INSTITUTE OF PLANT PROTECTION, THE REPUBLIC OF BELARUS Dr. Dmitry VOITKA XXI International Symposium INNOVATION 2014, Prague, The Czech Republic, 2-5 Dec. 2014
The Institute of Plant Protection is a leading organization of Belarus providing with the phytosanitary monitoring and the development of modern systems of plant protection from 1971 XXI International Symposium INNOVATION 2014, Prague, The Czech Republic, 2-5 Dec INSTITUTE OF PLANT PROTECTION, THE REPUBLIC OF BELARUS
At the Institute of Plant Protection there were the researches on search, collection, isolation and identification of entomopathogenic microorganisms: fungi, nematodes, crystal-bearing bacilli also microorganisms-antagonists. The IPP has got a microorganism strains collection (>100 strains) with a high biological activity in relation to phytophages and phytopathogens Lecanicillium lecanii Zare & W. Gams. Paecilomyces fumosoroseus (Wize) Brown et Smith Beauveria bassiana (Bals.) Vuill. Metarhizium anisopliae (Metschnikoff) Sorokin Bacillus thuringiensis Berliner Trichoderma spp. (T. viride, T. harzianum) Entomopathogenic nematodes Steinernema (S. feltiae, S. carpocapsae) INSTITUTE OF PLANT PROTECTION, THE REPUBLIC OF BELARUS XXI International Symposium INNOVATION 2014, Prague, The Czech Republic, 2-5 Dec. 2014
The scientific-research and applied activity of the Institute of Plant Protection covers the stages from the perspective microorganism isolation out of natural biocoenoses up to the technologies of biological preparations getting and application development. INSTITUTE OF PLANT PROTECTION, THE REPUBLIC OF BELARUS Based on a set of microorganisms high-effective biological preparations for plant protection against a wide spectrum of pests and diseases have been developed. XXI International Symposium INNOVATION 2014, Prague, The Czech Republic, 2-5 Dec. 2014
STAGES OF MICROBIAL BIOPREPARATIONS DEVELOPMENT Collection of primary material Isolation in pure culture Identification Study of the properties Pilot tests to assess the activity Selected strains Mass production of the preparations Development of production technology (Regulations, Specifications) Safety, Health and Toxicology Investigations Patenting State registration Technology of application development Prototype Pilot batch INSTITUTE OF PLANT PROTECTION, THE REPUBLIC OF BELARUS XXI International Symposium INNOVATION 2014, Prague, The Czech Republic, 2-5 Dec. 2014
BIOPREPARATIONCROP TARGET OBJECT BACITURIN (Bacillus thuringiensis ) Potato Colorado beetle (larvae, 1-2 gener.) Carrot Carrot psylla Cabbage Cabbage white butterfly, cabbage moth Cucumber Spider mite Oak and other deciduous Winter moth, green oak-roller moth, complex of tube-builders Tomato Tomato leafminer Tuta absoluta BACTOCID (Bacillus thuringiensis) Fruit and berry crops Spanworms, complex of tube-builders, raspberry beetle MELOBASS® (Beauveria bassiana) Potato Colorado beetle Cucumber Diptera (larvae) Stocks, fruit crop nursery transplants May beetle (larvae) PECILOMICIN-B (Paecilomyces fumosoroseus) Cucumber, tomato Whitefly (larvae) Cucumber Fungus gnats (larvae) ENTOLEK (Lecanicillium lecanii) Cucumber, tomato Whitefly (larvae), spider mite, trips MUSKARDIN-L (Metarhizium anisopliae) Oak and other deciduous Winter moth, great winter moth, complex of leaf-rollers PESTS CONTROL INSTITUTE OF PLANT PROTECTION, THE REPUBLIC OF BELARUS XXI International Symposium INNOVATION 2014, Prague, The Czech Republic, 2-5 Dec. 2014
BIOPREPARATIONCROP TARGET OBJECT FUNGILEKS (Trichoderma sp. D-11) GreensRoot rot Cucumber, tomatoRoot rot, gray mold Oat (and other cereal crops) Root rot, seed molding, leaf stripe TRICHODERMIN-BL (Trichoderma viride) GreensRoot rot Spring barleyRoot rot Fibre flaxFusariosis, seed molding, anthracnose CabbageBlack leg, bacteriosis, soil phytopathogens CarrotBlack spot, phomosis Tomato, cucumberRoot rot, white rot, gray mold, fusarium wilt, verticillium wilt StrawberryProductivity increase, grey mold resistance Spruce, pineSeed molding, infectious lodging of seedlings LIGNORIN (Trichoderma harzianum) PotatoRhizoctoniose CucumberRoot rot, white rot StrawberryGray mold INSTITUTE OF PLANT PROTECTION, THE REPUBLIC OF BELARUS DISEASES CONTROL XXI International Symposium INNOVATION 2014, Prague, The Czech Republic, 2-5 Dec. 2014
ADVANTAGES OF THE MICROBIOPREPARATIONS ecological safehigh biological activitynonphytotoxic, harmless to vegetables and not spoiling flavorsafe for humans, animals and beneficial insectsdoes not generate toxic agents in the environmentwill not provoke appearance of resistant pathogenic formscan be used in organic agricultureproduction can be used in clinical and childish nutrition
PHEROMONE TRAPS TUTVABAT TUTVABAT – pheromone preparation for Tuta absoluta (tomato leafminer, South American tomato moth) monitoring SYNTHETIC SEX PHEROMONE Delta-trap + dispenser with TUTVABAT
WE ARE OPENED FOR COOPERATION combined scientific researchesorganization of biological preparations productionbiological preparations production development of ecological friendly technologies of plant protection against noxious organisms XXI International Symposium INNOVATION 2014, Prague, The Czech Republic, 2-5 Dec INSTITUTE OF PLANT PROTECTION, THE REPUBLIC OF BELARUS
XXI International Symposium INNOVATION 2014, Prague, The Czech Republic, 2-5 Dec INSTITUTE OF PLANT PROTECTION, THE REPUBLIC OF BELARUS Dr. Dmitry VOITKA Institute of Plant Protection The Republic of Belarus