Concepts: Human Environmental Interaction As a Quick Review! SS7G2a Explain how water pollution and the unequal distribution of water impacts irrigation, trade, industry, and drinking water. Concepts: Human Environmental Interaction
CAUSE and EFFECT WATER POLLUTION ENVIRONMENTAL CAUSES Parasites, Worms, Snails, Insect Larvae create waterborne diseases that cause sickness in humans and animals INDUSTRIAL CAUSES Mineral extraction, oil spills, mines and quarries, toxic waste disposal, human waste Unsafe drinking water Poor health conditions Reduced life expectancy Poor quality of life Slow economic development Few able body workers Less water for irrigation Burden on government WATER POLLUTION
Climate, Location and Where People Live SS7CG3a- explain how the characteristics of the Sahara, Sahel, savanna, and tropical rainforest affect where people live, the type work they do and transportation.
Where do people live and What Do They Do? The BIG Idea! Four main climates Each climate is a way of life specific to those people. Densest populations are located in cities near a significant water source, either fresh or salt. As water resources shrink in an area, so does the population.
Africa—Where People Live and What They Do Sahara Sahel Savanna Rainforest
Savanna Rain forest Lake Tanganyika
Africa—Where People Live and What They Do The BIG Idea! Physical characteristics of an area change, so do the people and populations. If an area can support logging and farming, people stay. If the trees and soil are gone, the people leave.
Sahara World’s largest desert Very few people are able to live here, roughly 1 person/mile…lowest population on the earth Hot and dry with very little rainfall Most people are nomads moving from place to place looking for food and water traveling by camel. Desert today still has places that are impossible to cross without camels.
Africa—Where People Live and What They Do in The Sahara! Thinly populated except along the Mediterranean coast: northern Morocco, Algeria, and Egypt. Thriving tourist industry with sea resorts where service industry employs tour guides, hotel staff, and restaurant workers. Important salt trade, Airplanes and trucks are replacing camels.
Sahel Transition region south of the Sahara that stretches from the Atlantic to the Red Sea. Climate is hot and arid, rainfall usually only 4-8 inches each year. Most people are subsistence farmers and herd animals, moving when water and grass run out (semi-nomadic).
Africa—Where People Live and What They Do in the Sahel Many people in the Sahel live in trade areas along the eastern Atlantic coast and along the Nile. Transportation is walking, followed by bicycling, People also use animal-drawn carts. Cities have some cars, trucks, and rail service.
Sahel in Sudan Desertification – Lands that was once farmable but now is desert has forced herdsmen south to the Dafur region, which has caused conflict. More about that later…
Africa—Where People Live and What They Do in the Sahel The BIG Idea! Agriculture produces some commodities to export. Subsistence farming is the standard in most areas. About 33 percent of the population now lives in cities along coasts and river waterways.
Other people have subsistence farms growing only enough for their family. Sahel
Savanna Region where grass grows naturally and supports many animals. Covers ½ of Africa with largest population due to the arable land. Average 30-50 inches of annual rainfall divided between a wet season and a dry season. In the summer grass is green and thick, in the winter dry and fires occur.
The Savanna Most of the people live along the coast, as well as along the Nile River. The number of people moving there are a threat to the savanna BECAUSE… savanna
Africa—Where People Live and What They Do in the Savanna Most of the agriculture is subsistence farming and nomadic herding BUT… More and more land is opening up for farming and ranching. People walk and ride bicycles alongside animal-drawn carts and cars. Trains and buses operate in urban areas BUT… Pressure from cities and towns needing highways to connect the urban areas.
Rain Forest 2nd largest rain forest in the world Warm and humid climate with rich plant life and plenty of water. Many animals, fish and insects live here. Transportation is difficult due to the dense forest.
Europeans arrived and land was cleared for plantations. Historically people lived in small groups and gathered food from the forest or had subsistence farms. Europeans arrived and land was cleared for plantations. Today rain forest is continuing to be destroyed by logging. rain forest
Africa—Where People Live and What They Do in the Tropical Rainforest Many residents of the rainforests live around Lake Tanganyika to have access to freshwater. Native peoples in the rainforest earn their living by hunting and selling meat. Logging is an industry that provides jobs and threatens the rain forest
Many industrial centers have build up near the coast to: Use hydroelectricity For importing and exporting Dumping of industrial waste
Africa—Where People Live and What They Do in Summary! People in Nigeria work for the government or in the telecommunications business. Oil industry in Nigeria and Equatorial Guinea also employ people. Agriculture mainly consists of subsistence farming and nomadic herding with growing interest in agriculture for export. People here usually walk or bike. There are cars in cities as well as buses and trains for public transportation.