© 2004, Open Geospatial Consortium, Inc. OGC: Standards in Action Sam A. Bacharach Outreach and Community Adoption Program
OGC © 2004, Open Geospatial Consortium, Inc.2 News Flash ! Open GIS Consortium, Inc., becomes: Open Geospatial Consortium, Inc. Recognizes breadth of focus to include –Location Based Services –Imagery Exploitation –Cartography and Mapping –Transportation –Along with GIS
OGC © 2004, Open Geospatial Consortium, Inc.3 Welcome These orientation slides are organized in chapters: Chapter 0 – Overview (This Chapter) Chapter 1 – Why Standards are Important Chapter 2 - The OGC and our Standards Setting Processes Chapter 3 - Overview of the Adopted OpenGIS standards Chapter 4 - OGC and Architecture Chapter 5 - OGC and Web Services Chapter 6 - User Success Stories
© 2004, Open Geospatial Consortium, Inc. General Background Information on the OGC
OGC © 2004, Open Geospatial Consortium, Inc.5 What is the OGC? The Open GIS Consortium, Inc. (OGC) is a not-for-profit international voluntary consensus standards organization leading the development of standards for geospatial and location based services. The OGC facilitates a consensus process in which government, private industry, and academia collaborate to create open and extensible software application programming interfaces for geospatial and other mainstream information technologies.
OGC © 2004, Open Geospatial Consortium, Inc.6 When was the OGC founded? OGC was founded with eight charter members at the time of its first Board of Directors meeting on September 25, Incorporated in the U.S., U.K., and Australia A complete history of the OGC can be found on the OGC website at
OGC © 2004, Open Geospatial Consortium, Inc.7 The OpenGIS Consortium Vision A world in which everyone benefits from geospatial information and services made available across any network, application, or platform.
OGC © 2004, Open Geospatial Consortium, Inc.8 The OGC vision is global Composed of many collaborating organizations... authoring and publishing open standards for geospatial interoperability
OGC © 2004, Open Geospatial Consortium, Inc.9 ScienceTechnology Data Management Methods Understanding Service Applications A community of sharing…
OGC © 2004, Open Geospatial Consortium, Inc.10 What is the Mission of the OGC? To lead the global development, promotion and harmonization of open standards and architectures that enable the integration of geospatial data and services into user applications and advance the formation of related market opportunities.
OGC © 2004, Open Geospatial Consortium, Inc.11 The Growth of OGC Over 260 members worldwide – 31 countries & 5 continents –91 European members - 19 countries –36 Asia-Pacific members - Japan, Republic of Korea, Australia, China, and Thailand Broad participation with other industry and international standards organizations Fourteen approved, publicly available Implementation Specifications Numerous candidate Implementation Specifications in work OGC Reference Model defines interoperable geo architecture Rapidly growing list of vendor implementations
OGC © 2004, Open Geospatial Consortium, Inc.12 Current OGC operating objectives 1.Promote the use of “interoperable geoprocessing” throughout the Information Technology marketplace. 2. Synchronize “geoprocessing technology” with commercial “Information Technology standards” 3.Arrange cooperation of “GI product suppliers” and “GI users” to develop interoperable software interfaces 4.Involve the entire community in the “interoperability process”
OGC © 2004, Open Geospatial Consortium, Inc.13 Current OGC operating objectives 5.Provide an “industry forum” for “partnerships” and cooperative business development projects. 6.Promote “co-opetition” 7.Promote Standards based, off the shelf software from commercial (SCOTS) and other sources.
OGC © 2004, Open Geospatial Consortium, Inc.14 What is the Ultimate Goal? Define, test, document, approve and encourage implementation of interface specifications that support geospatial interoperability and that are adopted and implemented in the market place. –Members evolve the Process as needed in order to meet this goal. –Every OGC member has a voice and can have an impact. –OGC provides excellent opportunities to network. The business that results helps us reach the ultimate goal! Implementation and adoption are key! –Learn to use the process!
OGC © 2004, Open Geospatial Consortium, Inc.15 Where does OGC fit in the ‘standards’ world? IETF / W3C Infrastructure: WSDL, UDDI, SOAP, XML ISO/ CEN / Nations Domains: Object / Abstract Models, Content, Vocabulary OGC Software Interfaces: Instantiate Domain and Dejure into Infrastructure De Facto De Jure Domain Infrastructure
OGC © 2004, Open Geospatial Consortium, Inc.16 What does the OGC provide? An agreed upon consensus process for defining, testing, documenting, and approving interface specifications Staff knowledge, expertise and support to work with the members to facilitate the consensus process the culminates in approved and adopted specifications. A process framework to encourage effectiveness and efficiency in advancing OGC member goals. A consensus-based forum for conflict resolution A comprehensive Communications infrastructure.
OGC © 2004, Open Geospatial Consortium, Inc.17 Membership Growth / Diversity Integrators –Lockheed Martin, Mitsubishi, SAIC, Harris, MITRE, BAE Systems, Boeing, General Dynamics, Raytheon, Accenture,… Major Hardware and Software Companies –Sun Microsystems, Oracle, HP… Developers of Geospatial Technologies and Services –AutoDesk, eSpatial, ESRI, GE Network Solutions, Intergraph, LaserScan, MapInfo, NAVTEQ, PCI Geomatics, Questerra, Navigation Technologies, SICAD … Government agencies that depend on geoprocessing –United Nations, National Governments: Canada, United Kingdom, United States, Japan, Republic of Korea, Australia; Sub-National Governments: City/County of San Francisco, Consellería de Medio Ambiente (Spain)… Location Services/Telecoms –Webraska, Kivera… Others –Content Providers, Power, Universities, Consultants, Startups, …
OGC © 2004, Open Geospatial Consortium, Inc.18 The Evolution of the OGC Strategic Focus… Technical and Socioeconomic Impact Improved inter-community and multi- enterprise data and processing resource sharing and platform-independent interoperability OGC Technical Baseline Open GIS Abstract Models Enhanced understanding of geoprocessing interoperability and digital representation of Earth and Earth phenomena Improved multi-source information operations for technical interoperability in web-based environments, enabled enterprise applications and location services, broad base of operational implementations Improved integration of geoprocessing with mainstream information technology capabilities Current Strategic Focus is: Steady improvement in the Technical Baseline and inter-community resource sharing capacity Capacity to share geospatial information and services across multiple computing environments, integrated with mainstream information technology First generation of web-based interoperable services Information and multi- platform interoperability capacity, composite services Second generation web- based interoperable services and decision support systems Open GIS Consortium established and Technical Committee organized Broad scale application of geoprocessing technology and expanded understanding of global inter-community relationships
OGC © 2004, Open Geospatial Consortium, Inc.19 Approved OpenGIS® Specifications Simple Feature Access – OLE, SQL, CORBA (3 specs) Catalog 2.0 Coordinate Transformation 1.1 Grid Coverages 1.0 Web Map Service 1.3 (WMS) Geography Markup Language 3.0 (GML) Web Feature Service 1.0 Filter 1.0 Style Layer Descriptor 1.0 (SLD) Web Coverage Service 1.0 (WCS) Web Terrain Service 1.0 (WTS)
OGC © 2004, Open Geospatial Consortium, Inc.20 Summary OGC represents a large swath of geospatial software and data providers and integrators Cooperation with other standards bodies is required –ISO, IETF, W3C, OASIS