Atomic Orbitals s-orbitals p-orbitals d-orbitals
Chemical Bonding Overlap of half-filled orbitals - bond formation Overlap of filled orbitals - no bonding HAHA HBHB H A - H B = H 2 Formation of Molecular Hydrogen from Atoms
Periodic Chart
Crystal Bonding sp 3 bonding orbitals sp 3 antibonding orbitals Silicon Crystal Bonding
Semiconductor Band Structures Silicon Germanium Gallium Arsenide
Intrinsic Semiconductor Aggregate Band Structure Fermi-Dirac Distribution
n-type Semiconductor Aggregate Band Structure Fermi-Dirac Distribution Donor Ionization
p-type Semiconductor Aggregate Band Structure Fermi-Dirac Distribution Acceptor Ionization
Temperature Dependence Fermi level shift in extrinsic silicon Mobile electron concentration (N D = 1.15(10 16 ) cm 3 )
Carrier Mobility Carrier drift velocity vs applied field in intrinsic silicon No Field Field Present Pictorial representation of carrier trajectory
Effect of Dopant Impurities Effect of total dopant concentration on carrier mobility Resistivity of bulk silicon as a function of net dopant concentration
The Seven Crystal Systems
Bravais Lattices
Diamond Cubic Lattice a = lattice parameter; length of cubic unit cell edge Silicon atoms have tetrahedral coordination in a FCC (face centered cubic) Bravais lattice
Miller Indices z y x z y x z y x
Diamond Cubic Model
Cleavage Planes Crystals naturally have cleavage planes along which they are easily broken. These correspond to crystal planes of low bond density. In the diamond cubic structure, cleavage occurs along 110 planes.
[100] Orientation
[110] Orientation
[111] Orientation
[100] Cleavage
[111] Cleavage
Czochralski Process
Czochralski Process Equipment Image courtesy Microchemicals
Czochralski Factory and Boules
CZ Growth under Rapid Stirring Distribution Coefficients CZ Dopant Profiles under Conditions of Rapid Stirring
Enrichment at the Melt Interface
Si Ingot Heater Zone Refining Ingot slowly passes through the needle’s eye heater so that the molten zone is “swept” through the ingot from one end to the other
Single Pass FZ Process
Multiple Pass FZ Process Almost arbitrarily pure silicon can be obtained by multiple pass zone refining.
Vacancy (Schottky Defect) “Dangling Bonds”
Dislocations Edge Dislocation Screw Dislocation
Burgers Vector Screw Dislocation Edge Dislocation Dislocations in Silicon [100] [111]
Stacking Faults Intrinsic Stacking Fault Extrinsic Stacking Fault
Vacancy-Interstitial Equilibrium Formation of a Frenkel defect - vacancy-interstitial pair “Chemical” Equilibrium
Thermodynamic Potentials E = Internal Energy H = Enthalpy (heat content) A = Helmholtz Free Energy G = Gibbs Free Energy For condensed phases: E and H are equivalent = internal energy (total system energy) A and G are equivalent = free energy (energy available for work) T = Absolute Temperature S = Entropy (disorder) Boltzmann’s relation
Internal Gettering Gettering removes harmful impurities from the front side of the wafer rendering them electrically innocuous. High temperature anneal - denuded zone formation Low temperature anneal - nucleation Intermediate temperature anneal - precipitate growth
Oxygen Solubility in Silicon
Oxygen Outdiffusion
Precipitate Free Energy a) - Free energy of formation of a spherical precipitate as a function of radius b) - Saturated solid solution of B (e.g., interstitial oxygen) in A (e.g., silicon crystal) c) - Nucleus formation
Substrate Characterization by XRD Bragg pattern - [hk0], [h0l], or [0kl]
Wafer Finishing Schematic of chemical mechanical polishing Ingot slicing into raw wafers
Vapor-Liquid-Solid (VLS) Growth Si nanowires grown by VLS (at IBM)
Gold-Silicon Eutectic A B liquid solid A – eutectic melt mixed with solid gold B – eutectic melt mixed with solid silicon
Silicon Dioxide Network Silanol Non-bridging oxygen SiO 4 tetrahedron
Thermal Oxidation One dimensional model of oxide growth Deal-Grove growth kinetics
Oxidation Kinetics Rate constants for wet and dry oxidation on [100] and [111] surfaces
Linear Rate Constant Orientation dependence for [100] and [111] surfaces affects only the “pre-exponential” factor and not the activation energy
Parabolic Rate Constant No orientation dependence since the parabolic rate constant describes a diffusion limited process
Pressure Dependence Oxidation rates scale linearly with oxidant pressure or partial pressure
Rapid Initial Oxidation in Pure O 2 This data taken at 700 C in dry oxygen to investigate initial rapid oxide growth
Metal-Metal Contact Metal 1Metal 2
Metal-Silicon Contact MetalSilicon
Effect of a Metal Contact on Silicon
Metal-Oxide-Silicon Capacitor MetalSilicon Silicon Dioxide
MOS Capacitor on Doped Silicon VgVg 0 v Schematic of biased MOS capacitor
Biased MOS Capacitors
CV Response n-type substrate p-type substrate quasistatic high frequency depletion approximation quasistatic high frequency depletion approximation
Surface Charge Density inversion accumulation depletion accumulation depletion inversion n type substrate p type substrate blue: positive surface charge red: negative surface charge
CV vs Doping and Oxide Thickness Substrate Doping Oxide Thickness p-type substrate Capacitance (dimensionless linear scale) Capacitance (dimensionless logarithmic scale) Bias Voltage (dimensionless linear scale)
CV Measurements Quasi-static CVHigh Frequency CV Deep Depletion Effect Flat Band Shift Fast Interface States
Interface States Interface states – caused by broken symmetry at interface Interface states – p-type depletion Interface states – n-type depletion
Interface State Density Interface state density is always higher on [111] than [100]
IV Response Logarithm of current density (J) vs applied electric field (E) Fowler-Nordheim tunneling avalanche breakdown
Oxide Reliability QBD - “charge to breakdown” - constant current stress TDBD - “time dependent breakdown” - constant voltage stress Each point represents a failed MOS structure - stress is continued until all devices fail
Linear Transport Processes Ohm’s Law of electrical conduction: j = E = E/ J = electric current density, j (units: A/cm 2 ) X = electric field, E = V (units: volt/cm) V = electrical potential L = conductivity, = 1/ (units: mho/cm) = resistivity ( cm) Fourier’s Law of heat transport: q = T J = heat flux, q (units: W/cm 2 ) X = thermal force, T (units: K/cm) T = temperature L = thermal conductivity, (units: W/ K cm) Fick’s Law of diffusion: F = D C J = material flux, F (units: /sec cm 2 ) X = diffusion force, C (units: /cm 4 ) C = concentration L = diffusivity, D (units: cm 2 /sec) Newton’s Law of viscous fluid flow: F u = u J = velocity flux, F u (units: /sec 2 cm) X = viscous force, u (units: /sec) u = fluid velocity L = viscosity, (units: /sec cm) J = LX J = Flux, X = Force, L = Transport Coefficient
Diffusion Diffusion in a rectangular bar of constant cross section Fick’s Second Law Instantaneous Source - Gaussian profile Constant Source - error function profile
Instantaneous Source Profile Linear scale Log scale
Constant Source Profile Linear scale Log scale
Surface Probing Single probe injecting current into a bulk substrate Four point probe Single probe injecting current into a conductive thin film
pn Junction n type Siliconp type Silicon
Junction Depth xJxJ xJxJ red: background doping black: diffused doping
Unbiased pn Junctions Electric Field Band Diagram Charge Density Potential
Biased pn Junctions IV Characteristics CV Characteristics
Photovoltaic Effect
Solar Cell typical cross section equivalent circuit
Solar Cell IV Curve I SC V OC I P V max I max
Effect of Parasitics, Temperature, etc. effect of R S effect of R SH effect of I 0 effect of n effect of T
Solar Cell Technology Commercial solar cell
LED IV Characteristics
LED Technology RGB spectrum Commercial LED’s white spectrum (with phosphor)
Diffusion Mechanisms Vacancy Diffusion - Substitutional impurities, e.g., shallow level dopants (B, P, As, Sb, etc.), Diffusivity is relatively small for vacancy diffusion. Interstitial Diffusion - Interstitial impurities, e.g., small atoms and metals (O, Fe, Cu, etc.), Diffusivity is much larger, hence interstitial diffusion is fast compared to vacancy diffusion. Interstitialcy Mechanism - Enhances the diffusivity of substitutional impurities due to exchange with silicon self-interstitials. This leads to enhanced diffusion in the vicinity of the substrate surface during thermal oxidation (so- called “oxidation enhanced diffusion”).
Defect-Carrier Equilibria Vacancies interact with mobile carriers and become charged. In this case, the concentrations are governed by classical mass action equilibria.
Arrhenius Constants for Dopant Atoms
Arrhenius Constants for Other Species
Solid Solubilities
Ion Implantation Dopant species are ionized and accelerated by a very high electric field. The ions then strike the substrate at energies from 10 to 500 keV and penetrate a short distance below the surface. Elementary “hard sphere” collision
Co-linear or “Centered” Collision
Stopping Mechanisms Nuclear Stopping - Direct interaction between atomic nuclei; resembles an elementary two body collision and causes most implant damage. Electronic Stopping - Interaction between atomic electron clouds; sort of a “viscous drag” as in a liquid medium. Causes little damage.
Implant Range Range - Total distance traversed by an ion implanted into the substrate. Projected Range - Average penetration depth of an implanted ion.
Implant Straggle Projected Straggle - Variation in penetration depth. (Corresponds to standard deviation if the implanted profile is Gaussian.)
Channeling Channeling is due to the crystal structure of the substrate.
Implantation Process For a light dose, damage is isolated. As dose is increased, damage sites become more dense and eventually merge to form an amorphous layer. For high dose implants, the amorphous region can reach all the way to the substrate surface.
Point-Contact Transistor
Bipolar Junction Transistor
Junction FET
MOSFET enhancement mode depletion mode
7 V 6 V 5 V 4 V Enhancement Mode FET