U.S. Coast Guard National Strike Force Coordination Center LT. Jonathan Cooper
What is the National Strike Force? The National Strike Force (NSF) which includes the NSFCC, AST, GST & PST, provides rapidly deployable technical experts, specialized equipment, and incident management capabilities for Lead Agency Incident Commanders and FOSCs for their response and preparedness missions. As a vital component of the National Response System and homeland security mission, the NSF minimizes the adverse impact to public and the environment from oil discharges, hazardous materials releases, natural disasters and WMD incidents.
National Strike Force Programs Strike Team Support/Response/Operations Equipment/Training/Funding Response Resource Inventory (RRI) Database OSRO Classification Program Preparedness Assessment Verification (PAV) Program Preparedness Readiness Exercise Program (PREP) FSE (Gov’t Lead) SORS (16 WLBs) VOSS (6 OCONUS/3 Strike Team)
Recent NSF Changes Transition from Deployable Operations Group (DOG) to LANT AREA FY13 Public Information Assistance Team (PIAT) to Incident Management Assistance Team (IMAT) FY13 FORCECOM Center Of Expertise (COE) establishment FY14 INCONUS VOSS Consolidation National Maintenance Contract (NMC) to SILC Civil Engineering Unit - Miami 2014 CG HQ 721 CBRNE
Response Resource Inventory (RRI) Created by the Oil Pollution Act of OPA 90 mandated the creation of a national database of response resources that would be maintained by the National Strike Force Coordination Center (NSFCC). Section 4202(2) - National Response Unit “(a) Shall compile and maintain a comprehensive computer list of spill removal resources, personnel, and equipment that is available worldwide and within the areas designated by the President pursuant to paragraph (4), which shall be available to Federal and State agencies and the public.”
OSRO Classification Program OSROs are classified based on “core equipment” that they either own or contract for. Core equipment includes: boom, estimated daily recovery capacity (EDRC), storage, support equipment (such as response vessels and response personnel), dispersant product, dispersant application platforms, and aerial oil tracking capabilities. If the OSRO is classified by the Coast Guard, it means their capacity has been determined to equal or exceed the response capability needed by the plan holder for regulatory compliance (33 CFR and ). If Industry utilizes a CG-Classified OSRO in their Facility/Vessel Response Plans, they are only required to list the name of the classified OSRO within their plans. Group V Oils under discussions with CG and Industry
KEY COTP ACC Sector San Diego Sector Honolulu Sector Anchorage Sector Juneau Sector New Orleans MSU Morgan City Sector Houston- Galveston MSU Port Arthur Sector Corpus Christi Sector Los Angeles- Long Beach, CA Sector San Francisco Sector Columbia River, Astoria, OR Sector Puget Sound Sector Long Island Sound New Haven, CT Sector Charleston Sector Delaware Bay Philadelphia, PA Sector Baltimore Sector North Carolina Wilmington, NC Sector Hampton Roads Sector Northern New England South Portland, ME Sector Boston Sector New York MSU Savannah Sector Jacksonville Sector St. Petersburg Sector Miami Sector Key West Sector San Juan Sector Mobile Sector Ohio Valley Louisville, KY MSU Pittsburgh Sector Upper Mississippi St. Louis, MO Sector Lower Mississippi, Memphis, TN Sector Sault Ste. Marie MSU Duluth Sector Buffalo Sector Lake Michigan Milwaukee, WI Sector Southern New England Woods Hole, MA; Providence, RI Sector Guam MSU Detroit MSU Valdez MSU Chicago Fort Macon, NC Morro Bay, CA Coos Bay, OR Eureka, CA Port Canaveral, FL Panama City, FL Alpena, MI Marquette, MI Traverse City, MI Prudhoe Bay, AK Portland, OR Adak, AK American Samoa Unalaska, AK Cape Flattery, WA Kodiak, AK Nome, AK Sitka, AK Ketchikan, AK Toledo, OH Yakutat, AK Oswego, NY 2015 COTP/ACC SITES Missoula, MT Miles City, MT Aberdeen,SC Salt Lake City, UT Denver, CO Lincoln, NE Gallop, NM Labbock, TX Oaklahoma City, OK
Preparedness Assessment Verification (PAV) Visits A Preparedness Assessment Verification (PAV) Visit is the NSFCC’s primary mechanism for assessing a region’s environmental emergency response capabilities. Currently conducted on four-year cycle to Captain of the Port (COTP) Zones. High Volume Port and OCONUS Zones are conducted Annually - New York, New Orleans, Houston and LA/LB divided in to 1/2 each year. Alaska and Pacific Rim (Hawaii/Guam/American Samoa) divided into 1/3 each year. A PAV Visit consists of the following: Viewing of 100% of the equipment listed in the RRI that is provided to NSFCC for the OSRO Classification application. Operate a minimum of 10% of the OSRO’s RRI-listed equipment (skimmers, pumps, trucks, etc). Verify existence/currency of personnel training records, to include OSHA certificates (40-hr initial, 8-hr annual refresher) Review equipment maintenance records, confirm that an equipment maintenance plan is in place.
Exercise Program CPS- COE# Contingency Planning System –Concept of Exercise # NSF Support: NSF (Funded by CPS) (No cost to Unit) –Government Lead Exercises ( Strike Team – Exercise Planning/Support) –SORS –OCONUS VOSS –Strike Team VOSS Exercise (One per Team) Local (Funded by local Unit) –TTX/FE/FSE-Industry Lead –AMSTEP (Strike Team – if pollution involved) –Any other District/Sector Exercise/Equipment Support
Contingency Preparedness System CPS Concept of Exercise (COE) Funding (CPE-HQ/FORCECOM) Click on COE’s Retrieve by FY or AOR –FY –Area –District Click on COE number –Exercise name –Type Exercise –Where –Dates – C&O/IPC/MPC/FPC –Finance/Spend Plan Request for CPS Funding –Major Objectives –Participants Request for NSF Support
Area Contingency Plan (ACP) Oversight Requirements –40 CFR (c) Federal Contingency Plans –CG COMDTINST Area Contingency Plan Organization, Content, Revision Cycle, and Distribution Process –Area Committee – develop/review/update –District Commander review –District Commander provide NSFCC & RRT review period –After reviews/changes & approval – plans distributed –NEW ACP Guidelines are part of the new MER MANUAL Still in re-write /FY 15 release expected
Contact Information NSF Websites –National Strike Force –RRI Program OSRO: OSRO: ohttps://cgrri.uscg.mil/UserReports/WebClassificationReport.aspxhttps://cgrri.uscg.mil/UserReports/WebClassificationReport.aspx USCG: ohttps://cgrri.uscg.mil/rriadmin/LogOn.aspx –RRI Program Distribution address: Phone Numbers –National Strike Force Coordination Center: (252) –Pacific Strike Team: (415) –Gulf Strike Team: (251) –Atlantic Strike Team: (609)