National Networks for Collaborative Outreach Innovative approaches to delivering higher education outreach in Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly Charlotte Styles 5 th February 2014
Presentation Overview The Combined Universities in Cornwall Partnership National Networks for Collaborative Outreach CUC Network Developments CUC Network Proposals Comments and Questions
Rationale for Intervention hepr + lo + lpa+ lwe + gva = CUC HE Participation Rate: Cornwall % England % (1999/2000, KPMG) Limited Opportunities: Less than 2,500 FTE Students in Cornwall (1999/2000) 2006 GVA: £12,662 per head – the lowest in England Low Wage Economy: Average earnings in 1998 equating to 76% of the UK average, compounding an exodus of talent and low graduate return rates Low Participation Areas: 16.5% of neighbourhoods with adult Level 4 attainment at less than 10%, with clear links to deprivation (Census, 2001)
The CUC Partnership Model Formed in 2000, the Combined Universities in Cornwall is a partnership of universities and Further Education Colleges The CUC partner institutions are: 1.The Cornwall College Group 2.The University of Exeter 3.Falmouth University 4.Plymouth University 5.Truro and Penwith College
Since 2000, over £315 million has been invested in the CUC initiative by the European Union, HEFCE, the South West Regional Development Agency and the universities and colleges themselves, resulting in over 6000 additional student places in the county and an upturn in degree-level attainment During the 2012/2013 academic cycle, over 40% of HE students from Cornwall were studying with a CUC partner (HESA, 2014) There are 210 full higher education course options currently available in Cornwall, including 65 Foundation and 107 Honours Degree programmes Investment and Achievements
Combined Universities in Cornwall – HE Campus Locations
Cornwall in 2014, 1 Key Challenges Despite an increase in adult attainment at Level Four from 15.78% in 2001 to 25% by 2011, Cornwall remains below the England and Wales figure of 27.2% (Census 2011) There are marked variations in participation levels across Cornwall, with 2013 student numbers by neighbourhood ranging from 9 in one LSOA in Camborne to 140 in the St. Agnes area The proportion of undergraduates from Low Participation Neighbourhoods in Cornwall was 9.9% in 2013, against the South West figure of 13% (HESA, 2014) HESA data has revealed a deficit of over 2,500 male learners amongst the 2013 Cornish HE student cohort (HESA, 2014) Issues with subject choice mismatches and gender imbalances – 89% of Cornish undergraduate nurses in 2013 were female whilst males represented 91% of students undertaking an Engineering degree (HESA, 2014)
HEFCE National Networks for Collaborative Outreach Initiative, The Higher Education Funding Council for England (HEFCE) have ring-fenced £22m for a two-year national outreach pilot, which aims to establish networks for collaborative outreach that will reduce duplication and cover existing gaps in outreach provision. These networks will be formed by universities and FE colleges operating in a locality, or with a common priority area, and will be required to provide: 1.A Single Point of Contact (SPoC) for all state-funded secondary schools and colleges covered by their network to access higher education information, advice and outreach 2.A website containing the details of the SPoC, information on higher education and a directory of the support and resources available. HEFCE are also keen for the financial support allocated to each network to be used to trial and evaluate innovative new approaches, technologies and models.
CUC Collaborative Outreach Network The CUC partners successfully applied to become one of 35 national pilot networks and will be running the scheme from February 2015 – December The CUC network will cover all of the state-funded secondary schools across Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly, the two Further Education Colleges and the eleven Pupil Referral Units and Special Educational Needs establishments. HEFCE are providing £240,000 of funding to each network in addition to set amounts for participating institutions, which equates to an additional £60,000 per year for the CUC network. A multi-partner Steering Group has been established to determine the activities that the network will deliver, comprising of: 1.Widening Participation Leads from the five CUC partner Institutions 2.Cornwall Association of Secondary Heads (Karen Ross) 3.Cornwall Council 4.Education Business Partnership
Current Activities 1.Development of a website for the network, which will feature information on the partner institutions and their outreach activities as well as links to relevant initiatives and resources, i.e. Unlocking Potential, Career Pilot, Enterprise Advisers (by 27/02/2015). 2.Recruitment of a Project Co-Ordinator (by 27/02/2015) 3.Developing a work plan of activities for the first year of the project (by March 2015) KEY: What are the priorities for Cornwall? What do we want the CUC network to achieve by December 2017?
CUC Network – Preliminary Proposals To enhance careers information by consolidating the wide range of existing virtual resources, including Careers Pilot, Made It In Cornwall, Brighter Cornwall and institutional content, onto the network website. To develop the capacity of CEIAG practitioners in schools and colleges to enable them to access, navigate and effectively utilise these resources. To establish a network of Careers Leads from schools and colleges and deliver training, conferences and tailored CPD opportunities. To co-ordinate a network of relatable ambassadors who can share their experiences of progressing into Higher Skills To trial new approaches to promote participation by under-represented groups or engagement in specific subject areas, i.e. STEM, MFL These activities will support the higher education goals of the RAAS Board and may also provide an evidence base for ESF intervention.
Comments and Questions What are the priorities for Cornwall, i.e. ‘cold spots’, subject take- up, under-represented groups, better CEIAG, better understanding of career pathways? What do we want the CUC network to achieve by December 2017? What activities should the network carry out in its first year of delivery? How can we use the allocated funding effectively and sustainably? How can the network communicate effectively with the Careers Leads in our schools and colleges?
For Further Details Contact: Charli Styles, CUC Co-ordinator / Website: