Assessment Updates CD PST Meeting March 10, 2015
Overview General Assessment Updates PNP/First Contact Survey Practice Tests and Released Items Preparing for the Assessment Q and A
Badger Assessment Resources Training Accessibility dations
AccommodationDescriptionRecommendations for Use Read Aloud (for ELA reading passages, all grades) For the school year, text is read aloud to the student via an external screen reader or by a trained and qualified human reader who follows the administration guidelines provided in the Smarter Balanced Test Administration Manual and Read Aloud Guidelines. All or portions of the content may be read aloud. This accommodation is appropriate for a very small number of students (estimated to be approximately 1-2% of students with disabilities participating in a general assessment). One example is a student who is blind and is not yet proficient in Braille. Read aloud is available as an accommodation for students whose need is documented in an IEP or 504 plan. Reports can be run to indicate the percent of students who had access to read aloud on reading test passages. Readers should be provided to students on an individual basis – not to a group of students. A student should have the option of asking a reader to slow down or repeat text.
ACT Aspire New manuals for the Spring –Be sure to destroy old manual or
Personal Learning Profile Display Language & Braille Audio & Environment Other Supports Sensory characteristics Motor characteristics Computer access Communication Academics Attention Personal Needs and Preferences (PNP) First Contact
Completing the PNP
Completing the First Contact Survey
First Contact Survey used to collect background information about students Goes beyond basic demographics Includes questions on topics such as: –Communication –Assistive technology devices –Motor and sensory impairments –Academic performance Used to determine entry point in the assessment
Utilize the Practice Activities and Released Testlets
Technology-KITE Client
Practice Activities and Released Testlets
Practice Activities Separate practice activities for teachers and students Familiarize students with: –Question types –Navigation process –Procedures to end a testlet Check device compatibility
Released Testlets Similar to testlets used in operational test in look, feel and academic content New released testlets are added periodically
Released Testlets Initial Precursor – IP Target – T Distal Precursor – DPSuccessor – S Proximal Precursor – PP
Prepare for the Assessment Test administrators need the following when beginning an assessment: –Student username and password –Prescribed materials needed to test (some substitutions are allowed) following the TIPS pages
Planning and Scheduling- Testlet Information Pages (TIPS)
Test Tickets TIPs
Planning and Scheduling- Testlet Information Pages (TIPS)
TIP PDF provides specific information that is unique to each testlet, for example: Test form name Number of items Type of testlet: computer-delivered, teacher- administered, or hybrid Which Essential Elements are tested
Planning and Scheduling- Testlet Information Pages (TIPS) Materials needed, including: recommended substitute materials and important traits of substitute materials, names of texts for ELA assessments, appropriateness of calculator use in math Accessibility supports that may be recorded on a student’s PNP but are not allowed on this specific testlet Other comments or instructions Script for alternate text for each image, screen by screen
Planning and Scheduling- Manipulatives Optional supports for students: Find things that already exist in the classroom or are easily found somewhere in the building. Pick materials that are familiar to the student. Look at the whole list for each grade and find objects that can meet multiple purposes. What types of objects are mentioned more than once? Remember that in most cases it will be okay to substitute materials as long as they are like the ones on the list.
Planning and Scheduling-Test Times Each testlet contains items from one or more Essential Elements Math and Reading: –3-8 items + engagement activity Writing: –Structured activity with several steps –Single testlet
Planning and Scheduling- Number of Testlets Per Grade
Planning and Scheduling- Sample Schedule Day One: –8:30 – Administer Testlet 1 in ELA and Math –1:30- Administer Testlet 2 in ELA and Math Day Two: –8:30 – Administer Testlet 3 in ELA and Math –1:30- Administer Testlet 4 in ELA and Math Day Three: –8:30 – Administer Testlet 5 in ELA and Math –1:30- Administer Testlet 6 in ELA and Math Day Four: –8:30 –Administer Writing Testlet
Planning and Scheduling Designate testing location –Quiet area –Clear from distractions –Arrange the testing display device so that it is only accessible to the student being assessed –Set up accessibility devices as needed –Stage manipulatives as needed Evaluate student behavior
DO’s Provide flexibility in student access to item and materials Provide consistency in student interaction with the concept being measured
DO’s Breaks Student response mode Use of special equipment for positioning, for example: –Slant board –Velcro objects on a board Generic definitions
DON’TS Repeat the item activity again after a student has responded Use physical prompts or hand-over-hand guidance Remove answer choices Rearrange objects to prompt correct answer Change voice or inflection of tone
Resources DLM Wisconsin Webpage DLM Educator Resource Webpage ye
DPI Contact Kristen Burton