District Level Review Meeting Anantapur District
Agenda Morning Session (11-00 AM to PM) Discussions on Administrative reforms with NTPAs, Dy.SEs and Superintendents HRMS updation Monitoring of Personal Registers Timely disposal of Employee related services SR maintenance Computer availability and requirement Training Requirement assessment Inaugural speech by Chief Engineer, HNSS AM Addressing the staff by Superintending Engineers PM
Agenda After Noon Session (2-00 PM to PM) All technical staff upto AE/AEE 2-00 PM – Address by CE, HNSS 2.15 PM to 4.00 PM Discussions and presentations 4.00 PM to 4.30 PM – Remarks of Superintending Engineers 4-30 PM to 5.00 PM concluding remarks 5.00 PM to 6.00 PM discussions with AEEs of 2012 and 2013 Batch.
OBJECTIVE Assess the reforms required in the filed level offices Facilities available in the field offices Assess areas of training requirement - Capacity building of the staff through trainings. Reform initiatives Responsive Governance Transparent and timely administration at all levels of the organisation HRMS updation
OBJECTIVE Data Readiness - Preparation and dissemination of information at different levels of the department. Reorganization of the department structure Steps for improvements in Minor Irrigation Role of Quality control wing Swach bharat and Tree Plantation
Capacity Building Capacity building of the staff through trainings and motivating them. Identification of areas of training needs. Imparting training to all the staff including technical and non technical on computer awareness Improving skills in drafting. Drafting skills to be imparted regularly once in every six months.
Effective Governance Transparent and timely administration at all levels of the organization Ensure that employee rights of increments, leave sanction, surrender leaves and TA bills are processed without delays. Non sanction of increments in time shall be treated as failure of the administration and concerned head of the office shall be responsible in ensuing these services. These aspects shall be checked by the teams proposed to visit field offices from Engineer-in- Chief(Admin).
Effective Governance Ensuing first come first serve basis in disposal of employee related matters unless the office heads like Executive Engineers, Superintending Engineers instructions to put up a specific case on priority basis. The process has to be followed from Division to ENC office. Implementation of online PRs is initiated in ENC office for the month of January,2015. Similar services to be extended up to division level in two months.
Data Readiness Preparation and dissemination of information at different levels of the department. All the offices shall be data ready at any given time and the following are the common data usually required – Staff sanction information and vacancy status – Organization structure – Canal Line diagrams and HPs. – Ayacut Particulars – Survey number wise ayauct and irrigation figures and water utilization figures over the past to 10 years. Water use efficiency – Command area maps in different formats
Reorganisation Work load of the technical staff up to section level Suggestions for effective and equitable work distribution Automation suggestions If any Assessment of IT infrastructure requirement up to Division level Suggested structure and diversions
Minor Irrigation Steps for improvements in Minor Irrigation Preparation of tank memoirs and data readiness. Steps for improved Ayacut in minor irrigation Vide publicity of minor irrigation tanks repairs duly maintaining works board at each tank where in the years wise work taken up shall be displayed This shall be certified in final bill along with copy of photo.
HRMS updation Ensuring timely updating of HRMS - Relieving and admission of employees shall be updated regularly. Updating of contact info and addresses of the offices and employees is mandatory. Suggestions for improvements in HRMS One time authentication of posts, head quarters with reference to sanction GOs. Utilizing various user friendly reports in HRMS SMS based Services. Confirmation of incumbency through HRMS Long absentees information to be informed. W.C.Establishment data in HRMS
Role of Quality Control Enhancing the role and responsibility of QC wing in ensuing quality of works Restructuring the Quality wings Availability of QC Lab equipment
Bio metric Attendance Implementation of bio metric attendance up to Circle office level in the initial phase. Certain facilities like assigning OD, permission to be provided in BIO Metric system.
Swach bharat and Tree Plantation GOI has taken up Swach Bharat with a motive of clean India by Department shall be part of this initiative and raise to the occasion. Another initiative by the GoAP to improve green areas and encourage mass plantations. Irrigation Department being the Manager of water resources of the state, major responsibilities lies on the department. Section wise / employee wise responsibilities and methodology of tree plantation, protection and sustenance plans to be prepared. Disposal of old files and materials as per rules.
General Estimate preparation software by eGovernance wing – Feedback from field staff Innovative suggestions from field staff Grievance redress mechanism Establishing land bank of department Revenue records updating in respect of land acquired for irrigation. Quarterly Returns by DDOs in Income Tax Portal