Structured Dialogue with ESIF’s Partners Group of Experts Synergies between funds and innovation Muriel Attané EARTO Secretary General 23 April 2015, Brussels.


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Presentation transcript:

Structured Dialogue with ESIF’s Partners Group of Experts Synergies between funds and innovation Muriel Attané EARTO Secretary General 23 April 2015, Brussels

Our Members: Research and Technology Organisations

EARTO Vision: Technology for a Better World EARTO Moto: Impact Delivered!

Understanding European RTOs 4 Public (local, regional, national) Private Science Market/ Innovation Task 1 – RTOs R&I Policy Advisers Task 2 – RTOs providing R&I solutions to Societal Challenges Task 3 - RTOs supporting the Industry: RTOs Spin- offs SMEs Large Enterprises Multi- disciplinarity Multi- stakeholders & Partnerships TRL 3 TRL 7

RTOs: Synergies & Combined Funding RTOs in EU FPs= 1/3 beneficiaries in FP7 14 RTOs in top 50 in FP7 ESIF = RIS3 ex-ante conditionality Growing interest in innovation RTOs active at Regional level Workshop on RTOs & Smart Specialisation on 28 May with DG JRC IPTS, co-organised with EARTO WG on ESIF Instruments & Coherence needed for a strong EU Innovation Policy

Two EARTO Recommendations for EU Innovation Policy Europe needs to invest in strong value-chains and innovation ecosystems Europe needs to focus more on delivering impact from EU and national R&I investments

Improving EU Innovation Performance LINKED R&I & Cohesion Policies WELCOME! 1. Regions need to use their innovation actors to define & develop their smart specialisation, incl. RTOs! 2. Synergies are not the target but a tool: creation of mature innovation ecosystems is the target! Time is key factor Synergies are not the target but a tool: creation of mature innovation ecosystems is the target! Time is key factor Measuring synergies needs to be place-based (i.e not project- based) judging how well ecosystems were supported by RIS3 strategies 4. Measuring synergies should NOT be based on how much H2020 projects are linked to ESIF projects ≠ RIS3 performance targets RTOs ready to support!

EARTO–ERRIN Views on Combined Funding

Synergies & Combined Funding: Tools to support innovation ecosystems maturation! Synergies = done by the R&I actors within those ecosystems with support of the regional authorities Downstream Upstream EFSI/Juncker Plan Different funding tools coming in at different TRLs level & different timing: need coherence & require time!

10 FOCUS: Infrastructures & Resources Sharing between Industry & RTOs in Europe Session on Regional specialisation: what does it mean in a global competitive market? Volvo experiences, Urban Wass, Senior Vice President Research & Innovation Policy, Volvo Tecnalia experience, Iñaki San Sebastian, Deputy Managing Director, Tecnalia Charlina Vitcheva, Director Smart & Sustainable Growth & Southern Europe, DG REGIO, European Commission EARTO & EIRMA Annual Conference 2015 Luxembourg April 28-29, 2015

EARTO at DG R&I WIRE Conference

EARTO at Committee of Regions Open Days 2015 EARTO proposed a high-level debate on 15 October: “How can regional Smart Specialisation Strategies support innovation ecosystems & value–chains?” Panelists: Maria Khorsand, SP CEO and EARTO President Markku Markkula, CoR President Lambert van Nistelrooij, MEP Colin Wolfe, HoU, DG REGIO Xabier Goenaga, HoU, DG JRC Anthony van de Ven, ERRIN President Jan van den Biesen, VP, Philipps

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