Mid Day Meal Scheme MDM-PAB Meeting- UT Chandigarh MDM-PAB Meeting- UT Chandigarh
Review of Implementation of MDMS in Chandigarh (Primary + Upper Primary) ( to ) Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India
Status on Pre-requisite steps for AWP&B Pre-requisite stepStatus Plan should be approved by SSMC MeetingYes Release of funds through e-transfer from State / District to at least 50% schoolsYes 100% payment of cost of food grains made to FCIYes 100% payment of honorarium to cook-cum-helpers through e- transfer to their bank accounts.Yes Annual and Monthly data entry for the FY should be completed up to December 2014.Yes Emergency Medical Plan on the lines of the contingency plan of Odisha.
Contd.. Pre-requisite stepStatus Submission of Plan through MDM-MIS Yes Action taken note on commitments given by the State Govt. during PAB Meeting of Yes Action taken note on findings of reports of Monitoring Institute. Report submitted by MI on to MHRD only Action plan for the testing of food samples, Number of food samples tested by accredited labs and findings Yes Separate and detailed MME planYes Plan submitted duly signed by the Pr. Secretary / Secretary of the State/UT within the scheduled date. No
ISSUES Issues from appraisal: Coverage of children against enrolment is 47% in Primary and 44% in Upper Primary. Food grain Utilization is less. AWP&B was not submitted within the given time schedule. Vegetables are not part of menu for three days in a week. Issues highlighted by MI : Punjab University Chandigarh Less seasonal vegetables are used in school based kitchens. Double fortified salt is not used. Hygiene of cook cum helper and capacity building need to be taken care of. Water tanks need to be cleaned regularly. Social audit needs to be carried out. More than 22% students were bringing their own Tiffin and about 3.67% students have opted out of MDM. Students of evening shift of primary schools reported that they were provided Rice based Menu only.
Best Practices UT is providing additional Rs3.13 /day/child and Rs.2.28 /day/child for Primary and Upper Primary respectively from UT resources. Honorarium to CCH is Rs.2622 per month per Cook-cum-Helper. UT is providing Rs as UT share in honorarium to CCH against Rs.250. Kitchens gardening has been started. CCTV Cameras have been installed in the all centralized kitchens and school level kitchens. Kitchen waste is utilized for preparation of compost. Teachers In charge MDM got training from Chandigarh Institute of Hotel Management. Feedback from the students to redress complaints and improve quality of the MDM. Best Practices
Coverage of Existing Institutions (Primary) Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India No. of Institutions
Coverage of Existing Institutions (Upper Primary with Primary) Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India No. of Institutions
Coverage of Children (Primary ) No. of Children 47% 52% 51% Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India
Coverage of Children (Upper Primary) No. of Children 44% 48% 47% Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India Percentage indicated coverage against Enrollment
FOOD GRAINS : ALLOCATION VS UTILISATION Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India Quantity in MTs 48% 46% 42%
Payment of Cost of Food grains to FCI Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India Cost of Food Grain (Rs. In Lakh) 100%
COOKING COST: ALLOCATION VS UTILISATION Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India Rs. in Lakh 70% 64% 63%
Engagement of Cooks-cum-Helpers No of CCH Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India
Payment of Honorarium to Cooks-cum-Helpers Rs. In lakh Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India 80%
Transportation Assistance : Allocation vs Utilisation Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India 34%
MME : ALLOCATION vs UTILISATION Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India Rs in Lakhs 56% 35% 68%
Procurement of Kitchen Devices under MDM 18 Progress (in %) Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India Total Sanctioned : 50 Kitchen Devices for new schools Replacement for 50 old units sanctioned in
Coverage : School Health Programme and Inspections Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India DetailsInstitutionsChildren Total in State Health Check UP (184%) IFA Distribution (158%) Vitamin ‘A’ Distribution7 13 (0.02%) De-worming Tablets (54%) Spectacles100754
SCORE CARD- ALL COMPONENTS Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India
Comparison of data: MIS vs AWP&B Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India
UTs Proposal for Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India
Proposal for : Children (Primary)
Proposal for : Children (Upper Primary)
Proposal for Cook-cum-helper engaged 25 Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India PAB Approval For Engaged during Additional Proposal for ( )
Proposal for Construction of Kitchen-cum-Store 26 Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India No. of Schools Sanctioned Constructed through convergence Proposal for (for 111 Institutions) 0Nil Out of 10 Cluster based kitchens already sanctioned, 7 kitchen-cum-stores have already been constructed. In order to conduct remaining 3 cluster based kitchens Engineering Department has already been requested to prepare drawings/rough cost estimates.
Proposal for Procurement of Kitchen Devices 27 Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India No. of Schools Sanctioned Procured through convergence Proposal for Nil
Proposals and Recommendations 28 Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India ComponentPAB Approval Proposal for Recommendation1 Children (Pry) Children (U Pry) Working Days (Pry & U.Pry) Kitchen cum Store Nil 5 Cook cum Helpers no additionalno additional Kitchen Devices Nil Kitchen Devices Replacement 50Nil 7 MME PLAN Rs lakhMore than GOI Norms max (Rs lakh) 8 Notional Requirement of Central Assistance Rs Lakh
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