WELCOME TO REGISTRATION Interlake High School IB&AP An International Baccalaureate & Advanced Placement School
Registration Packet *Student Course Selection Form (Blue) Letter from Mrs. Frieboes-Gee Elective Course Offerings Four Year Planning Guide Online Course Selection Instructions *BSD Student Registration Forms (2 pages) *School Nurse Health Information Forms HS Health and Immunization Info CTE Program Information (Online) AP/IB and Elective options (Online) Math Sequence Options www.bsd405.org/interlake * Forms that must be returned to IHS counselors
High School Minimum Graduation Requirements A minimum of 24 credits are required for high school graduation in the Bellevue School District. Students earn a 0.5 credit for each class each semester. Additional graduation requirements are listed below. minimum cumulative 2.0 grade point average (GPA) (Athletic/Activity eligibility also requires a 2.0 GPA) minimum of 40 hours of Community Service pass Reading, Writing, Math & Science sections of new Smarter Balance Testing Suggest Four in the core subjects which helps to keep the options open
New Graduation Requirements: The 3rd credit of science and the 3rd credit of math are chosen by the student and are based on the student’s interest and High School and Beyond Plan, and approved by the parent or guardian, or, if the parent of guardian is unavailable or does not indicate a preference, the school counselor or principal. Personalized Pathway Requirement (PPR) are related courses that lead to a specific post high school career or educational outcome chosen by the student based on the student’s interests and the High School and Beyond Plan.
Your Future (4 year College Considerations) Rigorous & Balanced schedule all 4 years! 4 Years Math and Science Fine art (UC = 1 year of same class) World Language (2-3 years minimum) ACT or SAT Reasoning/SAT subject tests NCAA – register with NCAA eligibility center College visits – use breaks to visit IB/AP courses will prepare you for the rigor of a college curriculum.
Please Choose Carefully Courses will be offered next year only if enough students register this Spring to fill a class. It is very important that you think carefully about your choices now so that the courses you want will be available next year. Once your schedule is built, changing your schedule will happen only under extenuating circumstances.
Participation in AVID will directly improve your grades and learning. What is it? AVID is a year long elective for student who want to raise their grades and build strategies for high school and college success. Study and test taking strategies, organization, note taking, guest speakers and field trips are all parts of being in AVID. Participation in AVID will directly improve your grades and learning. It will not give you more homework, but it will improve the way you do school. Want to sign up? If you have not already done the application and an interview, ask you school counselor / contact Ms. Vergien for next steps. Students have been / will be interviewed and selected for this unique program.
Sample 9th Grade Schedule 9th Grade English (Honors Frosh Comp/Lit) World Language Chinese Spanish French 9th Grade PE Biology Mathematics Algebra I (if below 8th grade math/struggling in 8th grade) Geometry (if currently in 8th grade math) Algebra II Foundations of World History (0.5) AP Human Geography (1.0) Elective (1.5 or 1.0)
Online Registration https://myclass.bsd405.org
Blue form Fill out and return to your counselor by March 2nd
White form BSD Registration Form must be Returned with course selection forms. Make sure your PARENT fills this out!
White form Health Forms must be returned with course selection forms. Make sure your PARENT fills this out!
Forms to Return Student Course Selection Form (Blue) BSD Student Registration Forms (White) School Nurse Health Information Form (White)
Registration Due Dates Tyee: Monday March 2nd Chinook & Odle: Tuesday March 3rd Tillicum: Wednesday March 4th Highland: Monday, March 9th
Please Remember… …TO GO ONLINE AND COMPLETE YOUR REGISTRATION BEFORE YOUR MEETING WITH YOUR COUNSELOR! …to include alternates for your electives …to choose carefully – “you want it, you got it, you keep it” …to keep your course selection challenging and balanced …to contact your counselor if you have any questions about the registration process or specific classes that you should take
Fall Sports Forms Students participating in Fall Sports must have sports forms and fees turned in by August 21st. Football is due May 22nd. Summer office hours begin August 10th from 9:00-1:00. First day of Practice: Football August 19 Volleyball August 24 Soccer August 24 Cross Country August 24 Boy’s golf August 24 Girl’s Swim August 24 Boy’s Tennis August 24
Contact Us!! Counselors: Alicia Williams (A-C) williamsa@bsd405.org Carri McDermott (D-J) mcdermottc@bsd405.org Maya Vergien (K-M) vergienm@bsd405.org Chelsea Kearns (N-Sn) kearnsc@bsd405.org Scott Marcum (So-Z) marcums@bsd405.org Call the Counseling Center 425-456-7231
Group Questions??