Lead Practitioners for Safeguarding Support Group Autumn 2014
Agenda Recap on Spring support group Early Help Effective supervision Updates and further training
Recap of Spring Support Group Group activity: Discuss topics and learning from previous support group.
List of topics from last support group Learning from serious case reviews Websites and resources Recording
Early Help Hubs in Hampshire “No single professional can have a full picture of a child’s needs and circumstances, and if children and families are to receive the right help at the right time, everyone who comes into contact with them has a role to play in identifying concerns, sharing information and taking prompt action.”
Timetable for Early Help hubs Hub areaWorking group start date Multi-agency launch event Hub starts Eastleigh Gosport Test Valley w/c Basingstoke w/c Hart/Rushmoor w/c New Forest w/c HavantAprilJune/Julyw/c East HantsJulySeptOct FarehamJulySeptOct WinchesterJulySeptOct
Working Together to Safeguard Children (2013) Effective early help relies upon agencies working together to: Identify children and families who would benefit from early help Undertake an assessment of need for early help; and Provide targeted early help services
Who is in the hub? Agencies / services signed up to the hub provision to date inc : SfYC Inclusion team Children’s Centres HCC Locality team, (inc Youth Crime Prevention & link Legal Intervention Team) CDF role within Youth Support Commissioning Adult Social Care – Substance Misuse Team CAMHS – Primary Mental Health Worker Health Visiting & School Nursing Young Carers Young People’s Substance Misuse service Police DWP Sexual health services Transform – link with Supporting Troubled Families
The Early Help Referral Process Request support through Hantsdirect Professional helpline or Children’s Reception team Assessment of level of support made by Multi Agency Safeguarding Hub, MASH If Level 4, sent to Children’s Social Care If Level 3, sent to the Early Help Hub If Level 2, advice provided for requestor and followed up later by Early Help Hub
Activity The thresholds chart Using the thresholds chart and professional judgement, discuss and agree what level most appropriately fits with the case study Thresholds chart available at dhttp://www3.hants.gov.uk/children- services/childrens-trust/earlyhelp
Effective Supervision Group Activity: What does the term ‘supervision’ mean to you? What are your expectations: –As a manager? –As a practitioner? What practical arrangements are needed for there to be time for good supervision?
How you can make a difference. Think about: Can I make some changes to my own practice? Do I need to seek further support, supervision or training? Stage 4 safeguarding training main/6-1%20Handbook-Effective%20Supervision%20v7-1.pdfwww.childcentredpractice.co.uk/Websites/ccp1/images/CCP%2 0main/6-1%20Handbook-Effective%20Supervision%20v7-1.pdf Survey monkey …please complete! Thank you for attending our session today
Don’t forget! Hantsdirect Children’s services Department Tel: Out of hours Tel: Children’s Social Care Professional helpline Tel : (If you do NOT hear anything back regarding their decisions…chase !) LADO (Local Authority Designated Officer) Barbara Piddington or Mark Blackwell Tel: (Concerns of allegations relating to a member of staff)