Nationalist Revolutions Sweep the West 1789-1900 Chapter 24 Nationalist Revolutions Sweep the West 1789-1900
Revolutions Disrupt Europe Section 2 Revolutions Disrupt Europe AIM: Liberal and nationalist uprisings challenged the old conservative order of Europe
Nationalism Changes Europe Congress of Vienna attempted to restore Europe like it was before the French Revolution.
Nationalism Changes Europe Three forces struggled for supremacy in Europe. Conservatives (traditional monarchies) Liberals (elected parliaments run by the educated landowners) Radicals (democracy)
Nationalism Changes Europe Competing ideals of French Revolution and Congress of Vienna caused Revolutions of 1830 and 1848
Nationalism Italy and Germany SECTION 3 Nationalism Italy and Germany AIM: The force of nationalism contributed to the formation of two new nations and a new political order in Europe
Ideal of Nationalism Nationalism pride and devotion to one’s nation fueled efforts to build nation-states Loyalty is to the people and not to the kings or queens A number of links bound a people together as a nation chart on pg. 688
Nationalism Shakes Aging Empires Nationalism worked as a force for disunity, shaking old empires, but also for unity which helped in the development of the nation-states of today Ex. Austro-Hungarian Empire, Russian Empire, Ottoman Empire
Cavour Unites Italy After the Congress of Vienna – Italy was ruled by many foreign rulers – (Austria and the Spanish Bourbon family) In 1852, Sardinia's King named Camillo di Cavour as his prime minister
Cavour Unites Italy He began to unify Italy by trying to expel Austria in the north with the help of France
Cavour Looks South Cavour secretly started helping nationalist rebels led by Giuseppe Garibaldi Garibaldi would lead a group known as the Red Shirts
Cavour Looks South Garibaldi will successfully unite the southern parts of Italy leaving the Papal States as the last remaining area needed to unite
The Rise of Prussia Since 1815, 39 German states (German Confederation) was dominated by Austria-Hungary and Prussia.
The Rise of Prussia Prussia’s Kaiser Wilhelm I saw parliament as a threat and with the support of Junkers (Prussia’s wealthy landowners) named Otto von Bismarck prime minister Bismarck was a master of realpolitik “the politics of reality”
German Unification He then eliminates Austria in the Seven Weeks’ War to gain control of northern Germany = both eastern and western parts of the Prussian kingdom were now joined!
German Unification With southern Prussia remaining non-unified Bismarck will force France into the Franco-Prussian War (1870) making Kaiser Wilhelm I emperor of the Second Reich.