Quality-Management in Austrian Schools for General Education and Vocational Education and Training Braun, Erhard, Lehner-Stift, Wlcek 1
new teaching and learning culture motivation for Innovation, bottom-up learners‘ autonomy variety of learning & teaching methods school autonomy starting in the 1990ies new curricula school as learning organisation new role models new roles: inspectors, principals QIBB / SQA 2004 / 2013 European & international context system monitoring school based evaluation centralised national assessments Braun, Erhard, Lehner-Stift, Wlcek 2
PROCESS Steering and Evaluating Education INPUT OUTPUT / OUTCOME learning & teaching settings for learning & teaching, methods, teamwork, attitude, climate ressources infrastructure, curricula, qualifications achievements students‘ performance competences knowledge & skills National Assessments Braun, Erhard, Lehner-Stift, Wlcek 3
Quality Management in Austrian Schools Braun, Erhard, Lehner-Stift, Wlcek 4 National Quality Framework Differentiation according to school types
Braun, Erhard, Lehner-Stift, Wlcek 5 National Framework of Quality Definition & description of school quality Periodic planning and report-system on all levels of the system Objective agreement on all levels Use of internal and external feedback for all stakeholders Instruments for steering, monitoring and (self-)evaluation Support for schools
Braun, Erhard, Lehner-Stift, Wlcek 6 Ministery of Education Regional (Vienna) Schoolboard Schools Development plan Objective agreement & performance review SQA regional coordinators SQA school coordinators principals Directorate I General Education bm:bf APS grades 1-8/9 AHS grades 5-8 primary general & new secondary schools principals inspectors academic secondary schools (lower &upper level)
Braun, Erhard, Lehner-Stift, Wlcek Ministery of Education Regional (Vienna) Schoolboard Schools principals Directorate II Bm:bf Vocational Education BS grades BMHS grades 9-13 vocational schools & apprenticeship (dual system) principals inspectors secondary & higher vocational education QIBB regional quality process manager QIBB school quality process manager Quality Report Management & performance review Quality Report Quality Report
Braun, Erhard, Lehner-Stift, Wlcek 8 learning experiences & learning outcomes learning & teaching class & school climate leadership & manage ment professio nalism & staff develop ment internal & external relations 6 Quality Areas
Braun, Erhard, Lehner-Stift, Wlcek 9 Mutual trust at all levels of school management Focus on quality & results of learning & teaching processes Notion of continuous development (in „spirals“) Responsibility for the results Self-responsibility & autonomy of schools Teamwork („We And Our School“) – Corporate Identity Attitudes & mindsets as basis Positive success expectations instead of deficit orientation Philosophy
Braun, Erhard, Lehner-Stift, Wlcek 10 PDCA-circle (original PDSA-circle) Plan Do Check Act mission statement quality matrix work programme evaluation plan indicators & instruments data & evaluation results quality report management and performance review Fundamental principles 1 processes measures
Vision Braun, Erhard, Lehner-Stift, Wlcek 11 Continuous improvement and team orientation T OGETHER E VERYONE A CHIEVES M ORE