SoBe Lifewater Media Plan Brandi Jones Jessica Lewis Jennifer Hinton
Situational Analysis Product Evaluation: SoBe is a line of soft drinks acquired by Pepsi Co. in2000. Media planning will focus on Life Water. SoBe Lifewater is made all natural herbs and anti-oxidants, which make the product very unique. All SoBe products are made with natural sweeteners.
Situational Analysis Target Market: Demographics: Age: with a secondary target of Sex: Primarily Female Income: $75,000-$149,999 Race: Primarily white with a secondary target of Blacks Marital Status: Unmarried or Engaged Psychographics: The target market is young people who are energetic and thrive to be healthy. These people enjoy exercising, athletics, are always on the go and they thrive to be healthy.
Situational Analysis Sales History: 2008: Pepsi Co. had revenue of $43.3 billion, up 10 percent from The launch of SoBe Life water and Gatorade G2 caused Pepsi’s carbonated beverage revenue to go down 16 percent, but helped revitalize the new Pepsi Co. North American Beverage Portfolio. The revenue went down for carbonated beverages because Americans are more aware of the “health” crisis and want to drink things that are more healthy and taste good. 2007: Pepsi Co. had revenue of $39 billion. As of September 2007,Pepsi owned 44 percent of the enhanced water market, while Coke came in second with 31 percent.
Situational Analysis Product Evaluation: The Pepsi Bottling Group is the main distributor of Pepsi products. They distribute in the U.S. as well as Canada, Greece, Mexico, Spain and Turkey, accounting for more than one half of the Pepsi-cola beverages sold in North America, and about 40 percent worldwide. The Pepsi Bottling Group distributes all SoBe products to certain food chains.
Situational Analysis SWOT Analysis: Strengths: SoBe Lifewater has a variety of flavors (12), and they use unique mixes and all natural sweeteners and herbs. Also, the water has a unique design on the bottle that features lizard skin. Weaknesses: There is limited availability of this product in some areas. It is not yet available in drink machines or small convenient stores. Pepsi pushes the bigger, more successful products harder. Opportunities: The product is still relatively new, so there is definitely room for the product to grow. It has a neutral reputation within it’s market. Threats: There are already a lot of flavored waters on the market. Its competition has already broken into the market faster and has already positioned itself.
Situational Analysis Competitive Analysis: SoBe Life water’s main competition is Coke’s Glaceau Vitamin water. It owns the market. Another Pepsi product, Gatorade G2, is second. Life water is third. Vitamin water is a big competitor for SoBe and for Pepsi because it is a Coke product, but Gatorade G2 just competes with SoBe Lifewater because Pepsi owns it.
Marketing Goal The marketing goal for SoBe is to increase sales of Lifewater in 2009 by 3 percent.
Situational Analysis Advertising History: In 2003, SoBe sponsored the U.S. Open snowboarding championship. It was team Lizard. It did a campaign called Lizard Green. This sponsorship was the road to launching the Product in The campaign featured Ray Lewis, Justin Tuck and Matt Light. SoBe did the 3D Lizard Lake commercial for the Super Bowl. It was the first video to debut in High Definition on YouTube. The 2008 Super Bowl featured Naomi Campbell doing thriller with the Lizards. SoBe does not heavy up on print advertising, as television appears to be the medium most of ten used with this product.
Media Objectives Target Audience: The target audience for SoBe is women years old. These women are health oriented, love working out and being outside. Geographic Coverage: Media Planning will strive for National coverage. National coverage is essential to support nationwide distribution of SoBe Lifewater. Seasonality: Media planning will promote SoBe Lifewater year- round. Media Planning will heavy up on advertising June through September. The 4-week peak period will be in October. Reach/Frequency: Media planning will maintain a minimum target audience reach of 80 percent and a frequency of 7. During the summer months of June through September, media planning will increase frequency to 9.
Media Objectives Creative Implications: There are no creative implications for SoBe Lifewater. Promotional Support: SoBe Lifewater is supporting Breast Cancer during October, which is Breast Cancer Awareness Month. SoBe will donate 20 percent of all profit from Strawberry Kiwi Lifewater sold during the month of October. Budget: The budget for SoBe Lifewater is 26 million.
Media Strategies Television: Target Audience: Media planning will reach the target audience through Daytime TV. Will be effective because many women from the target will be at home with their children during the day. Geographic Coverage: We will promote SoBe Lifewater nationally on TV. Media planning much support SoBe’s national distribution. Pattern of Scheduling: Media planning will advertise from July through the end of October on Television. Media planning will advertise in the summer months on TV because that is SoBe’s most popular buying season. Media planning will heavy up on TV during the month ofOctober in conjunction with our promotional support to help in the fight with Breast Cancer. Reach/Frequency: Media planning will use television to maintain the reach and increase the frequency from 7 to 9. It is important to have a high frequency for this medium and to maintain the reach. Creative Implications: There are no creative implications. SoBe Lifewater is a product that can be promoted on all media. Promotion Support: Media planning will heavy up on television during October to increase the message about its promotion against the fight of Breast Cancer. Media planning will use this medium because it has a high rating among the target audience. Budget: Media planning will use $11,696, 400 on television advertising.
Media Strategies Magazine: Target Audience: Media planning will reach the target audience through consumer magazines such as Self and Shape. The target audience subscribes to these magazines. Geographic Coverage: Media planning will use magazines to promote the product nationally. Media planning must suppot SoBe Lifewater’s national distribution. Pattern of Scheduling: Media planning will maintain continuous advertising through magazines. It is crucial to have continuous advertising in magaziines throughout the year to remind the target audience of SoBe Lifewater. Reach/Frequency: Since magazines have a low reach but are very targeted, Media planning will maintain the current frequency by using reminder advertising. Creative Implications: There are no creative implications. SoBe Lifewater can be promoted on all media. Promotion Support: Media planning will not use magazines as a primary medium for promotional support for SoBe Lifewater. Magazine is the reminder advertising and will only use a back cover as extra support for promotional advertising. Budget: Media planning will use $4,295,604 on Magazine advertising.
Media Strategies Radio: Target Audience: Media planning will reach the target audience through Morning Drive and Evening Drive radio. These are the peak drive times for the target audience and the times they are most likely to be listening to the radio. Geographic Coverage: Media planning will advertise nationally on radio. Media planning must support SoBe Lifewater’s national distribution. Pattern of Scheduling: Media planning will have continuous advertising on the radio, with the exception of a few weeks out of the year. Reach/Frequency: Media planning will use radio to keep a steady reach by advertising at two periods during the day instead of one. Creative Implications: There will be visual limits to radio. Media planning must be able to maintain effective advertising will just sound. SoBe can be promoted effectively on all media. Promotion Support: There will be reminder ads on radio to remind women what SoBe is doing in the fight against Breast Cancer in October. This is an effective way to let women know what is going on. Budget: Media planning will use $5,600,00 on radio advertising.
Media Strategies Internet: Target Audience: Media planning will use Internet during its peak months. This will provide more awareness and help increase sales during peak months. Geographic Coverage: Media planning will promote nationally on the Internet. Pattern of Scheduling: Media planning will advertise on Internet from May through October, buying impressions on and These are Web sites the target audience will most likely visit. Reach/Frequency: Media planning will use Internet as its main medium for a higher reach than frequency. By buying a large number of gross impressions, many women will be exposed to the message. Also, it will help will frequency because the same women that read these magazines will be visiting the Web sites of Self and Shape. Creative Implications: There are no creative implications. SoBe Lifewater can be promoted on all media. Promotion Support: Media planning will not do anything specific to promote Breast Cancer awareness on the Internet, except use its regular monthly advertising. Budget: Media planning will spend $4,012,800 on Internet advertising.
Media Tactics Television: Media planning will buy 30 second spots on Daytime Network television using 400 GRP’s per 4 week period during the summer months of July, August and September and using 600 GRP’s during October to promote its fight against Breast Cancer. Suggested vehicles will include ABC, NBC and CBS. $11,696,400 will be spent. Magazine: Media planning will buy 12 four color full page ads in both Self and Shape magazines. During the months of July, August, September and October, media planning will buy 4 four color back cover ads in self magazine to help with frequency during the summer months. $4,295,604 will be spent.
Media tactics Radio: Media planning will buy National media on Radio. The ads will be 30 second spots. The different advertising periods will be Jan. 12- April 5, April 13-July 5, July 13- Dec. 25. Media planning will use breaks in between to keep from doing extra GRP calculations. Suggeted stations will include Top 40 or Contemporary stations. Media planning will spend $5,600,000 on radio. Internet: Media planning will buy banner ads on and and will buy square right column page ads on Media planning will advertise in a six month period from May-October. Media planning will spend $4,012,800 on Internet.
Plan Performance Magazine TV Magazine&TV GRP=112 GRP=600 GRP=712 R=67 R=70 Reach=85 F=1.7 F=8.6 F=8.4 Radio Morn. GRP=200 R=46 F=4.3 Even. GRP=200 R=46 F=4.3 Radio, Magazine, and TV combined GRP=1112 R=93 F=12 Internet R= 89 F=3 GRP=267 All combined GRP=1379 R=92 F=15
Summary Media planning achieved its goal of increasing sales of SoBe Lifewater by 3 percent by effectively advertising nationally to athletic women ages