Children Affected by Parental Imprisonment ESSEX CAPI Service
Children Affected by Parental Imprisonment ESSEX CAPI Service The Essex CAPI service was established in October 2013 to support children and families affected by imprisonment including those from military backgrounds who are servicing their sentence at the Military Correction Training Centre (MCTC) Colchester. The service looks to transform the lives of the most vulnerable children, young people and their families by providing support in their home and community and through partnership working with a broad range of agencies including Schools, Early years settings, Health teams, Probation services, DWP, Family Solutions and Social Care.
Children Affected by Parental Imprisonment ESSEX CAPI Service Funding is provided by Barnardo's as part of their Voluntary Funds strategic business plan The funding was limited and required the service to work creatively in a cluster model to offer an effective and meaningful service across Essex.
Children Affected by Parental Imprisonment Children Affected by Parental Imprisonment ESSEX CAPI Service Original aims of the service were: The establishment of a referral pathway to enable professionals to refer families for support in their home, school or community To establish strong links and provide services and projects at the MCTC and within prisons including HMP & YOI Chelmsford and Holloway. To establish a Steering Group, to enable professionals to discuss services, gaps in provision and data sharing. To provide training and resources to professionals to raise awareness of the short and long term effects on families and in particular children.
Children Affected by Parental Imprisonment ESSEX CAPI Service Family Support and Referral pathway The Essex CAPI cluster model continues to work effectively across Essex. Referrals for both inward and external support have increased since it was established. The service has received over 120 referrals to date. Referrals range from ‘telling the children’ and preparing them for their first visit to intensive work around sexual abuse cases and adult mental health support when a partner is in prison. All cases referred for support have resulted in positive outcomes and changes for the families. Evidence is collected by way of soft and hard outcomes. Referring agencies include Family Solutions, CAMHS, Health, Schools, Early Years settings, Children’s Centres, MARAC meetings, HMP Chelmsford, Probation, Ormiston Family Trust and self referrals. Referrals are also received from outside of Essex and support, where possible has been offered.
Children Affected by Parental Imprisonment ESSEX CAPI Service HMP services Partnership working with agencies who provide services for offenders Joint support on cases. Staff members provided induction talks and support at family days and other services at HMP & YOI Chelmsford. Resulting in referrals for community support for their families Referrals have also been received to support those serving sentences at HMP Holloway Future plans include: The establishment of a children’s and families SLA and service pathway with Ormiston Families Trust and HMP Chelmsford offering community based support for all offender families. ‘Preparing for release’ programme with probation/CRC teams and other agencies within HMP services.
Children Affected by Parental Imprisonment ESSEX CAPI Service Military Correction Training Centre Colchester (MCTC) Service Level Agreement in place to offer a range of support for detainees including: Fort-nightly talks with detainees around family advice and support which has resulted in referral to the service CAPI staff co-plan and deliver family days at the establishment Future plans include joint parenting courses for detainees and a referral pathway established for detainees when they are sentenced to imprisonment at HMP Chelmsford
Children Affected by Parental Imprisonment ESSEX CAPI Service Multi Agency Steering Group meetings Since October 2013 we have established two Steering Groups. The groups meet quarterly with a broad range of agencies attending. One operates within North East Essex and a second within South East Essex covering Basildon and surrounding areas. The Steering Groups bring together professionals to discuss current services for families, gaps in provision and opportunities for joint support. The Steering Group also has an aim to look at effective ways to gather local data on families affected by imprisonment. Terms of Reference and Governance are in place to ensure the groups are accountable and challenged. A third Steering Group to serve professionals working across West Essex- Harlow areas is being established later this year.
Children Affected by Parental Imprisonment ESSEX CAPI Service Training courses for professionals The ‘Hidden Sentence’ course looks to raise awareness for professionals around the effects on families and in particular children when a parent is in prison. Since October 2013 we have delivered 12 courses with over 250 professionals attending. Evaluation collected at the end of the course remains very positive and demonstrates a change in mind set on how families are a hidden group who require specialist support their time of needs. We also provide workshops and bespoke courses to suit individual agencies needs Follow on training to further support professionals who work directly with children is being developed.
Children Affected by Parental Imprisonment ESSEX CAPI Service Plans for the future: Single Point of Contact (SPOC) and Charter To establish a network of professionals who are the designated SPOC person within their own service, school or agency and responsible for awareness raising of the Essex CAPI Service and the contact for families, young people and children seeking advice and support. The SPOC will ‘Champion’ the needs of children and young people and ensure families, young people and children feel included, listened too and consulted with about their situation and needs. Court To work with local Magistrate courts and Chelmsford Crown Court to look at ways to support families, young people and children when attending court. Establish a ‘family friendly’ room and court leaflets. Police teams/custody – pilot project with Tendring Police teams To provide Hidden Sentence training to all frontline staff. Custody referral pathway established to offer earlier support to families when going through the charge and court process.
South East and Anglia Services Children Affected by Parental Imprisonment ESSEX CAPI Service Questions South East and Anglia Services
South East and Anglia Services Children Affected by Parental Imprisonment ESSEX CAPI Service Contact the Essex CAPI Service: 01255 688467 or South East and Anglia Services