Utah Banner Users Conference Banner Finance Approvals Wendy Rosenlof Utah Valley University Download PowerPoint from
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Topics of Discussion System Settings System Settings Setting up an approval queue Setting up an approval queue Setting up the routing criteria Setting up the routing criteria Setting up the NSF queue Setting up the NSF queue NSF queue processing NSF queue processing End user forms End user forms
System Settings FOASYSC - Set the approvals processing for each document type FOASYSC - Set the approvals processing for each document type –Bypass approvals –Explicit approvals –Implicit approvals FOMPROF – NSF override capability by user FOMPROF – NSF override capability by user FORAPPL – sleep/wake FORAPPL – sleep/wake
Setting up an approval queue FTMAPPQ Queue ID Naming conventions Queue limit Set limit of authority for approvers Next Queue Queue limit considerations
Setting up an approval queue Adding users on FTMAPPQ Effective date Term date Queue levels User approval limits To delete a user, change date to a future date, then record remove
Setting up an approval queue Next approver vs. backup approver Next approver is the lowest queue level Backup approvers are at higher levels Backup approvers have to uncheck the box to see only documents you are the next approver for
Approval Queue Example
Routing Criteria - FOMAQRC Routing defined by document type and rule group Can include several document type and rule group combinations in a single queue Specifying additional criteria Chart Fund Fund type Organization Account Account type Program
NSF Queue Process NSF checking set on fund type or fund Budget control on FTMFTYP Fund Organization Account Program Control period A – check on total annual budget Q – check on year to end of quarter budget Y – Check on total year to date budget Severity control = E or W
NSF Queue Process FOASYSC – identify which document types you want reviewed for NSF FOASYSC – identify which document types you want reviewed for NSF FTMCOAS – Set NSF condition to Warning or Error FTMCOAS – Set NSF condition to Warning or Error FOMPROF – Give a user authority to override an NSF condition FOMPROF – Give a user authority to override an NSF condition
NSF Queue Process NSF queue System defined Set up on FTMAPPQ No routing criteria required FOAUAPP NSF indicator Budget override control
End user forms FOIAINP – approvals notification form Notifies user of pending approvals at first login to finance FOAUAPP – user approval form View detail FOAAINP – document approval form Document approval status
End user forms FOIAPPH – Document approval history Displays the approvals history for a specific document FOIAPHT – Approval history Display history for document types
Tips and Troubleshooting Every document defined on FOASYSC to go through approvals must have a queue Avoid defining identical routing criteria in multiple queues Use different combinations of chart values to differentiate Log files identify errors in approvals processing in FORAPPL No queue duplicate routing criteria
Tips and Troubleshooting A document will only go to the NEXT QUEUE if the document exceeds the queue limit. If you want it to go to the NEXT QUEUE in all cases, use a $0 limit on the queue. A document will only go to the NEXT QUEUE if the document exceeds the queue limit. If you want it to go to the NEXT QUEUE in all cases, use a $0 limit on the queue. The limits for users on FTMAPPQ can exceed the queue limit. The limits for users on FTMAPPQ can exceed the queue limit. If you backdate the effective date when adding an approver on FTMAPPQ they will be able to approve documents created in the past. If you backdate the effective date when adding an approver on FTMAPPQ they will be able to approve documents created in the past.
Customizing Rule Groups FOMRGRC – Rule Groups FOMRGRC – Rule Groups –Create a new rule group and add the desired rule codes to it. Remove those rule codes from the group they were a part of. –This will enable different approval queue routes for different document types. –An example is separating out direct pay invoices from regular invoices.
Customizing Rule Groups FOMRGRC – Rule Groups FOMRGRC – Rule Groups –If you create a new rule code on FTMRUCL, you need to add it to a group in FOMRGRC, or create a new group for it. –Assign new rule code to FGAJVCD form on FOMPRRG. –FOMPROF – add new rule group to users using FOMUSRG. –An example is creating a separate group for journal entries made by a departmental user that needs to have a different approval process than for a journal entry made by an accountant.
UVU Customization to Banner Self-Serve – Mass Approvals Allows users to view information about requisitions awaiting approval and approve them all from one screen at the same time. Allows users to view information about requisitions awaiting approval and approve them all from one screen at the same time.
If a requisition is being paid for from more than one INDEX code, the INDEX AMT and REQ TOTAL AMT will be different. If you are not an approver for the other INDEX code(s) paying for the order, you will not see the detail for that INDEX code in your approval section. A next approver is indicated with a Y. If you are not the next approver it will be indicated with an N. You may click on the Another Query button to change your selection.
Questions and Answers Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new. The only thing that interferes with my learning is my education. - Albert Einstein
Presenter Information Wendy Rosenlof Utah Valley University, MS W University Parkway Orem, UT