International Education Network of Central Ohio Educational Service Center of Central Ohio April 25, 2012
Welcome and Updates Columbus Dublin Gahanna Licking Valley New Albany Olentangy Upper Arlington Worthington
Possible Project Categories Person-to-person connections Global curriculum make-overs Collaborative projects Global issues awareness
First Person Connections with Another Culture Face-to-FaceThrough Technology Through Travel Speaker from a local cultural group. Panel of exchange students or new immigrants address a topic. Join an online project. Shadow a business trip via blog or . Use Skype or collaboration software to connect with an expert, author or another class Visit a cultural center Dinner in homes of nationals or immigrants Student trip abroad
Making Connections Students and families in your school Community organizations and businesses Topic-oriented groups Groups like Global Nomads * Tip – choose a topic of conversation through which culture differences and similarities can be discovered, rather than making those the topic.
Global Curriculum “Make-overs” Taking a unit or topic and making it more global Look at the topic from different perspectives Tie in global issues Include news from another country Look at global data Read texts written in or about other countries
Curriculum Make-overs If you are contemplating a project involving curriculum you’ve got to check out this site!
Collaborative Projects Join existing projects iEARN Flat Classroom Project Choose a topic and find a partner class/school
Collaborative Projects If you are contemplating a collaborative project using technology you’ve got to read this book!
Global Issues Awareness Could be organized around: United Nations Millennium Development Goals Current events in newspapers around the world Model United Nations
Decide Who’s Doing the Work? Students as individuals Classroom groups The school as a whole A group that extends beyond the school
Project Template What will success look like? How will you measure it? Presentations by students at a global issues community evening Students will video tape presentations which will be evaluated using a rubric created by staff and students. Problem to be solved: Students aren’t aware of global issues Goal: All 11 th graders will be able to speak in depth about one of the UN millennium goals Strategies: Students will interview a local expert. Students will share info about each goal on a wiki Grade levels or groups of students involved: All 11 th graders Staff to be involved: Advisory teachers, social studies teachers, media specialists, and language teachers. Community partners: Not sure yet
The Nitty Gritty Summer 2012 Fall 2012 Winter 2013 Spring 2013 Team work Create a baseline survey Administer survey to students Student Activities Choose an area of interest Partners Help to identify local experts Unsolved Access to a wiki space Access to a wiki space Time Line
Your Elevator Speech Describe your project to the president of the Board of Education in two minutes or less. Include: What students will do Benefits to students
Project Tuning Step 1 (8 minutes) Presenting team explains their project and highlights particular areas where they may want input Step 2 (2 minutes) Listeners ask clarifying questions (no judgments or suggestions disguised as questions) Step 3 (5 minutes) Listeners point out key ideas that they heard in the form of balanced warm and cool feedback
Thank you!