Governor Support Team Annual Conference Governance 2015 Rising to the Challenge 13 February Marriott Hotel, Northampton
Issues to cover Academies and Ofsted Attainment Race To The Top Growth and pupil place planning Wider trends and issues
Academies, Maintained and Free Schools operating in Northamptonshire as of 1 st February 2015 School by typeLA Maintained% Academies, University Technical Colleges and Free Schools%Total Primary All-through Secondary Special TOTAL
National East Midlands % of Schools - Good/outstanding Northamptonshire Ofsted Inspection Results
East Midlands % of Pupils in good/outstanding schools Northamptonshire Ofsted Inspection Results National
Ofsted Outcomes Key Points 80 schools in Northamptonshire had an Ofsted inspection in of these had no previous Ofsted grade as they were converter academies. 3 schools went from good to outstanding. 11 schools went from requires improvement to good. 1 school progressed from special measures to requires improvement.
Early Years Foundation Stage Profile Good Level of Development Performance in Northamptonshire and nationally has increased this year, 7% for Northamptonshire and 8% nationally. Our performance is now 3% below national average, compared to 2% in 2013.
KS2 Reading, Writing & Maths Level 4+ Northamptonshire remains below national for pupils achieving level 4+ for reading, writing and maths, and out performed by our Stat Neighbours and East Midlands.
KS4 5+A*-C inc. English and Maths Northamptonshire remains below National, East Midlands and Statistical Neighbours, with the gap widening on last year.
Looked After Children Results – KS2
Looked After Children Results – KS4
Race To The Top The Strategy is being developed to Accelerate improvement in educational outcomes for the children and young people of Northamptonshire
Race To The Top Key improvement standards that form part of the Strategy : Recruitment and retention of a highly skilled and outstanding school workforce Education/Business Partnerships – developing a sustainable mentoring and leadership offer between businesses and schools. Led by Northamptonshire Enterprise Partnership Robust intervention for all schools (including Academies and Free Schools) – consistent with our current guidelines and the DfE statutory guidance for Local Authorities
Expectations are clear to all schools, including Academies and Free Schools We expect them to meet the Local Authority’s Category 1 (Outstanding) and be at least ‘Good’ as defined and judged by Ofsted Race To The Top
Growth in Northamptonshire schools (I) – Actual growth Table 1: Graph showing annual growth (by phase) in all Northamptonshire schools, 2005 to 2015.
Growth in Northamptonshire schools (II) – actual and projected growth in NCYR cohort Table 2: Actual growth in the reception cohort (by area and countywide): pupils on roll, 2009 to Table 3: Projected (forecast) growth in the reception cohort (by area and countywide) 2014 to 2019 Area Actual % increase Area Forecast % increase Corby 29.50% Corby 13.60% Daventry 7.60% Daventry 1.80% East Northants -1.80% East Northants -0.70% Kettering 10.00% Kettering 10.80% Northampton 29.70% Northampton 0.00% South Northants 9.90% South Northants 0.10% Wellingborough 7.00% Wellingborough 4.10% COUNTY14.90% COUNTY3.50% All data is based on birth date and does not factor in either migration or housing development, both of which would be expected to cause the %increase to be higher in urban areas.
Growth in Northamptonshire schools (III) – actual and projected growth in primary cohort Table 4: Actual growth in the primary cohort (by area and countywide, NCYR to NCY6): pupils on roll, 2009 to 2014 Table 5: Projected growth in the primary cohort (by area and countywide, NCYR to NCY6) 2014 to 2019 Area Actual % increase Area Forecast % increase Corby 19.90% Corby 23.20% Daventry 0.50% Daventry 4.60% East Northants 2.80% East Northants 1.00% Kettering 10.70% Kettering 13.50% Northampton 17.50% Northampton 14.60% South Northants 2.90% South Northants 8.60% Wellingborough 8.20% Wellingborough 9.90% COUNTY9.70%COUNTY11.40%
Growth in Northamptonshire schools (IV) – actual and projected growth in the secondary cohort Table 6: Growth in the secondary age cohort (NCY7 to NCY11, by area and countywide): pupils on roll, 2009 to 2014 Table 7: Projected (forecast) growth in the secondary cohort (NCY7 to NCY11) by area and countywide) 2014 to 2019 Area Actual % increase Area Forecast % increase Corby 2.30% Corby 15.30% Daventry -4.20% Daventry -2.10% East Northants -9.30% East Northants -1.40% Kettering -3.50% Kettering 9.40% Northampton -1.00% Northampton 16.00% South Northants -7.20% South Northants 0.10% Wellingborough -7.20% Wellingborough 7.50% COUNTY-4.10% COUNTY7.50%
Current Pressures Secondary New secondary schools/expansions are needed from September 2016 in Northampton and Corby, with Kettering due to go over capacity by September Primary Pressures continue in primary schools with particular hotspots of Northampton, Wellingborough, Kettering and Corby, and also some villages. Special New Special schools/expansions are needed in Northampton, Kettering and Corby.
Social Care Caseloads As at 01/01/2013 As at 01/01/2014 As at 01/01/2015 Overall % increase Looked After Children % Child Protection Plans %
Education Health & Care Children & Families Act (2014) – implementation from 1 st September 2014 SEN system extended to cover eligible 0-25 yr olds All SEN processes to be person centred & Outcome focussed Local Offer must be published School system changed to SEN Support (not SA/SA+) greater clarity of school responsibility Statutory process reduced to 20 weeks (from 26) EHC Plan replaces Statements and co-ordinates education, health & care elements for the individual child/YP Possibility of personal budgets for all elements of plans Joint commissioning between education, health and care required. Transfer from old to new system to take place between Sept 2014 to March 2018.
Governor Support Team Core offer (free of charge) Full Subscription Offer A Quality Assurance Tool for Governors’ CPD Activities Clerk Area Network (CAN) meetings Establish and support Chairs’ Network meetings Targeted support and advice for schools and academies who are RI Telephone/ advice and support regarding constitution Monthly Governors’ Support Update ( ed newsletter) and NCC website Governors pages All of the core offer PLUS.... Unlimited telephone and support and advice Two places at Annual Governors’ conference Unlimited attendance at Governor Support area- based workshops Full access to GovernorHub (Normal cost £400 for individual governing bodies who are non-subscribing) Two hour consultancy for member/s of your governing body with a Governor Support Advisor