accessed February 17, privileges-for-the-rdn.ashx Practice Tips: Implementation Steps- Ordering Privileges for the RDN. Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics website. steps-ordering-privileges-for-the-rdn.ashx Published July 16, Accessed February 17, steps-ordering-privileges-for-the-rdn.ashx