Wildfires in Pennsylvania www.dcnr.state.pa.us. any unwanted fire that burns fields, grass, brush or forests. Wildfire is defined as… 2.


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Presentation transcript:

Wildfires in Pennsylvania

any unwanted fire that burns fields, grass, brush or forests. Wildfire is defined as… 2

Wildfires affect… Wildlife 3

Wildfires affect… Watersheds 4

Wildfires affect… Forests and Plants 5

Wildfires affect… Personal Property 6

When is Pennsylvania’s wildfire season?

Number of Acres Burned

When are Western wildfires? 9

Western Wildfire Season 10

Why are PA fires predominately in spring and fall? Direct sunlight Dry winds Leaves Logs and fallen limbs 11

Wildfire Behavior Triangle 12

Fuels Grass Leaves Pine needles Twigs Branches and logs 13

Weather Relative humidity Temperature Wind Precipitation 14

Greatest Wildfire Risk

Topography Aspect Slope 16

Seasonal Transitions Spring: South to North Fall: North to South 17

Spring – Mid May 18

Spring – Mid-late May 19

Spring – Early June 20

Fall – Mid October 21

Fall – Late October 22

Fall – Early November 23

Wildfire causes: Other includes: Camp fires (5%) Railroads (3%) Lightning (2%) Children (2%) Smoking (2%) 24

Wildfire suppression can be costly! 25

Wildfire suppression can be costly! 26

Wildfire suppression can be costly! 27

Safe Debris Burning Grass & area cleared 10 feet around barrel Screen Metal container Hose & rake ½ inch holes at base 28

Alternatives to Debris Burning Recycling Mulching/chipping Wildlife habitat Composting 29

Alternatives to Campfires 30

Prevention Message 31

For more information, contact: DCNR Bureau of Forestry Local Forest Fire Warden Local Fire Company 32