May 7, 2015 CEC IEPR Lead Commissioner Workshop Benchmarking Developing an Energy & Water Efficiency Program for LA’s Existing Buildings
LA’s new Sustainable City pLAn
LADWP adopted a target to achieve 15% of their energy supply mix through efficiency efforts by 2020; 50% more aggressive and three years earlier than required by the state. Mayor Garcetti signed an Executive Directive to reduce per capita potable water use by 20% by 2017 and reduce DWP’s purchase of imported potable water by 50% by Statewide program in progress through AB 758 to reduce energy use in all existing buildings statewide and Governor Brown’s new water mandates. Sustainable City pLAn establishes the long- term outcomes of 30% energy reduction and 25% water reduction in existing buildings by City Council Motion initiated an effort to: “convene a stakeholder process to develop a program to improve the energy and water efficiency of existing buildings.” Local Goals and Commitments
Final Workshop Draft Proposed Program Final Proposed Program Dialogue Meetings City Council Motion Council Meeting Stakeholder Process Overview Kick-Off Workshop Los Angeles Existing Building Energy and Water Efficiency Program 12/3/14 1/15/15 1/15 – 4/16 Summer 2015 Fall 2015
Energy Star Portfolio Manger should be used to benchmark Gather as much data as possible. Keep it private for ~ a year, then share information on a public database. Building size (i.e. sq. ft. or units) should determine which buildings are included in the program and at what point Information format should be separate in the reporting: dollars saved, gallons of H 2 0 per sq. ft., and KW demand Recognize high performing (HP) buildings and reward voluntary action; HP buildings should still benchmark, but additional energy actions should not be required Allow flexibility in implementing energy actions Coordinate LA’s efforts with the County’s efforts, AB 1103 and other statewide efforts Summary of Meetings: Here’s what we heard Los Angeles Existing Building Energy and Water Efficiency Program
Overall Process Flow
Benchmarking Process Flow Los Angeles Existing Building Energy and Water Efficiency Program 1.Property Data provided by LA County Assessor to determine covered buildings 2.Owners of “covered buildings” notified 3.Energy and water use data obtained from LADWP and SoCalGas 4.Data input automatically or manually to Energy Star Portfolio Manager 5.Portfolio Manager summary report transmitted to LA Department of Building and Safety (DBS), who verifies compliance 6.DBS conducts review for accuracy 7.DBS publishes an annual database
High Performance Process Flow Los Angeles Existing Building Energy and Water Efficiency Program 1.Submit evidence of Energy Star Certification, or 2.Submit evidence of current LEED EBOM certification to DBS, or 3.Submit evidence of Portfolio Manager score improvement of ~15 points or energy reduction of ~15% over the five year reporting period
Low Performance Process Flow Los Angeles Existing Building Energy and Water Efficiency Program 1.Install energy and water upgrades from prescriptive list 2.Submit proof to DBS that retrofits have been installed OR 1.Complete energy audit (ASHRAE Level II) and defined retrocommissioning actions 2.Submit Energy Audit Report and Verification of RCx to DBS
Stay informed about the process: Hilary Firestone Information and Meeting Sign Up Los Angeles Existing Building Energy and Water Efficiency Program Information