422 RDS Clinical Endodontic Procedures Course Director Dr Ebtissam Al-Madi Welcome
Introduction to Clinical Endodontics That branch of dentistry concerned with the morphology, physiology, and pathology of the human dental pulp and periradicular tissues. E. Al-Madi Introduction to Clinical Endodontics
Introduction to Clinical Endodontics Its study and practice encompass the basic and clinical sciences including biology of the normal pulp, the etiology, diagnosis, prevention, and treatment of diseases and injuries of the pulp and associated periradicular tissues. E. Al-Madi Introduction to Clinical Endodontics
Skills to acquire in 433 RDS Develop a systematic approach to diagnosis of endodontic pain by organizing clinical findings, symptoms and pain history. E. Al-Madi Introduction to Clinical Endodontics
Introduction to Clinical Endodontics Clinically record the status of the pulpal and periapical tissue through clinical and radiographic examinations. E. Al-Madi Introduction to Clinical Endodontics
Introduction to Clinical Endodontics Utilize endodontic tests to determine pulp vitality. E. Al-Madi Introduction to Clinical Endodontics
Introduction to Clinical Endodontics Establish a differential diagnosis of odontogenic and non-odontogenic pain. E. Al-Madi Introduction to Clinical Endodontics
Introduction to Clinical Endodontics Establish a differential diagnosis between endodontic and periodontal disease. E. Al-Madi Introduction to Clinical Endodontics
Introduction to Clinical Endodontics Be familiar with major pulpal and periapical pathology and their sign and symptoms. E. Al-Madi Introduction to Clinical Endodontics
Introduction to Clinical Endodontics Plan and deliver routine non-surgical endodontic treatment to patients with pulpal and periapical disease. E. Al-Madi Introduction to Clinical Endodontics
Introduction to Clinical Endodontics Select or differentiate cases for treatment or referral based on knowledge, experience and ability. E. Al-Madi Introduction to Clinical Endodontics
Introduction to Clinical Endodontics Determine the prognosis of the treated tooth E. Al-Madi Introduction to Clinical Endodontics
Introduction to Clinical Endodontics Recognize the need for endodontic surgery in appropriate cases. E. Al-Madi Introduction to Clinical Endodontics
Introduction to Clinical Endodontics Identify the need for adjunctive procedures subsequent to endodontic therapy. E. Al-Madi Introduction to Clinical Endodontics
Introduction to Clinical Endodontics Plan and refer case for appropriate restoration. E. Al-Madi Introduction to Clinical Endodontics
Introduction to Clinical Endodontics Recall treated patients, and be aware of the value of post-operative follow-up (recall), and continuing prognosis. E. Al-Madi Introduction to Clinical Endodontics
Introduction to Clinical Endodontics Diagnose, evaluate and perform retreatment on suitable cases. E. Al-Madi Introduction to Clinical Endodontics
Introduction to Clinical Endodontics Be exposed to trauma cases, emergency cases, endo-perio cases, bleaching and preventive therapy cases. E. Al-Madi Introduction to Clinical Endodontics
Introduction to Clinical Endodontics Exposure to new endodontic technologies; such as apex locators, rotary instrumentation, innovations in irrigation, and contemporary obturation techniques. E. Al-Madi Introduction to Clinical Endodontics
Previously in 322 RDS
Introduction to Clinical Endodontics Theory-322 Case Selection, Indication & Contraindication to Endodontic therapy Endodontic Instruments and Isolation Endodontic Access Opening Root Canal Preparation Root Canal Filling materials and Obturation Endodontic Radiography and Local Anesthesia E. Al-Madi Introduction to Clinical Endodontics
Introduction to Clinical Endodontics Theory-322 Intracanal Medication Endodontic Mishaps Histology and Physiology of the Pulp Microbiology and Immunology Pulp Reaction to Caries and Dental Procedures Pulpal Diseases Periradicular Disease E. Al-Madi Introduction to Clinical Endodontics
Introduction to Clinical Endodontics Practical- 322 Minimum 3 anterior roots Minimum 2 premolar roots (including two-canal premolar) Minimum 4 molar teeth E. Al-Madi Introduction to Clinical Endodontics
422 RDS Clinical Endodontic Procedures Overview
Theoretical components Clinical Diagnostic Procedure Preparation for Clinical Endodontic Therapy Clinical Endodontics Endodontic Re-treatment Restoration of Endodontically treated teeth Endodontic Emergency Treatment E. Al-Madi Introduction to Clinical Endodontics
Introduction to Clinical Endodontics Traumatic Dental Injuries Endodontic-Periodontal Relation Prognosis of Root Canal Therapy Endodontic Surgery Discoloration and Bleaching New Trends in Endodontics E. Al-Madi Introduction to Clinical Endodontics
Clinical Requirements A minimum of: Two (2) single rooted teeth: U/L anterior, or U/L premolar One (1) premolar with two canals Three (3) molars: U/L 1st + 2nd molars NO 3rd molars Retreatment case Two (2) recall case: From your own cases, must be restored E. Al-Madi Introduction to Clinical Endodontics
Introduction to Clinical Endodontics Required Textbook Principles & Practice of Endodontics Walton & Torabinejad 3rd ed (2002) E. Al-Madi Introduction to Clinical Endodontics
Introduction to Clinical Endodontics Grading Theory = 50% Assignments (5) Quizzes (5) Oral exam (10) Midterm (10) Final (20) Clinic =50% Attendance (2) Requirements (45) Daily knowledge evaluation (3) Bonus = (+5) E. Al-Madi Introduction to Clinical Endodontics
Introduction to Clinical Endodontics Type Grade Description Assignments 5 1st Sem: Homework reports Quizzes 1st Sem: 3 quizzes Oral exam 10 2nd Sem: Midterm 1st Sem: after 7th lect Final 20 1st Sem: Attendance 2 Year long- Lect & Clinic Requirements 45 Clinical req Daily knowledge evaluation 3 During clinic Bonus +5 Reports and online discussions E. Al-Madi Introduction to Clinical Endodontics
Clinical Requirements Point system to include: Difficulty of case (patient factor) Number of canals Curvature of the canals Accessibility of the tooth Retreatment case (removal of GP) Caries control Vital pulp therapy Extra procedure (build-up, gingivectomy, etc.) E. Al-Madi Introduction to Clinical Endodontics
Introduction to Clinical Endodontics Initial access and pulp extirpation Completed case (all endodontically involved teeth in pt) Partial procedures (incomplete pt’s) Restoration of case recall Cases that are of poor quality, and considered for retreatment will not be credited as requirements. E. Al-Madi Introduction to Clinical Endodontics
Clinical Protocol (Attendance =2) Prompt attendance. Clean & tidy attire & clinic. Infection control measures. Patient must be booked. Working without a rubber dam is prohibited. Every procedure & file must be signed before 4:30pm. E. Al-Madi Introduction to Clinical Endodontics
Introduction to Clinical Endodontics Clinical Protocol You are not allowed to leave the clinical hall before 4:30 P.M. You must be ready for the step you are going to perform that day. (Daily Knowledge=3) Present cases to the course director as soon as you finish the case. E. Al-Madi Introduction to Clinical Endodontics
Introduction to Clinical Endodontics Clinical Forms Start check must be signed BEFORE any procedure. Instructor's signature for each step. Sign each procedure as soon as you perform it. Fill in all fields of your endodontic form. Complete set of radiographs. E. Al-Madi Introduction to Clinical Endodontics
Introduction to Clinical Endodontics E. Al-Madi
Introduction to Clinical Endodontics E. Al-Madi
Expectations (i.e. How to ACE this course) Read lectures daily (weekly) Prepare yourself for clinic (know what you are doing + why- have all your materials ready) Plan ahead for clinics- use your time wisely Preview next week lesson E. Al-Madi Introduction to Clinical Endodontics
Introduction to Clinical Endodontics Today’s Clinic Everyone will have a pt, or practice on each other: Take a history Fill out forms Take radiographs Book patient for following week E. Al-Madi Introduction to Clinical Endodontics
Introduction to Clinical Endodontics Today’s Assignment Start your log book Review Ch. 2 + 3 Biology of the dental pulp and periradicular tissues Pulp and periradicular pathosis Review syllabus E. Al-Madi Introduction to Clinical Endodontics
Introduction to Clinical Endodontics Next lesson- Preview Clinical Diagnostic Procedure Pulpal responses to testing methods Documentation of pulpal responses and related data Diagnostic perplexities (sinus tract, numbness, persistent discomfort, cracked tooth syndrome, idiopathic tooth resorption, and failure cases) Systematic approach to endodontic diagnosis Diagnosis and treatment planning Give cases presentation showing the sequences used to determine diagnosis CH.4 E. Al-Madi Introduction to Clinical Endodontics