Copyright The CPLD Quality Mark Partnership 2010 The premier national educational Quality Mark to configure outstanding Continuous Professional Learning and Development in your school
Copyright The CPLD Quality Mark Partnership 2010 The CPLD Quality Mark is dedicated to schools and school improvement It is the only national externally assessed Quality Mark for school CPLD which is accredited at Bronze, Silver and Gold levels thus providing a tiered entry level and challenging progression route.
Copyright The CPLD Quality Mark Partnership 2010 The CPLD Quality Mark Framework has been developed by education specialists with expertise in CPLD, and in consultation with schools. The Framework embraces and includes recommendations from Lead Bodies such as the TDA, Ofsted and the National College, incorporates best practice from schools, is informed by research and international benchmarks such as TALIS and is very practical in terms of implementation.
Copyright The CPLD Quality Mark Partnership 2010 What does The CPLD Quality Mark offer you? It provides objective external verification that CPLD practice in your school is valued, effective and fully inclusive It provides an Audit framework which is diagnostic, formative and summative It provides evidence for local and national quality assurance and inspection bodies that your investment in CPLD is improving the quality of provision and outcomes for young people It signifies your core purpose as a learning organisation It provides external recognition of what you do well It enables you to benchmark your practice and promotes ambition by offering a tiered self-audit and accreditation framework at Bronze, Silver and Gold
Copyright The CPLD Quality Mark Partnership 2010 Careful analysis of The CPLD Quality Mark reveals that: The Bronze Tier corresponds to Investors in People Core Standard and Ofsted’s CPD judgement of ‘Good’ The Silver Tier corresponds to Ofsted’s CPD judgement of ‘Outstanding’ The Gold Tier corresponds to exceptional practice Benchmarked
Copyright The CPLD Quality Mark Partnership 2010 The CPLD Quality Mark consists of a Framework of 9 Objectives which are: School Improvement Strategy CPLD Strategy Leadership and Management CPLD Leading and Managing Teams for Performance Improvement Curriculum, Pedagogy and Practice Professional Progression and Capacity Building CPLD delivery and Partnerships Monitoring and Self-Evaluation Continuous Improvement in CPLD Policy and Practice The Structure
Copyright The CPLD Quality Mark Partnership 2010 The Structure Each Objective is made up of a number of Elements, and each Element has a number of Evidence Requirements The Framework is presented in three Tiers – Bronze, Silver and Gold and the same 9 Objectives run through each Tier The three Tiers offer increasing challenge in terms of CPLD practice and the evidence requirements for accreditation
Copyright The CPLD Quality Mark Partnership 2010 The Process Audit Tool 1 Register online Select Tier + Action Plan Development Actions Assessment + Accreditation Select Tier + Action Plan Development Actions
Copyright The CPLD Quality Mark Partnership 2010 Audit, Tier Selection, Action Planning and Development We recommend a small representative group steers this process Select the most appropriate Tier – the Guidance Notes provided will help you make the correct decision Create an Action Plan to make good any shortfalls Implement the Action Plan and update your Audit Tool document as you go along Make the decision to apply for assessment
Copyright The CPLD Quality Mark Partnership 2010 Assessment Process Schools submit their Audit Tool and Assessment and Accreditation tables at the selected tier These are checked by the Internal Verifier and copied to the Assessor for initial assessment Assessor is appointed, visit date agreed and planned Assessment triangulates the school’s Audit Tool with documentation sampling and staff interviews Assessor writes a report and makes a recommendation which is sent to the Internal Verifier Internal Verifier makes recommendation to the Awarding Body School Informed of Awarding Body’s decision
Copyright The CPLD Quality Mark Partnership 2010 Accreditation and Certification Accreditation lasts 3 years from the certification date A Certificate is provided by the Awarding Body along with an electronic version of the logo for letterhead/brochure use Schools will be reminded when their next assessment is due to continue with their accreditation
Copyright The CPLD Quality Mark Partnership 2010 Support Provided Comprehensive Guidance Notes support from an advisor Advisor Visits (Optional extra - tailored to your needs)
Copyright The CPLD Quality Mark Partnership 2010 Investment Registration and Framework cost – according to the size of your school - Staged payment 1 Assessment and Certification costs – according to size of school and lever: Bronze, Silver or Gold - Staged payment 2 Optional Support costs e.g. adviser visit (s)
Copyright The CPLD Quality Mark Partnership 2010 Next Steps To receive a registration pack, including details of costs please visit: Or call: