Genetics Learning Targets and Success Criteria. I can explain how the traits of an organism are determined by the genes. Genes and Traits I am successful.


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Presentation transcript:

Genetics Learning Targets and Success Criteria

I can explain how the traits of an organism are determined by the genes. Genes and Traits I am successful when I can explain the relationships between DNA, genes and the inherited traits of an organism.

I can differentiate between traits that are inherited and characteristics that are influenced by the environment. Influences on Traits I am successful when I can give 2-3 examples of inherited traits and characteristics influenced by the environment.

LEARNING TARGET I can differentiate and make connections between phenotypes and genotypes of organisms SUCCESS CRITERIA Phenotype and Genotype I am successful when I can give examples of specific phenotypes and the genotypes that determine them using my paper alien.

LEARNING TARGET I can construct a Punnett square and use it to predict the possible phenotypes and genotypes of an organism’s offspring for a given trait. SUCCESS CRITERIA Punnett Squares I am successful when I have completed Punnett squares for my alien’s offspring (1 st and 2 nd generation).

LEARNING TARGET I can explain how the traits of an organism are determined by the genes. SUCCESS CRITERIA Genes and Traits-Alien Alleles Project I am successful when I have completed my Alien Alleles Family Scrapbook accurately showing the traits that were passed to each generation.

LEARNING TARGET I can explain how human activity can impact the genes of living organisms. SUCCESS CRITERIA GMOs and Selective Breeding I am successful when I can provide specific examples of selective breeding and debate the pros and cons of genetic engineering.